看板 WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From WOWHEAD https://www.wowhead.com/news/covenant-legendary-tuning-323296 大部分是BUFF :) 我翻一下賊跟戰士的重點nerf(悲劇) 盜賊: 汎希爾: 鞭笞提供的每層臨機從1% -> 0.5% (砍半) 戰士: 汎希爾: 定罪使你的魯莽延長 2秒 -> 1.5秒 剛改版不要急著轉誓盟,讓子彈飛一會兒o_O Blizzard In Chains of Domination, players are going to earn new Legendary items that will augment Covenant class abilities for the first time. As with the previous Legendaries, our goal with these items is to expand the number of choices players have when crafting and equipping Legendary items. Based on our testing and community feedback, we’ve concluded that several of these new Legendaries could use some adjustments to make them more balanced choices. We’re preparing the following changes in a hotfix that we’ll test on the PTR soon. Death Knight Kyrian - Final Sentence: Damage per stack increased to 3% to 15% (was 2% to 10%), and duration increased to 18 seconds (was 10 seconds). Night Fae - Rampant Transference: Strength gain increased to 2% per stack (was 1% per stack). Venthyr - Insatiable Hunger: Base damage increased by 12%. Demon Hunter Night Fae - Blazing Slaughter: Now grants 4% agility per target struck (was 3%). Venthyr - Agony Gaze: Extends the duration of Sinful Brand by 0.75 seconds (was 0.5 seconds). Druid Kyrian - Kindred Affinity: Bonus stats now give 8% (was 5%), and Mastery Rating given is now 150 (was 100). Night Fae - Celestial Spirits: Convoke the Spirits’ duration reduced by 25% (was a 50% reduction). Hunter Night Fae - Fragments of the Elder Antlers: Proc chance increased to 100% when fewer than 5 targets are hit. Venthyr - Pouch of Razor Fragments: Bleed increased to 60% (was 35%), and radius increased to 12 yards (was 8 yards). Priest Kyrian - Spheres’ Harmony: Cooldown reduction increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds) and cap increased to 80 seconds (was 60 seconds). Venthyr - Shadow Word: Manipulation: Gain 5% Critical Strike for each second remaining for 10 seconds (was 3%). Mage Kyrian - Harmonic Echo: Echo damage increased to 30% (was 25%). Night Fae - Heart of the Fae: Buff duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds). Venthyr - Sinful Delight: Cooldown reduction increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds). Monk Necrolord - Bountiful Brew: Procs per minute increased to 1.5 (was 1.25). Venthyr - Sinister Teachings: Cooldown reduction increased to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds). Rogue Night Fae - Toxic Onslaught: Buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds). Venthyr - Obedience: Versatility granted reduced to 0.5% per stack of Flagellation (was 1% per stack). Shaman Kyrian - Raging Vesper Vortex: Damage increased by 50%. Night Fae - Seeds of Rampant Growth: Crit bonus increased to 4% (was 3%). For Enhancement Shamans: Feral Spirits cooldown reduction increased to 9 seconds (was 7 seconds). Necrolord - Splintered Elements: Increased Haste bonus to 8% (was 5%). Warlock Venthyr - Contained Perpetual Explosion: Impending Catastrophe’s damage increase has been increased to 125% (was 75%). Warrior Venthyr - Sinful Surge: Condemn now extends the duration of Recklessness by 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1625808274.A.F46.html ※ 編輯: BloodFan ( 臺灣), 07/09/2021 13:27:51
garlic1234: 有些誓盟的橘裝單純為了存在而存在 07/09 13:29
※ 編輯: BloodFan ( 臺灣), 07/09/2021 13:30:44
k63815: 哭啊 鳥D還沒用到就被砍一半 07/09 13:31
senth: 不給你戰士魯莽全覆蓋了… 07/09 13:32
wangtzu: 琪瑞安牧師配上57名望小鳥可以一鍵M+了 07/09 13:34
redmib: 往好處想就是都還沒做,不用哭浪費橘塵 07/09 13:34
※ 編輯: BloodFan ( 臺灣), 07/09/2021 13:35:06
cat05joy: 獵人 暗夜精靈 誓盟橘 五隻以下35->100%觸發第二下 07/09 13:36
holybless: 菊陳 07/09 13:42
DEVIN929: 鳥d convoke是buff吧 本來是cd減半持續時間減半(1分8發) 07/09 13:45
DEVIN929: 現在是cd減半持續時間減25% (4秒->3秒 等於12發吧) 07/09 13:46
aegius1r: 前天賊剛轉汎希爾== 07/09 13:49
RX11: 你玩刺殺或敏銳的話本來就是范希爾阿 沒誓盟橘也一樣 07/09 13:51
Lizaron: 要不要先玩一個法師再來黑 這三個橘裝目前的法師流派根 07/09 13:52
Lizaron: 本用不到 07/09 13:52
※ 編輯: BloodFan ( 臺灣), 07/09/2021 13:56:22
BJshow: 鳥D是BUFF 不過補D BUFF幅度更大 07/09 14:02
redmib: 有人提到法師? 07/09 14:03
bluesky520: 我也在找 哪裡黑法師 07/09 14:05
tsairay: 沒特異功能還要被砍傷害,戰士哭哭 07/09 14:06
DEVIN929: 忘記是不是一開始內文說法師盟約橘都buff吧 07/09 14:07
BJshow: 法師3盟約改強不是嗎 07/09 14:09
BJshow: 等到BZ發現你們都不用他做的盟約橘 以後 就會砍原本的橘 07/09 14:10
BJshow: 裝了。 07/09 14:10
redmib: 感度3000的法師 07/09 14:11
p200404: 魯莽要斬殺期間全程覆蓋其實很難 基本上要求王是木樁.... 07/09 14:15
redmib: 想到7版那個根本疊不高的斬殺buff,RL我不想跑位啦(被趕 07/09 14:17
redmib: 出去 07/09 14:17
kabukiden: 想知道臘人這波單體傷害可以增加多少,現在獵人單體就 07/09 14:26
kabukiden: 是….唉 07/09 14:26
cblade: 轉回盟約還要被當背骨仔 07/09 14:40
Lizaron: 一開始說了法師又buff 後來編輯拿掉了 07/09 14:50
xien721: 鳥d能起飛不~~嗚嗚嗚 07/09 14:52
d24865: 爽啊次啊下去吧火法 07/09 14:56
tot9221: 冰法盟約橘增強後配合靈印消耗鏡子增傷 07/09 14:56
tot9221: 不曉得有沒有一戰之力 07/09 14:57
wmud: 遵從(盜賊汎希爾橘)的核心在於減cd 機制,雖然後續buff砍 07/09 15:04
wmud: 半,影響的不是很大,依然是刺殺跟敏銳的單體bis橘裝 07/09 15:04
p200404: 梵希爾狂戰也是啦 不然就只能繼續靠賽痛苦之王 07/09 15:29
redmib: 大秘應該還是痛苦吧? 07/09 15:35
p200404: m+還是苦痛沒錯 盟約橘只是單體很強 至少打單體不用出現 07/09 15:41
p200404: 魯莽開下去後轉一隻怪這種情況 07/09 15:41
senth: 我狂戰繼續痛苦之王好了起碼多用,吸血鬼加減做就好了 07/09 15:41
exrana: 爸爸的關愛^^ 07/09 17:30
orz65535: 延長PTR 死線M上線前都還有機會調整 07/09 17:33
pig8409: 戰士的nerf取消了 07/10 02:44