看板 VR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1677928620.A.B9B.html
Tunie: 居然有這樣的事情03/05 14:00
s900527: 應該很多遊戲都這樣吧~我看交叉購買的記錄都分開來03/05 20:36
hsz0566: 但這款算是線上遊戲,進度存本地會有公平問題 @@03/06 22:31
Tunie: 官方好像是說有雲儲存03/07 03:24
自問自答一下~ Barbaria 的玩家等級和進度確實儲存在遊戲官方的伺服器,因此我在上一篇的猜測是錯 誤的,實際上應該沒有作弊疑慮。 但是每個玩家都有一個自創的專屬ID (Name)和登入伺服器的金鑰檔,在Q2內部儲存空間 裡面: Android/data/com.stalwart.barbaria/files/PlayFabData/LoginData.json https://i.imgur.com/cPSN8eE.jpg
理論上金鑰檔LoginData.json也會同步存在Meta的個人雲端存檔裡面,以便重新安裝遊戲 的時候,能夠繼續沿用原本的等級和進度。 而我似乎是沒有啟用Barbaria的雲端存檔(我以為他是認登入頭盔的Meta帳號,其實不是 ),以致於沒有備份到LoginData.json, 才會重新安裝完遊戲進度就歸零,而且完成基礎 教學關卡之後,在設定 Name 的地方輸入原本的ID會出現「名稱已存在,無法使用」的問 題。 https://i.imgur.com/L0Cl5Rl.jpg
所幸詢問官方技術支援後,很快就得到回信,也拿到我的登入金鑰,手動把Q2內部儲存空 間的LoginData.json檔修正好,並且把 Android/data/com.stalwart.barbaria/files 裡面除了PlayFabData之外 其他的資料夾全部刪除 最後再重新開啟遊戲 等級和進度就全部回來了! (成功用我原本的ID “hsz0566” 登入遊戲伺服器) https://i.imgur.com/uwpJYMo.jpg
附帶一提,Barbaria 製作團隊和玩家社群的互動還不錯,對於遊戲有什麼建議或bug回報 ,他們都會盡快做回應或修正更新,希望平衡性和耐玩度持續越做越好~ 以下是官方提供的支援管道: Discord頻道 https://discord.gg/ZyGzJRQURm 支援信箱 [email protected] 網站 https://www.stalwart.com/support 附錄:我寄去的問題和他們的回信~ — Dear sir, I just re-installed Barbaria (Quest 2 stand-alone version) yesterday, but I fo und that all my progress was gone. After finishing the very beginning tutorials, it asked me to insert my name. I use my original name “hsz0566” but it’s said that I’m a copycat! How could I restore my savings? Thanks! Best, hsz0566 — Hello! Sorry you're hitting this issue, and we should be able to get you fixed up! I saw your post in discord as well, but figured we'd follow up here. Sounds like your cloud backup never saved and so when you reinstalled, you cre ated a fresh account and it isn't letting you reuse the hsz0566 account name b ecause that already exists. A couple options we can try: 1) Do you have access to a PC that you could connect to your Quest2 and copy s ome files around? If so, we should be able to swap out your login data file wi th the old one, and then when you next launch the game it should be into your hsz0566 account instead of the new one your created. Your login data lives at Android/data/com.stalwart.barbaria/files/PlayFabData/LoginData.json Navigate there, open the file, and replace the entire contents with this text for your your hsz0566 account: {"customID":"XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"} 金鑰必須保密不外流,否則別人也能登入遊玩你的等級和進度 Keep the above private, because others because that's what identifies your acc ount and others could login to it if they had it. Once the LoginData.json file has been updated, you'll want to delete the other folders in the Android/data/com.stalwart.barbaria/files directory and just ke ep the PlayFabData folder (see attached image). Those will all get regenerated when you first boot the game with the updated login info. Feel free to send me a direct message on Discord (LoganStalwart) and I'd be ha ppy to walk you through the process. 2) If connecting to PC isn't an option or you'd rather not, we should be able to update your new account info to mirror your progress on the other account t o jump past all the trainings/tutorials you've already done and fill out your inventory with the things you've gotten. You'll need to reset up your base, bu t we should be able to make the new account pretty close to your old one. Let us know if you'd rather go this route, and that should be an entirely server s ide change for us and you won't need to do anything locally. Thanks, David -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VR/M.1678144957.A.629.html
Tunie: 官方人好,不過一般這種問題確實不該發生,PC這邊沒有什麼 03/07 18:07
Tunie: 金鑰問題直接吃steam…03/07 18:07
確實,官方後來有補充,一般這個問題不會發生,因為Quest2預設都有開啟雲端記錄備份 (在待機的時候),可能是因為我才剛開始玩,而且每次都是睡前玩一下就關機,待機的 時間很短,才會導致雲端記錄從來沒有同步過,自然重新安裝後進度就歸零了。 https://i.imgur.com/TGuNhN3.jpg
※ 編輯: hsz0566 ( 臺灣), 03/07/2023 18:15:08