看板 VISA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前幾天申請美簽,授權也過了 才想到護照上有別名沒有填入到ESTA 寫信詢問後,回覆: The name on the ESTA application must be entered exactly as it appears on the passport in the machine readable zone. This is the area that consists of two lines of characters at the bottom of the passport biographical page. Please retrieve your application on our website and confirm to see if your name was entered as matching of the machine readable zone. If not, then please reapply. If your passport does indeed also contain an alias, then please also reapply. 1.這樣看來應該是要重新申請了,但一個護照可以短時間內申請兩次嗎? 2.有聽說ESTA可以申請取消退款,但這樣會有可能影響我下次申請被拒嗎? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VISA/M.1522655741.A.799.html ※ 編輯: imanda0324 (, 04/02/2018 15:58:38
cchris: 1只要名字不同就是不同的申請。這不是重複申請 04/02 16:07
cchris: 2不能退款 04/02 16:07
來更新一下,沒有填別名也順利進入了 (僅個人經驗,不表示有相同情況也能正常入關) ※ 編輯: imanda0324 (, 10/03/2018 16:47:52