看板 UTAH-JAZZ 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfmSwUFIy4/ 小胖 Very sad to hear about the passing of Coach Sloan this am. I’m praying for Tammy and their family during this time. I know things didn’t end well between us in Utah, however I’m glad that i got the chance to sit down with him before it was too late. Definitely something that would have haunted me for the rest of my life. Blessed that i got to play for him and learn so much from him during my 5 1/2 years in Utah. You knew he always had your back when you stepped out on that court. #ripcoachsloan #legend https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfj4IXAZhO/ 妹妹 RIP coach Jerry Sloan You taught me so much on and off the floor I’m gonna miss you.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfpAPngPio/ 米爺 Thank you for the opportunities, thank you for the lessons, thank you for help mold me into a great basketball player and man. I will always bring my “ lunch pail” to work! RIP Coach Sloan (米爺的也很真摯 相當感謝當年教皇知遇之恩) https://twitter.com/masfresco 西街少年 (1)Sad day man.. Rest easy legend .. Thank you for everything.. you changed my life for the better..(雖然常被罵但還是感謝) (2)Facts !!! Just stronger language ha.. but he was the best man .. shirts tucked in.. draw string couldn’t hang out the shorts .. we didn’t even wear black socks and shoes when I got there we had to ask aka beg for that.. (聊起當年教皇的嚴格) https://twitter.com/earl_watson 屈臣氏 Prayers to Coach’s family, Jazz Nation & everyone coach made feel like family! Not only did coach teach us accountability of being a good teammate but he taught us life through consistent effort! We love you & miss you! In your words before every game “hit first”! (聊到教皇給他們關於人生要一直堅持努力 幹又掉淚了) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfy3VNlBe4/ 娘布 Completely heart broken this morning... Praying for Tammy and the family... Coach Allowed Me To Flourish And Take My Game To Another Level... As Ferocious As He Was On The Court & Sidelines, Off The Court He Was Thoughtful And Kind... Was So Amazing To My Family.. My Years In Utah Were Special Not Just Because Of My Teammates Or Larry Miller (our owner) But Large In Part To Coach Sloan Making It A Family First Environment!!! I Know You’re In A Better Place, But We Miss You!!! Rest Easy Coach. (兩點多終於等到阿布 還提到老老闆.....幹又是一份無比真摯的貼文 而且小胖還有留言(兩人互留).....根本睽違10年的合體 更想哭呀TT) (他另有發IG限時...很多讓人懷念的老照片可以收藏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgPvVkJZkj/ 費神 Rest In Peace, coach. I will forever remember you. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAf35pclZrc/ 蛇 I didn't get to spend a lot of time playing for Coach Sloan, but coming in as a rookie he had a major impact on my transition to the NBA.I'm grateful for that. Prayers to his family, friends and loved ones. May he Rest In Peace. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgN1_ODqCA/ 大三零 My deepest condolences to the Sloan family and all of Jazz Nation. A great Coach and an even better man. It was an honor and a privilege to have played for him. He taught us all so many important life lessons. When he had the suit on, he was an intense and fierce competitor who always had our back on the court. When he had the John Deere hat on, he was a kind and humble man who everyone respected. Rest In Peace Coach. (特別提到穿上教練西裝是激烈的競爭者 但場下戴John Deere帽是大家尊重的謙虛老好人) https://imgur.com/a/d3HZHG0 馬嫂 (發在限時IG截圖...感恩教皇給了他這個孩子一個機會以及自信) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAf0gylHBt0/ 奶頭 Still remember my summer league when I couldn’t play because of my contract and he would sit by me during practices and talk about basketball. His love for the game and the great human being he was is something I will remember forever. Praying for his family and friends. R.I.P. Jerry Sloan (非入門弟子) https://imgur.com/a/ST1vUL6 阿狗 (發在限時IG截圖... 提到在還沒很多人看出他潛力時教皇就是那少數幾位之一) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAf765FDUdt/ AK Rest In Peace coach! Jerry Sloan always in my heart. (不知道為啥他選了一張高糊又很好笑的照片...........TT) 同場加映親屬系列 https://twitter.com/dstockton32/status/1263854766515351553 老史兒子 Thanks Coach (一段很溫馨的影片... 教皇在逗老史的孫子 D史的兒子TT) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgHeMjBHUL/ 老馬太太 RIP COACH SLOAN. A legend and one of the greatest guys that we will miss. -- 其他人還沒動靜 之後陸續補上 小胖寫的真摯... 也真的還好兩人有先碰過面 而不是抱憾終生了 真的難過哭到不行... 那年去鹽湖城看Lao-da的比賽 如今那天見到的老大跟教皇 都不在了............... 但某程度我是幸運的...愛真的要及時 願望也是 感謝我真正最崇拜的籃球偶像 這20多年來給我的感動與學習 一路好走TT -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1590159641.A.B82.html
Newstart: 我永遠的籃球偶像 05/22 23:03
monmo: Favors揪甘心 也轉推了TT 05/22 23:05
billloung: R.i.P 05/22 23:05
FAYeeeeeeee: Favors沒給史隆帶而且離隊了也轉 實在是... 05/22 23:06
monmo: 米秋也轉了 05/22 23:08
pinkidd: 看到妹妹,我還想了一下才知道是誰 05/22 23:16
Actus: 哲人日已遠...... 05/22 23:34
a72242001: 重新燃起當年突然退休時的惆悵感 只是這次 會持續一輩 05/22 23:34
a72242001: 子 唉 遺憾沒早點去鹽湖城一趟...... 05/22 23:34
dreamknitter: 小胖的跟米爺的看了格外讓人難過... 05/22 23:47
monmo: 小胖那篇下面一堆球員留言 元祖小胖也發文哀悼了 05/23 02:33
nuturewind: 打一年就被挖牆角的馬嫂會發文嗎…… 05/23 09:20
stocktonobrk: 殺人魔好像也有發出聲明了 05/23 10:15
※ 編輯: monmo ( 臺灣), 05/23/2020 11:52:11
cody7052: 馬修也在IG發了限時動態:https://reurl.cc/7XElv1 05/23 14:32
amonway: AK那張很可愛 05/23 14:36
ammon: 有更新的話也可以用回文來新增吧,比較好看到 05/23 19:38
ammon: AK那照片是三小 LOL 05/23 19:39