看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯: 你可能會覺得這週特別優柔寡斷、難以做決定。通常你知道你想要什麼,你會做計畫並且達成它。但在這個禮拜,有些事看起來不太清楚,很難達到目標。 你需要讓它變得明白、解決這個狀況,因為這些混亂是有原因的。有些事你需要想的更清楚、徹底,然後再去執行下一步。 別讓這件事讓你心煩。就算你通常能夠快速的解決這一類的問題,這一次你可能需要好好學習。 另外,別讓本週之中的某一天所帶來的艱難挑戰使你拒絕朋友的邀約,可能是一個在週末的計畫。令人振奮的短期旅行就是你現在所需要的,拒絕的話你會後悔。 試著以樂觀的態度面對一切,因為接下來的日子裡,如果你用正向的態度面對,將會充滿著正能量。 最後,如果你決定在週末出遊,你可能會遇見一個很有趣的人,他可能會帶給你一個浪漫的邂逅,或是對你的工作有所幫助。 原文: You may be feeling especially indecisive this week, Virgo. Usually, you know what you want, and you have a plan for getting it. But this week, it may seem like so much is unclear, and decisions are hard to reach. You need to let that be okay because there are reasons for the confusion. There is something you need to think through more thoroughly before you take a step in any direction. Don't let that worry you. Even though you usually figure things like this out very quickly, there are things you must learn this time beforehand. Don't let a challenging day in the middle of the week cause you to turn down an invitation or plans with a friend for the coming weekend. A rejuvenating excursion is exactly what you need right now, and cutting off your nose to spite your face will only wind up causing you regret. Try to think ahead with hope and optimism, because the days ahead will be filled with positivity if your attitude is positive to begin with. And if you do choose to get out and about on the weekend, you could meet someone very interesting, either in the romantic sense, or this could be an encounter that will lead to a business or work-related opportunity. (Copyright to DailyHoroscope,translated by Kelsie) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1606224437.A.6E9.html
toret520: 推!知道目標但是優柔寡斷...週末要去遊行會遇見誰呢? 11/24 22:51
anglebee20: 感謝翻譯 11/24 23:36
ftdifs103: 謝謝 11/24 23:45
nuj52: 讚啦期待週末 11/24 23:52
obawen: 週末還真的事先決定要一個人去台中拍照@@不打算約人見面, 11/25 00:17
obawen: 所以是會碰到誰呢? 11/25 00:17
tingeyes: 期待周末了 謝謝 11/25 08:07
lescafe: 謝謝翻譯,每次都獲益良多,把自己救回來 11/26 10:44