看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A unique opportunity may come to you today or very soon, Virgo. While it may seem quirky and quite interesting to you, you may not be sure if you should accept it. Even so, the stars are encouraging you to do something extraordinary - something that lies outside of your comfort zone - and this could be it. If the reason for your uncertainty about this is a lack of time or resources, these are things that can be managed at some point. Consider doing something new and different. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 一個獨特而僅有的機會將在今天或近期來臨。 這個機會在你眼裡既古怪又有趣,你不太確定自己會不會接受它。 即使如此,星星們鼓勵你去做一些特殊的事情,一些在你舒適圈之外的事, 而現在或許就是你跨出舒適圈的那個機會來了。 假使你心裡不確定的疑慮是因為缺乏時間或資源,上述原因都能透過管理來解決。 考慮一下,做些嶄新且不一樣的事吧! ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC_M10h. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1550153937.A.868.html
Lyrix: 前一陣子也有新事情嘗試,但我覺得我搞砸了,害怕再次接觸 02/15 00:09
Lyrix: 新事物 02/15 00:09
ssaann7: 推推 02/15 00:32
heavened: 剛12點一過就收到新任務了 02/15 01:07
mimiwang: 等等就要結婚了,希望一切順利!! 02/15 03:29
ftdifs103: 推,恭喜樓上 02/15 07:06
judy78108: 恭喜mimi大! 02/15 09:31
sleep12hours: 恭喜mimi大~ 02/15 10:30
Cg6998: 準!推一個 02/15 16:26
burgergirl: 恭喜王咪咪出嫁(拉炮) 02/15 16:30
ssaann7: 恭喜mini 02/15 18:35
ssaann7: 更正,mimi 02/15 18:35
mimiwang: 謝謝大家祝福 但沒事不要結婚 累死人了啦~~~~ 02/17 09:18