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Michael Caine https://star.ettoday.net/news/2102918 (中文報導) https://www.thewrap.com/michael-caine-not-retiring/ No, Michael Caine Is Not Retiring After ‘Best Sellers’ The 88-year-old’s representatives refute reports of his retirement from acting Adam Chitwood | October 16, 2021 @ 9:51 AM We have not seen the last of Michael Caine onscreen, after all. 畢竟我們還沒看到Michael Caine最後一次在大螢幕上的演出。 節錄 So while the actor’s comments are being interpreted as a retirement announcement, Caine’s representatives assure TheWrap that reports of his retirement are not true. 所以即使該演員的言論被視為退休的宣言,但肯恩的的代理人則向The Wrap保證該退休報 導不是事實。 更新 https://i.imgur.com/ecBJHBV.png
雖然可能不是本人寫的,但是算是官方否認了? Daniel Craig Makes Cameo During Prince Auditions on 'SNL' Daniel Craig在最新SNL上客串演出 https://reurl.cc/Rbqor9 可在IG上觀看。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVHnaiegzip/ https://i.imgur.com/QdOgJ8G.jpg
這個橋段是Rami Malek和Kenan Thompson兩人試鏡Jordan Peele將執導的王子(歌手)的傳 記電影。 在這個橋段,可以看到兩位競爭者進行了一場“Prince-off” 表演比賽。 裡面提到Rami Malek的埃及幾乎是非洲論和 Jordan Peele這部傳記電影後面會變成種族主義恐怖片XD Daniel Craig闖進試鏡,扮演一個中世紀來的王子XD “Is it too late to audition for the prince? It’s a horror movie. It’s about racism right? I’m here, I’m ready. Can I at least have a try?” 「我太晚來了試鏡王子了嗎?這是部恐怖片吧。是關於種族主義吧?我在這而且我準備好 了。至少我可以試試看嗎?」 He then takes a guitar and takes direction for an audition, as the three all start performing together. (有最新任何演員消息會在本篇更新到文章過長為止。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UK_Actors/M.1634404363.A.3D8.html ※ 編輯: ivy77814 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2021 04:21:04 ※ 編輯: ivy77814 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2021 22:09:51