看板 VR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: https://www.roadtovr.com/vive-cosmos-elite-external-tracking-faceplate-review/ 本文: https://i.imgur.com/01mze8h.jpg
有興趣自己看內文 優點 Tracking performance on Cosmos Elite is notably superior to the original Cosmos; it’s more accurate with almost no discernible jitter or latency. While the External Tracking Faceplate is a modular add-on rather than being built-in, tracking felt just as good as other headsets with built-in SteamVR Tracking like Vive Pro and Index. cosmos elite的追蹤效能比cosmos好非常多,而且幾乎沒有抖動與延遲 而且雖然是使用追蹤面板,但效果跟其他內建SteamVR追蹤的Vive pro與index差不多 (cosmos原始版追蹤問題我這邊就不翻譯了,有興趣自己看) 缺點 (與cosmos同樣問題) While the External Tracking Faceplate takes care of the sub-par tracking of the original Cosmos, it doesn’t alleviate any of the headset’s other issues. 雖然換了追蹤面板,但無法減輕其他的問題 Ergonomics are a major factor for Cosmos, and even though Cosmos Elite (and the External Tracking Faceplate) include a wider top strap, it doesn’t make much of a difference. While I’ve found HTC’s Vive Pro to be very comfortable, Cosmos’ halo-style headband doesn’t work well for me. This may vary on a head-by-head basis, but I’ve found that Cosmos’ head-mount does a poor job of keeping the headset’s lenses in the ideal spot for my eyes, and its front-heavy design isn’t ideal for long sessions. 人體工學是cosmos主要問題(包含cosmos elite),雖然我覺得vive pro非常的舒服, 但cosmos的光環式頭戴並不是和我,因為沒辦法將頭盔的鏡片對準我的眼睛, 而且前面偏重的設計也很難長時間用 This is compounded by the fact that Cosmos’ lenses have a very small ‘sweet spot’ (the part of the lens offering the best visual clarity) and it feels like if my eyes are even a bit out of alignment then much of my view is uncomfortably blurry. I found myself needing to regularly adjust Cosmos on my head to try to keep my eyes in the sweet spot, even after setting the physical IPD adjustment correctly. cosmos的鏡片有一個小的甜蜜點,讓我感覺我的眼睛沒辦法完全對準,這樣我的大部份 視線感到不舒服的模糊感,我需要定期調整頭盔位置使我眼睛能對準甜蜜點, 就算調整了實體IPD也一樣 普通的點 https://i.imgur.com/LgkSlM1.jpg
As for the controllers, Cosmos Elite uses the same Vive wands as the original Vive that launched back in 2016. These are pretty much a known quantity; they track very well and feel very sturdy, but their size and design reveal their age. While the Vive wands have a large trackpad and a grip ‘button’, most modern controllers have thumbsticks, face buttons, and grip ‘triggers’ (which are held rather than clicked). 手把的部分是用vive手把,可以看出來設計非常老舊,與目前的手指追蹤/按鈕/觸發的 現代手把不同 Though the snap-on headphones feel a little cheap and love to get in the way when you put on the headset, the audio quality is solid and easily better than the barely passable audio on Rift S. Index, however, still has notably better audio quality and its off-ear headphone design never bothers you when putting on the headset. 雖然耳機看起來很便宜,而且當你戴上頭盔時會卡卡的,但是耳機的音質還是不差的 比Rift S好,但比index差,而且index的耳機設計並不會在戴上頭盔時干擾你 心得: 看來cosmos elite的追蹤效果不會因為只有面板的關係變差 至於配戴起來的感受,大部分的評論都是非常舒服 只是這邊有提到對焦問題,不確定是不是外國人的關係 手把的部分果然也有人嫌,完全是過時的設計,偏偏HTC新的設計只給cosmos原版有 有興趣的人還可以等等其他測試,貌似3/18開始發貨 -- 標題 [笑話] 唐三藏的願望 唐三藏:八戒,你跑兩步給為師看看。 八 戒:師父,你為啥突然想看徒兒跑步? 唐三藏:哎啊!慚愧,為師自幼在寺中長大,既沒吃過豬肉,也沒看過豬跑步。
changhua5566:我想你也沒被豬噓過01/16 21:40
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1584414207.A.53F.html
zebb: 追蹤效果我想絕大部分情形下是正常的,我之前說的是某些 03/17 11:32
zebb: 只能照到側面的角度下或許會有問題,這情形他們沒有特別測試 03/17 11:32
zebb: 例如一個燈塔在背後,另一個在側面時 03/17 11:33
zebb: 另外文內說有32個sensor,比我之前猜的28個還多,不知道塞哪 03/17 11:34
shin2190: 本來以為外掛面板追蹤會出狀況...XD 03/17 11:55
jb3173032027: 那個手把真的不好用 03/17 12:22
n135n: 好快已經有體驗了,期待發貨更多測試 03/18 09:17
n135n: 手把設計我反而覺得還好,追蹤定位準重要多了 03/18 09:19
leoloveivy: 好像會送遊戲 希望台灣也有QQ 03/18 19:39
nevillechao: 追蹤定位準比較重要沒錯,但是主流幾家都已經過門檻 03/20 11:33
nevillechao: 啦。手把比其他家反人類就變成明顯的劣勢 03/20 11:33