看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A talent of yours that you believe in, that has been overlooked by others, may land you in the spotlight this week. Even though this is old news to you, others may suddenly seem quite interested in what it is that you do so well, Virgo. Whether this is playing the piano, sketching, or some other talent such as being great with mathematics, someone may need your help and discover your gift. Bravo, Virgo! This could add dimension to certain relationships because you are usually understated, and your gifts will make you stand out from the crowd. By the middle of the week, someone may ask you to get involved in an argument and to mediate because no one else can seem to clear things up. While this is not your favorite thing to do, your practical way of looking at things and at life in general could help diffuse the situation and help others see the big picture more clearly. Don't hesitate to help, for you will be the hero when things are resolved. You may also be called upon at work or among a group to solve a problem that is perplexing everyone. This may be easily solvable for you because of your aptitude for certain problems. If you are being pressed to answer a question or make a decision that you do not feel ready to make, don't force yourself. Forcing yourself to think about it will only stress you out. Relax and allow the answer to come to you when you are ready. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你所深信自己所擁有卻被別人忽視的某項才能,可能會成為這個星期的焦點所在。 即使這對你來說並非頭一回,但其他人可能會突然對你的表現感到興趣。 無論是彈奏鋼琴、速描、還是其他,例如:精通數學,都可能有人需要你幫助並且讓你的 天賦能夠善加利用。 這可不是一件天大的好事嗎! 這能讓一段關係各層面都能有所增長,因為你大多數時候都被低估了,而你的天賦將用實 力證明你在人群中,的確脫穎而出。 在這一週中段的時候,有人可能會希望你參與一樁爭執,涉入其中進行調解。因為沒有其 他人能夠梳理清楚這一切。 你不喜歡做這件事,以理性看待事情和你平日生活中腳踏實地的生活方式,可以幫助其他 人更全面、清楚的看清楚全局。 不要猶豫,快點伸出援手,因為麻煩解決之後,你將成為英雄。 你也可能被要求去處理工作或小團體當中困擾每個人的問題。 由於你的適應力超強,所以對你來說,問題很容易解決。 假如你被迫回答問題,或者被要求做出自己不想做出的決定, 請不要強迫自己去做不願意的事。 強迫自己去答應自己不想做的事,只會讓你壓力更大,好好的準備之後,放鬆一下,靜靜 等待,答案自然會出現。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1581168277.A.223.html
orphelia: 謝謝 02/08 23:08
a222xyzw: 謝謝翻譯 02/08 23:14
obawen: 謝謝~ 02/08 23:31
g4zoco196: 好的 不爽不要做 謝謝 02/09 02:45