看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Understanding yourself and your deepest needs can be critical this week to making the best decision with an opportunity or a change in your life that is possible right now. If you are seeing this chance through someone else's eyes and going by what they believe is best for you, Virgo, then you will never be truly happy or satisfied. You have to understand what will give you the greatest sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in the long run, or you will wind up putting in a lot of yourself, along with a lot of time and effort for very little gain. Be true to your highest goals and ideals, and you will figure out the best thing to do. You may have fluctuated in your goals with an important relationship. However, it may suddenly become much clearer this week. Now all you will have to do is to express what you are feeling and why. If you communicate clearly, you can begin to make a dramatic and positive change that will make your lives so much more enjoyable. An ongoing argument with a loved one may come up again this week, but you can settle it once and for all if you are painfully honest. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 現在有些可能的機會,需要改變或做出決策。 所以對現在的你而言,了解自己或者尋找自我最深沉的需要,對面臨決策的你非常重要。 如果你是透過別人的眼睛來看待事情,或者去做別人認為對你最好的事情,那麼你將永遠 無法得到真正的快樂,或者對事情的結果無法達到真正的滿足。 從長遠的眼光來看,你必須明白什麼才能帶給你最大的成就感? 否則你只會事倍功半(耗費很多心力卻得不到什麼回饋)。 忠於你自己那崇高的目標跟理想,你就能發現一些好的事情。 你的目標可能會隨著一段關係變動,然而,這個星期這種狀況可能會變得更加清楚明白, 而你要做的事情很簡單,就是表達出你的感覺和你為何做出決定(贊成/反對)的原因。 如果你能夠好好地、清楚地把自己的感受說出來,好好進行溝通,你就能做出戲劇化或者 積極的改變,進而令你的生活變得更加愉快。 本週你有可能和愛人(親密的伴侶)出現爭執(這也可能是之前就吵過,現在又拿出來吵 ),但如果你用誠實的態度面對,你可以一勞永逸的解決這個問題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1564836495.A.1D4.html
develop: Thank you : ) 08/04 00:08
waynechen921: 這根本是我下禮拜預期的想法及寫照 08/04 21:50