看板 U2 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然明天11點就是日本場WIRES Group會員開賣 但想請問版上有沒有人要去韓國場!!!!! 按照Q&A第一條解釋 Q - How Many Tickets can I buy? What is the ticket limit? A - As a paid-up U2.com Subscriber you are eligible to purchase up to FOUR (4) tickets for any show or combination of shows (for example you can purchase 2 tickets for a show in Brisbane and 2 tickets for a show in Adelaide, or 1 ticket for Brisbane, 1 ticket for Adelaide, 1 ticket for Melbourne and 1 ticket for Sydney.) 很長一段但就是說 我是付費會員的話可以任意買4張2019 The Joshua Tree Tours的任何排列組合吧? EX:一張布里斯本一張墨爾本一張阿德雷德一張雪梨 韓國的Q&A South Korea (REGISTRATION PROCESS REQUIRED) Q.I’d like to purchase tickets at the presale for Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, South Korea. How can I do it? A. When you become a paid subscriber to U2.com, you will be emailed a ticketing PRESALE ACCESS CODE which will enable you to take part in the presale before tickets go on sale to the general public. You'll also find your presale access code under 'Account Info' on the tour page when you're logged in as a subscriber to U2.com. You will receive your presale code via ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ email on Friday 7 June. If you sign up after Friday 7 June, you can also find ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ your presale code on U2.com/tour. 為何韓國的預售密碼要6月7號才會收到?還是現在的付費會員會有2-3組密碼 1 for 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本 2 for 韓國 3 for 新加坡??? 另外請勿在本文徵票 我不確定買到票之後會如何處置 看看我連要買哪一國都還沒決定 所以無法承諾代買不好意思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/U2/M.1559668422.A.398.html
may3day9: 有想看韓國場的 但還在研究他的票是怎麼購買ING 06/05 10:20
bonoo: 已買日本RED ZONE 沒想到序號只能買一張 沒有多的票可以賣 06/05 11:21
penguinpp: 序號是可以一次買到4張,但是如果結帳完成,就算沒買到 06/05 11:33
penguinpp: 4張,之後也無法在加買已購票日期的票 06/05 11:35
bonoo: 但韓國場根本還沒開賣啊? 06/05 11:59
penguinpp: 看官網給的信件,韓國跟日本應該是用同一組序號,b大買了 06/05 12:17
penguinpp: 日本場1張,等韓國場開賣還可以再選擇韓國場次買3張票 06/05 12:18
bonoo: 我已經在買了3張 日本場 12/4standing rear了 意者可來信 06/05 12:55
bonoo: 報價,成本價是5463元 06/05 12:55
bonoo: 票均已成本價加付費會員價錢攤平售出 06/06 15:48
perishers: 今天買了韓國場Standing R!好期待! 06/12 16:23
Ee0936: 我也買到韓國場的standing S去了 好期待! 06/13 10:44
utwokidd: 買了Standing R+1 06/15 09:20