看板 VR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
經典的星際大戰絕地武士2 放逐者 (Jedi Knight II: Outcast)被Dr. Beef團隊移植到 Quest 2一體機了,這款名作採用的是開放原始碼的Quake 3雷神之鎚3引擎,在一體機上 的表現順暢,而且光陰效果也很讚,重點是光劍的砍殺進化成VR的6DOF操作模式,就像自 己握在手上一樣,非常爽快! 官方展示影片: https://youtu.be/4UnPA3GXT1A
目前釋出的是給贊助者試玩的搶先體驗版,只有一個demo關卡,但已經可以使用星戰中的 經典武器爆能槍和光劍,甚至能用光劍肢解暴風兵 XD 試玩影片: https://youtu.be/W_0c7ZjywHo
如果覺得很讚想實際支持,可以到作者的Patreon 贊助: https://www.patreon.com/m/9243082/posts JKQuest Early Access Beta Release 0.1 The very first Early Access release of JKQuest (Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast) is here. Usually it would have been a lot longer before we got to this stage, but the other ports have helped expedite the development. There is still a lot to be done development wise, but we wanted to thank our Patrons for their early support by giving you a playable version. However being able to play the full game is still a little too rough around the edges, with game breaking bugs. Therefore, to make things easier and get more focused feedback this Early Acce ss version contains the official showcase demo mission where Kyle Katarn and J an Ors investigate an Imperial Remnant base on Alzoc III, the Talz home planet . We feel this is a good introduction and also gives you a lightsaber for you play around with from the start (whereas you don't get this until much later in the main Outcast game). This also has the added benefit of not having to co py files from your computer as the demo is contained within the apk, along wit h a few other nice mods that make it look a lot nicer. Just install the attached APK via Sidequest and you are ready to go. When you first run it you need to (as with all the ports) allow it access to the storag e. (I (DrBeef) had some trouble clicking on the allow button, but it worked fi ne for BaggyG and Bummser, so I am interested to know if anyone else has a pro blem.) The (current) Controls are: * A is jump * B is alt-fire or throw lightsaber * X is use current force power (this is very much work in progress) * Y is being up the "datapad" * Right stick up and down to cycle weapons (this is only temporary) * Right stick click to use (i.e. unlock a door when you've got a key card) * Left stick click to crouch (or roll if in 3rd person and moving) * Right grip will slow time (this will be in future how you access the weapon/ force/gadget selector) * Left grip to two hand weapons - though this currently provides no tactical a dvantage, it feels cool Hints and Tips Laser beams tend to come at you around chest height, if you are intending on s watting them back. The immersive cinematics are not enabled in this release, there is more work t o be done before they are ready for prime-time and we didn't want to make anyo ne sick (or more sick than they might make themselves leaping about with a lig htsaber). You also can't skip some of the real-time rendered cinematic sequences (at the moment), so if you don't want to drive yourself mad re-watching them over and over, we suggest you save at the start of the game. Also, please be aware that the demo ends with a lightsaber duel; and duels are not yet fine tuned for vr. They are quite a challenge in 1st person. If you f ind them too hard you can switch to 3rd person via menu options, however 3rd p erson mode is also not yet refined, so might end up being just as difficult! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1665410548.A.503.html
e04bank: 好殘暴的玩法啊 10/12 13:16
ceca: 看起來很爽...終於有刀劍無雙類遊戲了. 10/12 18:08
ceca: 整天在那邊想擬真...真累. 10/12 18:08
ceca: after the fall會紅,就因為他類似,射擊無雙 10/12 18:08
ceca: so..無雙就對了拉.... 10/12 18:09