看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
痛術 [NEW] Degradation of the Black Harvest Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%. 增加傷害及耐力10% [NEW] Winnowing Increases the critical strike chance of your damage over time effects by 1%. 增加DoT法術致命一擊機率1% [NEW] Sinister Seeds Seed of Corruption requires 40% less damage to explode. 引爆腐蝕種子需要的傷害降低40% [NEW] Rend Soul Drain Soul damage has a 12% chance to rend the target's soul, dealing (300% of Spell power) Shadow damage and summoning an additional Tormented Soul. 吸取靈魂有12%機率撕裂目標的靈魂,造成300%法能的暗影傷害,同時召喚被拷問的靈魂 ==微調收割靈魂機制== 1. Refreshing Reap Souls will no longer overwrite the current buff’s duration with a new one. The new duration will now be added to the existing duration, up to a maximum duration of 60 seconds. 收割靈魂的buff現在無法被新的buff蓋掉,而是會疊上去,最長可疊至60秒。 2. Reap Souls now has a 5 second cooldown. Developers’ note: Previously, casting Reap Souls at 5 stacks (which would grant 25 seconds of the buff) with 20 seconds currently left on the buff would just overwrite your old 20 second buff with a 25 second buff. Now, in this case it will increase the buff duration to 45 seconds. 收割靈魂現在有5秒CD Developers’ note懶得翻 3. Souls are now reset to 0 at the start of an encounter. The buff is also canceled at the start of an encounter. Reason: Souls are a resource, and we have a rules about resetting your resources/stacks of a buff before an encounter, so that every attempt is standardized. Having souls the first time you fight a raid boss feels good, but it makes every other attempt after that feel worse by comparison. Raid戰鬥中每重新進入戰鬥都會重置靈魂的層數,即使已經有buff也會在接戰瞬間消失。 (這個更動不影響M+) PS:其實at the start of an encounter我不是很確定是否包括raid中的小怪戰,還是說 僅限boss戰,看起來應該比較像是boss戰。(清路沒必要這樣搞) 理由:懶得翻,總之就是不給痛術過太爽 阿我農團想衝榜不行逆 ==== 惡術 ==== [NEW] Swarms of the Black Harvest Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%. 增加10%耐跟傷害 [NEW] Left Hand of Darkness Increases the damage of your pet by 5%. 增加5%惡魔傷害 [NEW] Jaws of Shadow Dreadbite increases damage taken from your Wild Imps' Fel Firebolt by 20%. 恐懼之咬使目標受到狂野小鬼火燄箭的傷害提高20% [NEW] Thal'kiel's Ascendance Demonic Empowerment has a 50% chance to enrage Thal'kiel, causing each of your pets to deal (50% of Spell power) Shadow damage to its current target. 惡魔強化有50%強化薩奇爾,使你每隻惡魔對目標造成50%法能的暗影傷害 ==== 毀滅 ==== [NEW] Flames of the Black Harvest Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%. 增加10%耐跟傷害 [NEW] Flames of Sargeras Increases the damage of Conflagrate by 8%. 增加8%焚燒傷害 [NEW] Cry Havoc When Chaos Bolt damages a target afflicted by Havoc, it explodes, dealing (100% of Spell power) damage to enemies within 8 yards. 當混沌箭擊中受到浩劫影響的目標時會爆炸,對8碼內造成100%法能傷害 [NEW] Flame Rift Dimensional Rift can now summon a powerful Flame Rift. 次元裂隙現在會召喚一個強力的火燄裂隙 -- 榮譽天賦 -- Fel Fissure Chaos Bolt creates a 5 yard wide eruption of Felfire under the target, reducing movement speed by 50% and reducing all healing received by 50% on all enemies within the fissure. Lasts 6 sec. 混沌箭的debuff持續時間縮短為6秒 -- 小結 -- 惡、毀的調整都沒太多著墨 反而針是痛術的部份作了一些說明 嗯...痛術頭抬太高了? 感覺也還好阿,看看那些排在前端的大領主跟秋森萬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1489934504.A.F0E.html
walterDing: 被拷問的靈魂是甚麼呀? M+不會重置倒是還好~ 還能接 03/19 23:03
walterDing: 受 03/19 23:03
kkmin: 不清楚,這是新特質的能力 03/19 23:08
superLM: 就多一魂吧 03/19 23:11
hydra3179: 痛苦跟惡魔要起飛了 03/20 00:01
ExpoEmblem: 唉 開場都沒爆發了 還要重置靈魂層數 M+覺得又弱了 03/20 00:20
jackz: 團本又沒差 03/20 00:40
Esun0104: 不是不想讓痛苦術過太爽吧? 03/20 00:57
walterDing: 原文的理由還滿能理解的 03/20 01:21
Esun0104: 你應該看真正的原文會比較容易理解 03/20 01:24
Esun0104: 另外M+的首領不受影響,別被誤導了 03/20 01:26
kkmin: raid受影響RRR 農團的話多少會想衝數字,魂歸0就很阿雜 03/20 01:36
※ 編輯: kkmin (, 03/20/2017 01:47:13
Esun0104: 基本上這個改動是立意是好的,要看後續BZ打算怎麼處理 03/20 01:48
moccabranco: RL:開場嗜血 痛術:? 03/20 01:57
aresa: 我大惡術感到開心 03/20 02:24
AirFang: 毀術的AE變得有點無腦了 (*_*; 03/20 02:41
wizoza77658: 毀滅AE?有提到這一點嗎?如果是說浩劫新特質的話,1 03/20 03:43
wizoza77658: 00%法能其實沒什麼用,跟7.1.5前的犧牲魔典(不含鬼 03/20 03:43
wizoza77658: 火肆虐特質)是一樣的,那時的犧牲魔典是靠著約0.3秒 03/20 03:43
wizoza77658: 的內置CD,以極高的傷害次數取勝,論單下傷害,約是 03/20 03:44
wizoza77658: 燒盡的1/3到1/2而已。這個新特質要求1、目標要有浩劫 03/20 03:44
wizoza77658: ,2、你的混沌箭要擊中目標,才能打出約0.5下燒盡的A 03/20 03:44
wizoza77658: E傷害,只能說平常也許不無小補,真要AE我還是會用 03/20 03:44
wizoza77658: 硫磺與火焰,片則是拿去下火雨。 03/20 03:44
Esun0104: 原Po可以參考我在巴哈的簡單翻譯 https://goo.gl/HVSqDT 03/20 04:13
Esun0104: 依照原文來看,BZ應該不是看痛術過太爽才對。 03/20 04:15
hydra3179: 有了新的大特質,如果魂不歸零,覆蓋率可能直接100%了 03/20 07:56
hydra3179: 。 03/20 07:56
NodeStack: 那乾脆讓所有法系在RAID王開始時魔量都RE:0好了(欸你 03/20 09:16
NodeStack: 以上是玩笑話,不過我覺的真的給一個直接給一魂或兩魂 03/20 09:39
NodeStack: 的中長CD技能來開場 03/20 09:40
robin5339: 7.2趕快改 切天賦就可以輕鬆一點了 03/20 10:22
hydra3179: 有的話我猜應該也是正式上線後,看了一兩週的大數據, 03/20 10:23
hydra3179: 才會熱修給基礎魂。 03/20 10:23
robin5339: 反正現在痛毀感覺核心影響都還有限 03/20 10:23
robin5339: 跟碎片一樣脫戰給三魂就好了 03/20 10:26