看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天大家都在代幣期貨,來點PTR的情報吧~ Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/4878 Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts 要塞 Garrison Buildings Mine 礦坑 Mineral nodes should now only be displayed on the mini-map when a character is inside the mine. Characters with Track Minerals active will continue to see mineral nodes from outside the Mine. 礦點現在只有你在礦坑內時才會顯示在小地圖。 但如果你開啟「尋找礦物」時,仍然會在礦坑外顯示。 德政~~~~~~ Raids and Dungeons Raids Bonus Roll Changes 骰出金幣的硬幣 Seal of Tempered Fate can now be purchased from the Fate-Twisters for gold and no longer has a cap on how many can be obtained per week. Additionally, characters can now hold up to a maximum of 20 Seals of Tempered Fate (up from 10). 淬鍊命運徽印現在每週無購買數量限制,且攜帶上限增加至20個(原為10)。 Death Knight 死亡騎士 Blood 血魄 Mastery: Blood Shield's Physical damage absorption shield from Death Strike now also counts as having an active mitigation effect active. 精通:鮮血之盾自死亡打擊觸發的物理傷害吸收效果,現在也計入減緩的效果 (?)待強者指正 Talents 天賦 Breath of Sindragosa now costs 20 Runic Power per second for Blood Death Knights. 辛德拉苟莎之息:血魄騎士現在施放每秒消耗20 符能 Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) General Tranquilizing Shot has switched functionality with Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot. Tranquilizing Shot no longer costs Focus but has a 10-second cooldown. Glyphs Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot has switched functionality with Tranquilizing Shot. Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot causes Tranquilizing Shot to cost 40 Focus instead of a 10-second cooldown. 臘入 寧神射擊跟寧神射擊雕紋效果互換 寧神射擊:現在不消耗集中值,但有10秒的冷卻時間 寧神射擊雕紋:現在消耗40點集中值,但沒有冷卻時間 Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) 法師 Talents Flameglow now absorbs up to a maximum of 20% damage from each attack (down from 30%). 天賦 焰芒護體現在最高吸收20%攻擊值(自35%下修) Armor Sets Tier-17 2-piece set bonus for Fire Mages has been redesigned. It now reduces the cooldown of Inferno Blast by 2 seconds. 火法T17*2加成已修改:減少煉獄衝擊的冷卻時間2秒 Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) General Cloak of Shadows now has a 90-second cooldown (up from 60 seconds). 盜賊 暗影斗篷現在有90秒的冷卻時間(自60秒上修) Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Armor Sets Tier 17 4-piece set bonus for Restoration Shaman now reduces the mana cost of Chain Heal by 50% for 8 seconds (down from 75% reduction for 10 seconds). 薩滿 恢復T17*4的效果已被重新設計: 減少治療鍊的法力消耗50%,持續8秒(自75%/10秒下調) Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Armor Sets PvP 4-piece set bonus for Destruction Warlocks has been redesigned. It now causes Incinerate to deal 25% more damage on targets affected by the Warlock's Immolate. 術士 毀滅PVP*4的效果已被重新設計: 使受焚燒效果影響的目標受到燒盡所製造的傷害增加25% Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Armor Sets Tier-17 4-piece set bonus for Arms Warrior has been redesigned. It now reduces the cost of Mortal Strike by 5 Rage. 戰士 武器戰T17*4的效果已經被重新設計:減少致死打擊的怒氣消耗5點 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1431010119.A.32C.html ※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 05/07/2015 23:06:18
hwsh60013: 團隊已畢業,不過灌鉛骰子增多也是好事05/07 22:49
NoMatterWhat: 那不就可以一直打一直骰了???05/07 22:50
KHN: 還好水晶存量夠05/07 22:50
sdg235: 每一隻王還是只能骰一次吧05/07 22:51
playerlin: 非採礦專業看到小地圖整"坨"大黃點也是挺礙眼的XD 05/07 22:53
chocolater: 淬鍊命運徽印到地獄火堡壘還能用嗎 敘述只有天垂黑石05/07 22:55
cookieyue: 新團隊開了之後會有新的硬幣 記得是這樣05/07 22:57
pikaaco: 新的副本有新的吧 不可能這麼爽的05/07 22:58
ccode: HFC有新硬幣,Seal of Inevitable Fate05/07 23:05
ccode: 另外,挑戰的箱子雖然在6.2能開更高裝等,但是6.2更新時沒05/07 23:06
ccode: 開的好像都會變成灰色垃圾05/07 23:07
xrdx: 血dk無限冰息被砍了,難過05/07 23:10
Oqfyian: 火法8805/07 23:13
Nitricacid: BZ是有多討厭龍息血DK 05/07 23:25
s87087: 披風又砍回去了 難過05/07 23:35
qazzaq3977: 披風阿 崩潰~~~~~~05/07 23:44
tot9221: Flameglow是焰芒護體,不是燒灼05/07 23:54
AriaPokoteng: 怒噓披風05/07 23:56
chuchu000: 不是討厭是太強了吧05/07 23:59
diefish5566: 法師減傷夠廢了還砍...05/08 00:18
diefish5566: 還我時光盾05/08 00:24
dioxin125: 還不夠廢所以才砍吧05/08 02:20
Nauglamir: 火法這樣砍讓火法能毫無懸念換成T1805/08 03:17
Nauglamir: 不然不知道還要穿著T17多久05/08 03:17
illidan23: 又nerf盜賊哪招05/08 03:29
Xenogamer: 現在盜賊比術士還稀有05/08 08:47
SuM0m0: 披風是偏pvp nerf吧 30秒還是有點痛就是了 05/08 09:53
LayerZ: 硬幣是要用Gold買05/08 10:32
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 05/08/2015 10:36:52
Barack0bama: nerf賊剛好而已 不然現在有除了賊之外的melee嗎 05/08 11:45
dieselptt: 又砍武戰T17x4。 05/08 13:59
Dancekwang: 改不改都一樣爛 武戰平常不缺怒.. 斬殺期缺到爆 05/09 19:14
plains: 法師漸影1.5分鐘CD一次 還有沒人會點的隱沒 減傷不算太差 05/10 08:27
plains: 砍火法我比較不能理解 有這麼OP嗎? 05/10 08:29
ila9970: 薩滿臭了嘛! 05/14 00:25