看板 Virgo 關於我們 聯絡資訊
處處,有時候暫時的解決問題是你唯一的選項。你當然更喜歡把這件事做得更完美,但我 們並不總是充滿餘裕。甚至有時候你僅能利用手邊可用的東西去面對那些困難。 儘管暫時解決的程度,可能意味著你在未來得再好好處理一次這個問題,但這會讓你爭取 到可以把這件事做的更好的時間,這在龐大的計劃中是很重要的。去試著接受這樣的標準 ,對這件事感到滿意。 Sometimes, Virgo, a temporary solution to a problem is the only option you have. You far prefer to do better than that, but it isn't always possible. And even though you want to be done with a problem you have to manage, you have to utilize what you have at your disposal. And although you will likely have to address it again in the future because of the temporary nature of this fix, it will buy you the time you need to do it right, and that's really all that matters in the big scheme of things. Try to be satisfied with that. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1654723312.A.024.html
ssaann7: 感謝翻譯 06/09 11:40
ruby009005: 謝謝翻譯~~ 06/09 12:25
lescafe: 好哦 06/09 14:04
vintage18: 謝謝 06/09 17:00
sleep12hours: 知道了 謝謝 06/09 23:59