看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
There is magic all around you - but as a practical Virgo who believes in what you can see and touch, you may not prefer to call it magic. You might see it - depending on the form it takes - as coincidence, serendipity, good luck, and so on. However, you may become a stronger believer very soon when a bit of real magic comes into your life to turn something around for the better. There is no harm in seeing this as a magical happening; in fact, it might make it even more enjoyable not to seek a logical explanation for it. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 魔幻圍繞在你身旁,但實際的處女座寶寶只相信自己看見、觸碰得到的一切,而且你也不 會喜歡將其稱為魔術。 你可能會依據眼前的事情所展現出來的具體形式,將其視為巧合、偶然、運氣好。 然而,你可能在不久之後,很快地十分確信生活中的確有些魔法存在你的生活中,而且這 魔法還能翻轉你的生活,讓事情都變得更棒。 把事情看成受到魔法祝福的轉變,並不會帶來壞處。 事實上,如果你相信,當事情發生的時候,不要追求邏輯上的合理性, 會讓你的感覺變得更愉快。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1579187261.A.878.html
develop: magic 01/17 00:29
obawen: 我又要動用魔法讓宇宙賜一個好男人給我了 01/17 03:21
hiro0920: 我只希望有工作就好,然後就可以逃離憂鬱症了 01/17 10:12