看板 VR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《kougousei (kougousei)》之銘言: : 這次炎上和之前不一樣的是有一款叫GiantCop的遊戲 : 之前是用Vive開發 (好像還是HTC/Valve免費送給開發者的) : 開發者也多次到reddit上Vive社群宣傳 : 而且已經透過一次特賣(humble bundle)預售 : 接著就在今天 開發者突然拔掉Vive支援宣布是Oculus獨占 : 這種幾乎可說是背叛消費者的行為引起公憤 GiantCop的開發者對這件事說話了: “We were always planning to release on one platform first,” Hale said. “We have chosen to make that platform Oculus because we’re a small team and making a video game is a huge risk. You’re basically fronting money for a product that isn’t going to pay you anything back for years. For us, it really came down to the fact that we needed a partner. Having Oculus support us and make us a part of our marketing process significantly increases our chances of making Giant Cop a success for the community, and for the people dedicating their time to build it.” “People assume that making a game that runs on both is simple. It’s not,” Hale said. “These are two very different platforms with separate API’s, tracking methods, and coding requirements. We always knew we would have to choose a platform to come to first while we worked on getting the other versions ready. In a perfect world where we have unlimited time and money we’d be everywhere but, unfortunately, that’s not the case.” “They never told us that we couldn’t put Giant Cop on other platforms for six months or anything like that,” Hale said. “We just told them that it’s going to take us two to three months to develop the Vive version after we release the Touch edition. People are saying it won’t come to Vive for years and this simply isn’t true.” “We built our tech demo on the Vive because, to be honest, that’s all we had to work with. Hand controls are integral to the Giant Cop experience and only the Vive had them at the time. But we were always trying to decide which platform to come to first. People saw me adjust our Steam page and assumed that meant it would never happen. I put it back this morning just to send the message that yes it is still going to happen.” ------------------------------------------- 但他發言自己打臉自己... 前面說本來就打算先上架單一平台,而選擇先上O家是因為O家有幫助他們,而 他們是小工作室也需要合作夥伴 中間說同時開發兩種平台很困難,所以本來就一直決定先開發單一平台 後面又說先使用Vive建立技術展示是因為Giant Cop需要使用手把,而當時只有 Vive有手把所以沒的選擇 這... 如果同時開發兩種平台很困難,又已經選擇Vive來開發了,怎麼還有餘力改用Oculus? 所以「開發兩種平台很困難」這點他自己打臉自己阿 這發言實在有提油救火的感覺,到不如選擇神隱 如果真要發言,至少應該是 「我們小工作室礙於資金問題所以這次與Oculus合作讓他們先上架3個月, 實在很抱歉,我們也同時保證將來若沒有資金問題,後續遊戲將不會再有這種情形」 喔,看來FB不可能同意這種發言,那還是閉嘴比較好 原文來源: http://uploadvr.com/giant-cop-speaks-oculus-exclusivity/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1465968679.A.C79.html
mamaya3: 我很懷疑他說的API分開開發很困難 revive是怎麼做出來的 06/15 13:48
mamaya3: 另外oculus的說法是給錢是要幫助遊戲工業 但消費者看到的 06/15 13:49
mamaya3: 是vive給工具開發 等到成熟期被oculus花錢收割的感覺 06/15 13:49
lonewulfen: 騙誰....之前都已經再humble bundle掛名htc vive限定 06/15 14:15
lonewulfen: 在賣錢了,現在跟我說oc版本上了『才會開發vive版』? 06/15 14:15
lonewulfen: !這公司已經毫無誠信了 06/15 14:15
iceyeman: 加入願望清單隔天就給我出這種包,偉哉還沒買下去 06/15 14:16
※ 編輯: zebb (, 06/15/2016 15:02:45
ptag720: 跳針囉 06/15 16:04
a7610783: 正常啦,之前女武神也說限定啊,還不是跳槽 06/15 16:14
ManInBlack: 要給我$$$$$$$$$$才能換平台 懂? 06/15 16:41
cad45nm5: 有夠87的 06/15 20:28
kira925: 這根本鬼扯...開發轉換平台一回事 但你本來是在Vive開發 06/16 00:32
kira925: 突然轉OC根本就不可能是因為轉換平台困難因素 06/16 00:33
ManInBlack: 不是因為轉換困難而轉OR啊,是因為有錢&跨平台困難 06/16 15:11
kuma660224: 就是廠商要錢啊....不用賣半套就有錢進帳 06/16 16:33
kuma660224: 這就使原因,其他都是結果,不是原因 06/16 16:33
kuma660224: FB有的是錢,抵制O也抵制不了背後的FB 06/16 16:34
kuma660224: 當初太7初期也在N64開發,直到Sony 06/16 16:39
kuma660224: 拿出一大桶錢.... 06/16 16:39
fantania: 身為一個創作者最大的願望應該是希望作品能有更多人玩到 06/16 21:04
fantania: 只為了錢的也不用期待它做出來的東西有多好玩了 06/16 21:04
kuma660224: 不過確實有不少獨佔產品品質很高。理念是另一回事。 06/16 22:46
Luos: 他說的其實沒錯 換平台簡直痛苦到極點 06/17 16:17
kougousei: 但他之前是用Vive開發....所以沒道理都已經預售了 06/30 22:37
kougousei: 變成oculus獨佔呀 所以才說他自己打臉自己 06/30 22:37