看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
由於奈法利安的低沉咆哮CD少於30秒, 戰士狂暴之怒CD30秒; 所以部落戰士或者沒有矮牧的聯盟戰士常常會遇到奈法利安的低沉咆哮解不到; 導致恐懼+暗影烈焰噴全團滅團。 在著名的經典版戰士Discord"搏擊俱樂部", 有人提出一個假說,認為奈法利安對於"Aggro目標"(通常是MT)的恐懼, 而導致的走位,是有規律可歸納的。 這是他原文語意的推測 Ok - so I'm fairly certain this is confirmation of a new mechanic, as I cant find it mentioned anywhere on fight club (I did discord searches), or in any guide. Sorry if everyone else already knew this, but its new to me. Neferian has a special fear mechanic that guarantees when the "primary agro target" (i.e. referred to as the MT from here on, but its technically whoever has agro) gets feared, they will always run in a direction 0 to 90 degrees from where they were facing when they got feared. This is different to Onyxia, where you can be feared left or right. I had a feeling there was something about the fear that was different. It is obviously hard to see in the logs, so instead I googled and watched nearly 20 random Nef fights posted in the past few weeks (to help assume it was from Classic and not a PServer). 100% of the time, the MT always ran in the expected path, without fail. This did not apply to other targets, everyone else who gets feared can/will run in all different directions. The MT will always run 0 to 90 degrees from the direction they are facing. For science - here is some proof of some of the random videos I watched: 這是他找的一些實戰影片案例; Proof 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU3sKSIMZi4
imestamps: 3:06, 5:47, 6:41 Proof 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE4Y4Al8i-0
- Timpestamps: 4:07, 5:05, 6:42, 7:12, 8:10, 9:09 Proof 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW0kqM3ttK8
- Timestamps: 4:04, 5:24, 5:59, 6:24 Proof 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkRsLKKxs
- Timestamps: 3:24, 4:00, Proof 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zrcB4VVk94
- Timestamps: 2:40:45, 2:41:33, 2:42:19, 2:43:20 他認為奈法利安的低沉咆哮跟黑龍公主的作用機制完全不同, 對於並非Aggro目標的人都是一般的恐懼(也就是隨機往某個方向奔跑); 但奈法利安的低沉咆哮對於MT而言; "只會讓MT隨機往前方扇形約90度角方向前進" 模擬圖示 https://i.imgur.com/ov2Fb1N.png
假說認為只會讓MT往扇形範圍,而且是直線奔跑 個人看了附的影片二時間點的表現,蠻像是有那麼一回事的; 得知這種狀況之後,建議自己團隊MT採取以下兩種站位方式- 第一種站位 https://i.imgur.com/rzO0wBA.png
稍微旋轉龍身,往團隊另一側約15度,讓MT視角前的扇形範圍只會在龍身的左側,這樣即 使不幸被恐到,也不會讓龍頭轉到團隊方向。 缺點是轉龍身常常讓團隊吃到尾翼掃擊, 雖然奈法的尾翼掃擊是1000傷害+原地暈; 不過會降低團隊表現。 第二種站位 https://i.imgur.com/W9ZE8el.png
讓MT的視角稍微往團隊另一側轉15~20度, 這樣也可以讓MT前方扇形方向只會在龍身的左側; 缺點怕MT被打背。 也可以考慮兩種方式結合; 龍身也轉、視角也轉。 測試的結果是,的確沒有發生過轉到團隊方向; 但也無從得知是否這種措施導致的結果。 畢竟"原本"就非常少會被恐到團隊方向了。 這個戰術還在猜想階段,搏擊俱樂部也沒有定論, 基本功請務必還是盡可能利用每次狂暴之怒來解恐、 也不要轉視角因此被打背或是仇恨出錯。 看看有沒有受到這種困擾的團隊可以試試看並分享一下實驗結果。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1588404508.A.20E.html
mealoop: 有用@@ 05/02 15:57
Dorae5566: 奈法恐懼後不會秒接暗影烈焰,一定有會有時間給你跑位 05/02 16:44
mealoop: 我已經看過好幾次來不及跑位惹 05/02 17:07
darkbrigher: 可是我有次賊被恐到龍頭 然後恐懼中就被噴死了... 05/02 19:17
warlocks: 我昨天死就是恐懼後立刻接暗影烈焰 05/03 00:05
SBIt: 他左右的概率可能不是隨機的,往大團恐的機率偏低 05/03 08:31
SBIt: 可能隨機的比例不同* 05/03 08:32
hernest01: 昨天我遇到30秒三次暗影烈焰...想說是不是壞了 05/03 11:06
rukawajay: 上禮拜就卡死狂暴之怒CD 被恐懼直接轉頭噴死一堆 = = 05/03 14:04
hoks: 這種你要就是放恐懼的時候往另一邊跑 05/03 15:15
hoks: 就算被恐了,往大團跑的機率更低 05/03 15:16
hoks: 不然給不死戰坦,狂暴之怒cd還有亡靈意志 05/03 15:17
belmontc: 阿不就以前人家說坦克要會練側坦? 05/04 09:27
oldriver: 現在都打一坦嗎? 05/04 11:11