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NVIDIA vs AMD Argument Ends in Murder http://www.eteknix.com/nvidia-vs-amd-argument-ends-in-murder/ Since the dawn of gaming, fanatics have adopted partisan positions supporting their favourite brand. Whether it be Sega vs Nintendo, PlayStation vs Xbox, or NVIDIA vs AMD, these polarised postures have been the source of much childish bickering and sniping over the decades. But how many of these squabbles have ended in murder? Old work colleagues Aleksander Trofimov, 31, and Evgeny Lylin, 37, met for drinks in Saransk, Russia on 16th September, 2016. The two Russian friends got into a heated debate about which graphics card was better, AMD or NVIDIA? Lylin praised AMD’s rendering capacity, while Trofimov hailed NVIDIA for making the GPU for gamers. The debate, fuelled by copious amounts of alcohol, took an unsavoury turn, resulting in Trofimov bludgeoning Lyulin twice in the head and stabbing him eleven times to death, according to Russian site Stolica. As he sobered up, Trofimov decided to try to hide the evidence of his crime. He stripped the deceased of his clothes and put them in a bag with Lyulin’s mobile phone and wrapped the body in cellophane. The drove the body and clothes to a remote lot near Rezinotekhnika. He dumped the body on the lot and threw the bag with the clothes and phone off a bridge and into a river. After Lyulin’s mother phoned Trofimov the next morning to ask about the location of her son, Trofimov returned to the lot to burn Lyulin’s body. Trofimov was sentenced to a measly nine-and-a-half years in priso, was the Judge an NVIDIA fan? 從有電玩以來,就有多少極端份子整天在品牌狂熱。 SEGAvs老任、索索vs軟軟又或者AMDvsNVIDIA,這種幼稚的爭執一直梅停過。 但是這些爭吵有多少結束於殺害呢? 兩個好友兼同事的Aleksander Trofimov(31)與Evgeny Lylin(37)於2016年9月16 相約俄羅斯薩蘭斯克一起喝酒,並且討論了顯卡優劣。 Lylin覺得AMD的算圖能力比較優秀,Trofimov覺得NV的顯卡是專們為了玩家所 製造的,根據俄羅斯網站Stolica的報導,在大量酒精下兩人爭執越發激烈, 最後Trofimov重擊了Lylin的頭部兩次,並且刺傷了他11刀當場死亡。 隨後Trofimov展開了滅屍行動,先清理了Lylin的衣服跟所有物,並且 將其身體包裹後棄屍。 隔日早晨在接到Lylin母親電話後,Trofimov又返回現場焚燒屍體, Trofimov最終被捕並於近日被判處9年半的監禁,莫非這個法官也是 NVIDAI的愛好者?(這句為原文不是我加的) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VideoCard/M.1487649152.A.E55.html
carotyao: 討論顯卡討論到殺人實在太狂了.. 02/21 11:54
FengLiDon: 根本智障.... 02/21 12:07
faintbreeze: 真的是低能兒 不過俄羅斯人不意外 02/21 12:11
RYZEN: n粉不意外!!! 02/21 12:26
a2935373: 羅剎國的日常 02/21 12:33
lovelive123: n粉太恐怖了 02/21 12:39
Sexyfather: 得証 N卡較強(? 02/21 12:42
a2935373: 應該是再次證實N粉的信仰比較虔誠(X 02/21 12:47
kuma660224: 信仰到殺人真的太誇張 02/21 13:06
KnightVald: 在座的激進n粉現身吧!! 02/21 13:10
bailan: 俄羅斯人為了兩個美國公司起糾紛殺人... 02/21 13:18
qday: 還是電蝦和平多了 02/21 13:20
idlewolf: 超蠢 02/21 13:30
vobor: n粉在此,誰與爭鋒? 02/21 13:34
powyo: A粉果然被N粉打死了 02/21 13:35
humbug0453: 真男人 哪時出桶? 02/21 13:36
tabris1: a粉都不敢出聲了 02/21 13:43
greenpeace21:轉錄至看板 PC_Shopping 02/21 15:35
vobor: 在認真思考引退 也該是重拾書本上考場的時候惹QQ 02/21 15:56
a123453906: vobor等這次結束在引退阿QQ 02/21 16:14
qday: 立flag,回不去了 02/21 16:15
chen5512: 這樣才判處9年半? 02/21 16:16
humbug0453: 要退也要等到cpu大戰打完啊! 02/21 16:31
Nexus5X: 一時義憤殺人吧 比較輕 02/21 16:45
faintbreeze: 大家要小心砲友 看他那句 他可能也想在台灣搞這齣 02/21 16:46
faintbreeze: 以後別再相關的板刺激他惹 QQ 02/21 16:46
vobor: 義憤台灣也是七年以下而已耶 02/21 16:49
KotoriCute: 不認為大將軍會這麼輕易就退出電蝦XD 02/21 16:59
vobor: 想專心看你表演就好 小鳥你可要加油阿 02/21 17:02
faintbreeze: 尊重 理性 和平救台灣 02/21 17:13
powyo: 某人的腦補能力真是高端 02/21 17:40
Litfal: 預謀殺人和衝動殺人的量刑不同的,好像 02/21 19:51
faintbreeze: 樓上幹嘛提醒他 QQ 02/21 19:56
arrenwu: 這個案例在台灣不是用義憤殺人 02/21 20:03
lovinlover: 侮辱我可以 侮辱我的信仰就不行 02/21 23:08
ahinetn123: 驅動值五千 02/22 00:38
SRWSEED: 改天看到 intel vs AMD 2邊互砍 WWWW 02/22 02:17
lichung1995: N粉贏了 N粉之光 02/22 11:21
FantasyRyu: 整篇只要抓重點:Nvidia方贏了 03/13 23:34