看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Virgo horoscope for 5月20-5月26 A casual conversation this week could give you some big ideas on how to better pad your wallet or maybe even how to increase your income quite substantially . Although this is not something that may happen very quickly, it is worth exp loring and at least taking the first few steps. A plan that has not been going along very smoothly might benefit from a radical change of direction. You may be skeptical about that, Virgo, for you have probably done research that show s otherwise, but take a chance and at least look into that possibility this we ek. A smiling face does not always indicate happiness. Someone in your life ma y have been putting on a front for some time because they hoped to please you, but the fa蓷de can't last forever, and this week the truth may come out. Thro ughout this week, a rumor or even the revealing of a secret could get under yo ur skin. Don't let that happen. It isn't important now, and it will be far les s important in a year from now. This is just a minor blip on your radar. 這週,一段平凡無奇的對話可能給你一些想法幫助你填補你的荷包;或是大大的使你的收 入增加。 即使它不會那麼快的發生,但這是很值得發展以及跨出第一步的。 倘若你有計畫進行的並不是很順利,那麼在這週將會出現一個全新方向的轉變。你可能對 這會有所懷疑,處處,因為先前你的經驗並不是如此。 嘗試看看或是至少給它一些發展的機會。 掛著微笑並不代表真的感到開心,你身邊可能有人為了取悅你而欺騙你好一陣子了,但虛 假的表面無法永遠持續,在這週,將會水落石出。 這一週,一個謠言或是一個被揭露的秘密將會激怒你們。不要讓它發生,因為就現在而言 它並不是很重要。那只是雷達上一個不太重要的錯亂波頻罷了! Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1558201798.A.3D4.html ※ 編輯: hilar26 (, 05/19/2019 01:53:12
ncleo: 被翻譯完了,大推大推。05/19 01:53
hilar26: N大日運靠你了!05/19 01:54
※ 編輯: hilar26 (, 05/19/2019 01:55:28
ncleo: 大大要加入運勢翻譯團嗎? 感覺大大翻譯流暢自在,是位高 05/19 01:54
ncleo: 手啊! 05/19 01:54
hilar26: 不好意思我擅自翻譯了(汗顏 05/19 01:58
nastika: 隱遁的時機到了 05/19 11:04
burgergirl: 小甜心,愛你 05/19 11:13
burgergirl: 忍耐一下喔,週二參加完朋友告別式我就回來繼續練習了 05/19 11:15
burgergirl: ,感謝救援投手們。 05/19 11:15
a222xyzw: 好棒!謝謝高手翻譯 05/19 14:21
hilar26: 我也愛堡寶~~~ 05/19 14:36