看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If you were to touch an electrified fence wire, you would get shocked. Cattle and horses know this from experience, and it keeps them confined in their fields. But even if the electricity was turned off to those wire fences, the cattle and the horses would still stay confined for fear of being shocked. Something has changed in your world, Virgo, and it is now safe to proceed. Where there was once a risk of trouble or emotional hurt, there is now greater security and opportunity. Don't be afraid to try something that caused you trouble in the past. You shall be more successful this time around. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 假使你觸摸到帶電的籬笆,你會被電到。 牛、馬等動物都因為被電到過,所以知道不要觸碰籬笆(柵欄),所以他們只能待在田地 裡(不會四處亂竄)。 就算關閉了鐵絲網的電源,牛和馬也因為曾經被電到過,所以會乖乖待在被限制的區域, 以免遭來皮肉之痛。 你的世界已經發生了一些變化,現在你可以放心。 過去曾經傷害過你的麻煩或者精神傷害,現在已經安全了。 不要害怕過去嘗試卻失敗、受傷害,這次你再試試看,不會再受傷。 這次你再嘗試的時候,會更加成功。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1600950997.A.8A7.html
Kelsie2001: 真的嗎 09/24 22:53
ssaann7: 真的嗎 09/24 23:07
tingeyes: 謝謝 09/24 23:18
skyorsea: 真的嗎 09/25 00:29
duziererder: 好 謝謝 09/25 00:48
mi9763: 好! 09/25 13:13
yzzi1159: 希望是,怕的不行 09/25 13:38
eating1984: 謝謝!但心已累 09/25 13:48
anglebee20: 希望如此,勇氣已被磨耗 09/25 22:25
mathtsai: 我覺得這篇說得很準 09/26 03:35