看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
簡單一句話:辦不到。 Virgo horoscope for Sunday Jun 11 You may be harboring feelings of resentment for someone in your life who hurt you or damaged your success in some way. You may even entertain fantasies of revenge, wishing this person would experience the same hurt or damage you have experienced. But this kind of thinking doesn't hurt the other person, Virgo - it only hurts you. So try to turn it around. Try sending positive thoughts in that person's direction. Try wishing the best for them. You may find that a more empathic and loving mindset will actually improve your own life. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你或許對一個曾經傷害你,或者以手段阻撓你邁向成功的人懷有怨恨。 你甚至存有幻想,想對那個人進行報復, 希望那個人經歷和你一樣的經驗,就如同他對你的傷害。 但這種想法並不會傷了那個人,它只會傷害你。 所以試著翻轉一切。 試著對那個人傳送出一些正面想法,並祝福他們。 你會發現自己更能與他們產生共鳴,同時為自己的生活帶來更好的思維角度。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC_M10h. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1497111381.A.AE5.html
ssaann7: 沒門 06/11 00:25
Himetsuki: 中立可以、祝褔沒門 06/11 00:49
gina: 不可能 06/11 00:50
ncleo: 中立勉強,祝福別想 06/11 01:32
peda: 嫑嫑啦!只有劃清界線可以 06/11 01:38
onelook: 祝福它去吃屎,我還可以~哼哼 06/11 01:43
simonbanana: 辦不到 06/11 01:51
Lucy0920: 不可能 06/11 03:34
yoyoyopig: 好難 06/11 07:52
imyilyay: 準爆了...真的辦不到! 06/11 08:15
geange: No way! 06/11 10:25
kent870914: 正面想法,沒這東西。祝福,滾!! 06/11 10:57
wallaceclair: 憑什麼? 要我祝福 辦不到 不可能 06/11 12:21
fd0802: 祝福很難耶~~ 06/11 12:44
nuj52: 祝他有報應才差不多 06/11 14:02
sunbow0614: 祝福?這是哪一國語言 06/11 16:18
tachwiy: 辦不到 不可能 休想( 될▽ ` )ノ 06/12 09:29