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Ricky Rubio最近接受對於未來考量的採訪 Ricky Rubio recent interview on his future https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/bug4r7/ricky_rubio_recent_interview_on_his_future/ https://tinyurl.com/y24a3lan So Ricky Rubio appeared last week in a Spanish NBA program (Generación NBA) where he was interviewed, thought you guys would like to know some of the highlights he left: Ricky Rubio上週出現在一個西班牙NBA節目(Generación NBA),他接受了採訪,我想 你們應該想知道他談話的一些重點: ‧ 他說,他承認自己沒有成為一名能讓猶他比去年更進步的球員。並表示球隊表示保持 在同樣的層級,這有好與不好的一面。 ‧ 他認為他們在對戰休斯頓一開始表現真的很軟,並付出了代價。他們只在該系列賽最 後3場進入狀況。以整個團隊來說。 ‧ 他說,他已經適應了在猶他的比賽,因為教練如此要求他,他並不習慣打無球,但是 米秋和勾哥需要球權,而他也能理解這一點。這聽起來是不是很讓人很難受。 ‧ He says that he accepts that he didn't step up as a player to make Utah able to progress further from last year. Says the team stayed the same level, which has its bright and bad side. ‧ He thinks they started the Houston really soft, and they payed for that. They only entered the series the last 3 games. Talks of the team as a whole. ‧ Says he has adapted his game in Utah because the coach asked him to, he wasn't used to play offball, but Mitchell and Ingles need the ball to create so he understands that. Doesn't sound bitter about it. ‧ 他說米邱非常謙虛。沒人預料到他可以那麼早就表現那麼出色,但他仍然是同一個孩 子。他顯然有告訴米邱必須學著說不。不要再當為球迷簽下親筆簽名並給予大量時間 的好男孩,他需要學著把自己放在第一位。 ‧ 針對狗貝:他應該成為要全明星。在NBA,人們不像進攻那樣重視防守。他在防守方面 所達到的成果並不是都會顯示在數據上。他迫使對手勉強投籃,嚇阻球員切入籃下。 他讓Ricky在防守方面有更多保障,因為他知道他會在背後協防。 ‧ 針對於Gobert哭哭事件:他認為人們誤解了Rudy,並說他是因為希望他的母親感到驕 傲,所以他覺得因為沒有被選為全明星讓母親失望而哭。 ‧ Says Mitchell is very humble. No one expected him to be that good that early, but he is still the same kid. He apparently told to Donovan that he has to learn to say no. Stop being the good boy that always goes to sign autographs and giving a lot of time to the fans, he needs to put himself first. ‧ On Gobert: he deserved to be an All Star. In the NBA people don't value defense as much as the offense. There are things he does on defense that are not in stadistics. He forces bad shots, he prevents players from driving to the basket. He gives Ricky a lot of security on defense, knowing he is there to watch his back. ‧ On Gobert crying: he thinks people misunderstood Rudy, says he cried because he wanted his mother to be proud, so he felt he disappointed his mother for not being selected an All Star. ‧ 他說猶他州有一個很棒的休息室,在那裡你可以誠實地分享你的感受。他曾經歷過一 些無法對自己敞開心扉的其他休息室。(也許是對灰狼隊的評論?)在猶他州,他們 互相幫助與支持。 ‧ 他同意知道猶他想交易他讓他不好受。他說總是會有這些談判“之前與之後”的鳥事 。但這並不意味著他與團隊的關係破裂。他明白這只是在商言商而團隊想要尋求一些 改變,在那當下他只是最洽當的籌碼。 ‧ 雖然他自己接受了這個情況。但在今年夏天談判時也會列入考量。 ‧ Says Utah has a great locker room, where you can be honest and share your feelings. He has been some other locker rooms where he couldn't be open about himself. (Maybe a comment on the TWolves?) In Utah they helped and support each other. ‧ He agrees that it was hard to know they wanted to trade him. Says there's definitely a "before and an after" those negotiations. But that doesn't mean that the relations with the team are broken. He understand its a business and the team needed to change something, and he was the most tradeable piece in that moment. ‧ Says He took it personally nonetheless. He will think about it when negotiating this summer. ‧ 當被問及他是如何得到關於Conley交易談判的消息時,他並沒有直截了當地回答,而 只是說他與他的經紀人談了很多。有些讓我驚訝的事情:他說他和他的經紀人談過的 事情並沒有出現在報導中,沒有人會知道。我不知道他這裡在暗示什麼,也許他也涉 入其他沒有被記者爆料的交易談判中? ‧ 他說他與阿Q的關係非常好。 ‧ Asked about how he got the news of this talks of the Conley trade, he doesn't give an straight answer, but says he talks a lot with his agent. And something that made me wonder: he says there are things that he talked with his agent that didn't appear in the press and that nobody will ever know. I don't know what is he hinting here, maybe that he was in other trade talks that no journalist broke the news? ‧ Says his relationship with Snyder is really good. ‧ 當他被問及在決定今年夏天去哪裡時,他會考慮什麼? 他說最重要的是上場時間與他 在球隊中的定位。他想被認為有價值。他想贏得NBA冠軍,但是他不會去勇士隊,在那 裡他不覺得自己會那麼重要。 除此之外,他聽起來仍然想要打進季後賽。這是他在猶他這幾年來最開心的事。 ‧ Asked about what would be the thing he will to take into account when he has to decide where to go this summer: says the most important thing is the minutes and his role on the team. To feel important. He would like to win the NBA, but he wouldn't go to the Warriors where he wouldn't feel like he was that important. Among other things, he sounds like he would like to keep making it to the Playoffs. That was the thing he liked the most in these years in Utah. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 無私為球隊奉獻的好球員 即使被當籌碼也不出怨言 為伊消得人憔悴 衣帶漸寬終不悔 這麼好的 好球員 不留嗎?????? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1559288342.A.876.html ※ 編輯: kaikai1112 (, 05/31/2019 15:48:35
Lacus0827: 無情爵 05/31 16:00
WesMatthews: 其他隊更無情 但是猶他是小市場只能吞下去 05/31 16:04
teren: M 05/31 16:15
cidcheng: M 05/31 16:45
o0991758566: $$$ 05/31 17:11
rexagi1988: Ricky至少訪問還會該兩聲 Fav被鬧鐘成這樣還可以說 05/31 17:22
rexagi1988: 希望球隊執行他的TO, 在他面前沒有人可以說M阿... 05/31 17:22
cidcheng: Fav已經很難解釋了,可能他喜歡錢多事少離家近吧 05/31 17:32
mt0481: 爵士也算幫他完成打季後賽的夢想了 至於能不能一起奪冠... 05/31 17:43
mt0481: 就隨緣吧... 05/31 17:43
cidcheng: 雖然我盧迷,但是我也覺得要以他當主力打造...不容易 05/31 17:44
cidcheng: 不是不行,只是畢竟不會是現在的主流 05/31 17:44
FAYeeeeeeee: Favors是亞特蘭大人 超遠的 05/31 18:45
honher: 幫QQ QQ 05/31 19:30
hitomi7636: QQ 05/31 19:42
Newstart: Favors: UTAH is my home... 05/31 19:46
rtfgyrtfgy: 爵m 05/31 22:27
Actus: Fav很謎,他孩子跟孩子媽(未結婚)都在亞特蘭大 05/31 22:29
Actus: 但他就是想留猶他(可能不愛搬家吧) 05/31 22:30
rachu: 盧其實可以解放禁區戰力,不過我們家教練沒有這種戰術 06/01 00:00
kingroy: 鷹勾跟魯小比都是自己出手欲望太低,鷹勾很多該不切該投 06/01 00:28
kingroy: 不投很讓人火大,但他最殺也是那種讓對手搞不懂他到底要 06/01 00:28
kingroy: 投還是切還是傳的節奏 06/01 00:28
cyp001: FAV一年18M 上場20分 輸球責任不用扛 好工作不做嗎? 06/01 10:28
thisismasonl: 小比好可憐,文章下面都在談論Fav 06/01 10:43
newlly: 替比歐QQ 06/01 11:07