看板 VR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞來源:http://goo.gl/mAezks 英文內文: Valve today confirmed the existence of SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode which will effectively allow players to play any game from their Steam library inside of VR on big virtual display. steamvr_logoFor the best VR experience, games need to be designed from the ground up for virtual reality. Simply slapping some VR rendering onto a traditional FPS is going to make for a rather uncofomrtable experience, as desktop games do things that are big no-nos for VR, like taking control of the camera during cutscenes, and relying heavily on mouse-based yaw control. But there’s a happy medium for players who want to play their library of non-VR games in Steam, and that’s SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode. Valve today confirmed that SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode is in early beta and that the company would show it off for the first time at GDC 2016 next week. The mode is a bridge that allows games not made for VR to be played inside a virtual environment in a sort of virtual home theater with a huge display. The company says SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode will support the HTC Vive “and others,” which we presume to mean ‘any headset that SteamVR supports’ which is currently the Vive and Oculus Rift. htc-vive-pre-seated-vr-elite-dangerous-ces-2016 See Also: HTC Shows Vive Pre Working Great for Seated VR at CES Although the HTC Vive and SteamVR experience are designed for ‘room-scale’ play, we expect users to make use of the new functionality in a seated mode, playing with a keyboard and mouse or controller. Thankfully the platform also supports a seated mode which Valve says will work just as well as room-scale play. Valve actually talked about SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode years ago, back even before the HTC Vive, when they made their first attempts at translation the Steam experience into VR. It seems playing normal games in the SteamVR environment took a back seat until the rest of the experience was honed for VR. bigscreen-virtual-reality-oculus-rift-htc-vive See Also: BigScreen is Making Virtual LAN Parties Real, Beta Signups Now Open Now that it’s here though, we hope the company doesn’t stop at simply slapping you in a home-theater space and calling it done, as there’s much more exciting functionality to be had, like gaming together with a friend on the same virtual couch, complete with voice chat, or being playing multiplayer matches of games in the virtual space as your entire team and/or adversaries. 心得: 簡單來說就是Valve今天發佈了媒體信 確認SteamVR將會有內建原生的VR虛擬桌面戲院模式 不久之後就會進入beta給大家測試 支援VIVE以及其他頭盔(大家推測這個其他指的就是RIFT 這個桌面戲院模式將可以支援所有Steam遊戲庫裡面的遊戲 按照之前使用VorpX的經驗 這模式應該可以讓玩家在VR裡面使用100吋甚至更大的螢幕來打GAME 或者是搭配3D Vision之類的技術讓3D遊戲能有3D景深效果 (同時也代表了之前花了$40買的VorpX從此無用武之地了XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1457834554.A.FD0.html
kougousei: VorpX開發者表示:___________ 03/13 10:50
ryui0215: Google的cardboard有可能嗎 03/13 11:11
celhw: 可以用第一人稱玩gta5, 巫師三,這樣嗎? 03/13 15:07
kougousei: 不是,簡單來說就是可以把Vive當頭戴式螢幕玩所有的 03/13 15:42
kougousei: Steam遊戲 03/13 15:42
kougousei: 之前只能靠第三方軟體支援 現在是Valve的官方功能這樣 03/13 15:46
huangshinwen: 這樣也不錯 增加vive的使用率 03/13 16:00
trleee: 有點像是螢幕中的螢幕吧 03/13 17:43
mpacd74rsic: 如果可以取代螢幕功能而且又沒有太多副作用....那更 03/13 19:39
mpacd74rsic: 值得買了... 03/13 19:39
NidhoggAC: 這種功能之前已經討論很久了,有正式放出來是好事 03/13 19:43
NidhoggAC: 如果是非steam遊戲可能要靠其他作用類似的軟體 03/13 19:44
NidhoggAC: 至於VorpX是非VR原生遊戲VR化,和這個用途不一樣 03/13 19:45
goenitzx: 有時一些遊戲按鍵總要看一眼鍵盤才知道有沒有按對怎麼辦 03/13 20:30
NidhoggAC: 如果有虛擬鍵盤可以代替也不錯,不然就買左手鍵盤設定吧 03/13 20:41
NidhoggAC: vive的前鏡頭不知道能不能解決這問題 03/13 20:42
JACK90142: 其實Steam上之前就有一款免費軟體,可以把Steam遊戲模 03/13 20:46
JACK90142: 擬成用大型機台玩(虛擬的遊戲大廳),現在這個概念也是 03/13 20:46
JACK90142: 差不多。 03/13 20:46
NidhoggAC: 現在看OR或第三方要不要自己搞個類似的東西出來 03/13 20:50
NidhoggAC: 看OR或第三方要不要弄個類似的軟體,支援非steam遊戲 03/13 20:51
NidhoggAC: 至於vive應該是最虧的,預期中和steam合作優勢又少一項 03/13 20:51
celhw: 如果可以用vive sensor控制遊戲視角就好囉,youtube有看過 03/13 20:51
celhw: 有人用or玩gtav視角會隨頭部擺動改變。 03/13 20:51
NidhoggAC: 頭部追蹤對應滑鼠很簡單,只是看有沒有必較而已 03/13 20:54
makairin: 所以可以支援多人坐在沙發上用vive看電影 03/13 22:44
makairin: ? 03/13 22:44
zuun2768: 鍵盤問題 用手把解決啊 03/13 23:04
cuteVictor: 先ㄧ起把市場做大 03/13 23:25
chrispherd: 跟VorpX完全不同吧 內容都還是2D的 別想太多 03/14 01:41
chrispherd: Google Cardboard和Oculus和類似的功能 03/14 01:43
chrispherd: 一個叫Virtual Movie Theater,一個叫Oculus Video 03/14 01:44
ZMTL: 我覺得這算是基本功能吧,增加VR頭盔的應用面 03/14 09:56
luyaoting: 這類型的應用會有一個問題-解析度, 03/14 13:41
luyaoting: 大部分情況下VR虛擬螢幕不應該做得太廣, 03/14 13:41
luyaoting: 不然需要一直轉頭才能看到畫面四周的東西。 03/14 13:41
luyaoting: 像是SONY的HMZ-T3可視角度為45度, 03/14 13:42
luyaoting: 將27吋螢幕擺在60公分處時可視角度為53度。 03/14 13:42
luyaoting: HTC Vive可視角度為110度,單眼解析度為1080*1200, 03/14 13:42
luyaoting: 在虛擬螢幕可視角度為60度時,有效解析度約為589*331。 03/14 13:42
luyaoting: 在虛擬螢幕可視角度為80度時,有效解析度約為785*442。 03/14 13:42
luyaoting: (以上皆為粗略計算,未考慮透鏡的光學特性) 03/14 13:43
luyaoting: 可以看出有效解析度相當的低,許多細節可能會看不清楚 03/14 13:43
KanoLoa: 其實不會啦,現在一般外面大型展場還都用p6 led撥簡報 03/14 14:07
KanoLoa: 640x480解析度放大到4.3*3.2m的時候,大家都覺得好清楚啊 03/14 14:11
KanoLoa: 眼睛很挑的話 當我沒說 ... 03/14 14:11
kuma660224: 應該是連640x480都不到,因為看影片視角不能太大 03/14 16:10
kuma660224: 否則左右兩邊只能用餘光看。看不清。 03/14 16:10
luyaoting: 修正一下,不考慮畫面變形修正,粗略計算的結果應該是 03/14 20:05
luyaoting: 在虛擬螢幕可視角度為60度時,有效解析度約為437*246。 03/14 20:05
luyaoting: 在虛擬螢幕可視角度為80度時,有效解析度約為635*357。 03/14 20:05
Litfal: 不能用變焦鏡片組把螢幕調遠嗎? 03/15 22:49
kuma660224: 人類比較聚焦的視角約50度,外圍靠餘光 03/16 09:40