看板 VinceCarter 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kings.com (blog) Vince Carter Turns 41 – ‘It’s an honor’ 2018/1/26 “Half-Man, Half-Amazing” – and a whole year older. As Vince Carter turns 41-years-old today, he reflects on the career he has now officially had for over half of his life. In a bi-monthly journal with The Undefeated’s Marc J. Spears, Carter examines his twentieth season in the NBA. On his birthday, he speaks about keeping plans simple, while detailing a career that’s been nothing but celebrated. “There is nothing planned for the 41st birthday. I’m going to practice [Friday]. If I can go on the golf course a little bit, I will do that. Otherwise, I am low-key. No big plans. It’s simple. But I’ll tell you, it’ s still an honor to be in the league at 41. I see guys coming into the league at 19 and 20 now.” As the oldest player in the league, it comes at no surprise that Carter plays the role of both teammate, mentor and idol. “Often, I hear [NBA players] say, ‘I was a fan of yours when I was younger. ’ I’m talking about guys who have years in the league that say, ‘Yeah, when I was younger …’ It’s even with some of my teammates and some of the veterans on my team. George Hill, for instance. He said, ‘Man, I used to have your poster in my room.’ It’s like, now I am playing with him. For me, it’s a good feeling.” We have a feeling that while birthdays come and go, Vince Carter is here to stay. http://www.nba.com/kings/blog/vince-carter-turns-41-its-honor 心得: 翻譯不太行,就畫畫重點吧, 看起來年過41的VC心情是平靜帶點榮耀呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VinceCarter/M.1517591736.A.5AE.html ※ 編輯: MonkeyCL (, 02/03/2018 01:16:17
Howard2002: It's an honor. 標題少了n~ 02/03 08:46
Howard2002: 確實是很難想像VC能打到現在~ 待退要十年了吧 02/03 08:47
※ 編輯: MonkeyCL (, 02/03/2018 14:02:25
vcshox: 一堆球員都從粉絲變隊友 02/03 14:38
niceo711: 老卡這種陪大家走過人生大小階段的偶像真的難得 02/03 22:13
aq1: 推,VC加油! 02/05 19:58
aq1: 順便問勇士場舉牌的是版友嗎?哈哈 02/05 19:59
clkdtm32: 有人在詢問VC的價碼 02/08 22:21
vincecarterx: 可以把VC賣去季後賽球隊嗎拜託... 02/09 00:26
aq1: 有點忘記規則問一下,如果國王願意買斷VC,最晚什麼時候加盟 02/09 18:35
aq1: 其他隊,還可以打季後賽? 02/09 18:35
MonkeyCL: VC現在是在周遊列國嗎XD 02/09 20:05
howard4869: 跪求國王一次買斷VC和秋江嬸... 02/10 01:56
scottham: 我也想看VC打季後阿QQ 02/10 11:55
Drexler: 結果沒動靜 再戰十年吧 02/13 00:28
vincecarterx: 今天打得不錯 很全能 02/14 11:56
niceo711: 慢速低空灌籃還是帥阿 02/14 13:44
howard4869: 大家給唐老大這個復刻版的VC灌籃幾分呢呵呵 02/18 11:33
scottham: 48分差不多 但是VC應該是100分 02/18 12:36
clkdtm32: 跳太矮 02/18 15:08
jasonhau0000: 還不是靠VC 02/18 23:23
niceo711: 他個子小,手較短吃虧,已經滿厲害,但結束後學VC pose 02/19 16:31
niceo711: 反而遜掉,46, 47 ok。VC版的高度,滯空,延展,力道太 02/19 16:31
niceo711: 猛,帥度太深植人心,要相當都不容易 02/19 16:31
MonkeyCL: 感謝米丘讓大家知道VC的猛 02/20 06:24
vincecarterx: 今天打得真好 還有飛扣 02/23 17:35
MonkeyCL: 還有超大號絕殺差一點XD 02/24 03:34
vincecarterx: 老卡今天打真好 03/10 16:25
aq1: https://youtu.be/3iSJIspqCVA 03/11 12:32
aq1: 好冷清XD 今年大概沒希望了... 03/11 12:33
aq1: 把VC討回暴龍的話,一定Z>>>B啊,搞不懂暴龍在想什麼 03/11 12:37
scottham: VC今年約簽蠻大的不好換吧...不然跟G.Hill去騎士也好 03/11 17:11
vincecarterx: 今年真的慘 存在感超低 03/13 13:49
howard4869: 只要國王同意買斷,薪資不會是問題 03/14 04:58
vincecarterx: 現在也來不及啦 就算買斷也沒季後賽打 03/14 09:54
MonkeyCL: 剩不到200分就25k啦,VC拼一下吧 03/16 03:14
aq1: 好幾場沒上..是不是直接不打了 03/18 14:24
clkdtm32: 又這樣浪費一年 03/31 23:47
aq1: 幹 = =""""""""" 糟糕,大家快一起幫Mccaw祈禱 04/01 12:09
aq1: 千萬要沒事,拜託拜託 04/01 12:10
aq1: ...不太可能沒事,應該祈禱要能快點傷癒復原回球場 04/01 12:12
neckerchief: 應該很難沒事...希望McCaw早日康復 04/01 12:25
aq1: 唉.....,怎麼會這樣。 04/01 14:12
l791016: 好怕卡老大因為這球而失去繼續奮鬥的念頭胬 04/01 14:27
l791016: 怎麼多一個字= = 04/01 14:27
niceo711: OMG,這個play看起來真的很恐怖...寧願VC放棄這個防守.. 04/01 14:34
niceo711: . 04/01 14:34
vincecarterx: 一堆趁機黑VC的是怎樣... 04/01 15:49
l791016: NBA板的水準不就是這樣? 早就屁孩化很久了 04/01 17:17
l791016: 一出事看你不爽的就往死裡打 或是故意引戰等戲看 04/01 17:18
niceo711: VC不可能故意要傷人,他的球品是相當不錯的。先前一場對 04/01 17:22
niceo711: 馬刺蓋火鍋後還用手撐地,避免壓傷對方 04/01 17:22
neckerchief: 跟風貼標籤都是最簡單的,不用太認真看待那些言論啦 04/01 20:17
Howard2002: 今天VC先發pf耶 04/04 10:35
Howard2002: 球季結束了~ 不知道VC下季會去哪隊 04/12 14:29
vincecarterx: 無聊的一季 完全沒有參與感.... 04/12 19:41
scottham: 真的 除了給的約很有誠意以外 連上場時間都不固定 04/16 18:49
niceo711: 少了老卡的playoff好悶阿 04/19 13:59
kingdomwang: 正常啦 去國王隊 本來就預期他們會練新秀 04/25 10:51