看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Something is stopping you from having something you want now, Virgo. It may seem like there is a locked door between you and your goal. You could just accept that what you want is off-limits and move on to something else. But if you can recognize that you hold the key to that door, you can let yourself in and move forward. Right now, you are the only one preventing your entrance. Although there may be some unknowns on the other side, you do hold the key. And if you walk through that door, you have an excellent chance of success. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 現在有某樣東西阻擋了你去追求你想要的。 就像是一扇鎖住的門橫亙在你跟你的目標之間。 你可以接受,這扇門目前是關著的,所以你乾脆轉向別的事情(不表示你放棄,只是暫 時先擱下,做點別的事情)。 但如果你拿到了開啟那扇門的鑰匙,就能進入那扇門扉之中,並向前邁進。 現在,你是唯一一個阻撓自己進入那扇門的人。(其實答案就在你手中) 雖然門的另一側是個未知數,但鑰匙就在你手中。如果你走過那扇門,你就能獲得極大的 成功。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1554210338.A.CFA.html
rehtra: 我找不到鑰匙 04/02 22:35
xmrock0825: 找不到+1 實驗結果出不來QQ 04/02 22:45
kuma88: 滿準的QQ 04/02 22:49
Life413: 努力翻鑰匙 04/03 01:24
peggy0923: 真的,要跟不要都是自己的一瞬之間。 04/03 06:00
a222xyzw: 正面迎擊 04/03 11:19