看板 Warfare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
首先要先跟大家道歉 和謝謝FW大 我左思右想才發現問題癥結點 因為在貼吧之類的地方 大家對於前衛=甚麼是有共識的 所以我都是對大家同樣有"前衛"概念的狀況下和大家討論 而我自己對於前衛的概念的來源是來自各樣的個案分析 而不是先看了前衛的教條知道前衛的定義 所以我在給FW大的回文中會先試著丟個案 或者對抗敵方前衛的手段試圖讓FW大理解 但是這都是側面理解 我想FW大也不太能信服 先說一下 前衛艦隊基本上是指Detached Wing 但是我覺得後來有點變成艦隊對決中的Light Forces對抗都被納入"前衛"之中 不過這是我個人理解 後來發現有所誤會 但是原因在後面會闡述 所以我去求問了 答案可以在F.T.P. 143(A)中找到 https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/ref/WarInst/index.html 請從Major的部分開始看 這玩意從前言的e項就先回答一些問題了 Fast and slow battleships do not ordinarily operate in the same battle line. 快速戰列艦和慢速戰列艦通常不會在同個戰列線一起作戰 前衛艦隊的組成 The Detached Wing (if employed) composed of fast battleships, large or heavy cruisers with their aircraft and screen. 接近階段的前衛艦隊職責 The Detached Wing During the Approach 1231. When the enemy is employing a detached wing of battleships or battle cruisers, our detached wing of battleships, if one is employed, takes a position on one or the other of our battle flanks, or in the center where it can best oppose the enemy's detached wing. If a large train is present with our force, our detached wing takes a position where it can interpose between the enemy detached wing and the train. The detached wing avoids coming under the concentrated gunfire of the enemy battle line before our battle line is engaged. The detached wing supports the light forces to the extent permitted by the circumstances. 1232. A detached wing of large or heavy cruisers, if employed, takes a position where it can best oppose the enemy's heavy cruisers. Such a detached wing operating in advance of the battle line on the fleet axis may be utilized to force an early deployment on the part of the enemy by driving the enemy light forces toward one flank or the other. Such forced deployment of the enemy leaves the officer in tactical command the option of deploying in either direction as might be advantageous. 可以看到前衛艦隊是有支援已方輕型艦隊與驅趕敵方輕型艦隊以破壞敵人的早期部署 可見前衛艦隊會參與輕型艦隊的對抗 所以前衛艦隊的對戰通常會跟輕型艦隊的對抗是同時進行 當然這也是因為前衛艦隊"夠快"能支援輕型艦隊 https://imgur.com/5RnrTT1 接近階段陣型 這時主力決戰艦隊在幹嘛 1225. The officer in tactical command conducts the approach of the force so that the battle line may deploy readily and may bring the enemy battle line under gunfire at the ranges stipulated in the battle plan to be used. 1226. The commander battle line orders the battle line to take an appropriate formation from which a deployment may be made rapidly, if the battle line is not already in such a formation. He maintains the line of bearing of the battleship formation such that the battle line may conveniently and rapidly deploy on a course approximately normal to the bearing of the enemy battle line. 1228. Observation planes on battleships are catapulted during the approach before the battleships commence firing or come under gunfire. The officer in tactical command, if in the battle line, normally initiates this unless he directs otherwise or has prescribed a different normal procedure. If the enemy battle line is endeavoring to avoid or delay action and is successful in delaying the opening of the engagement, catapulting of seaplane observation planes too early during the approach may result in their not being available for spotting, when required, due to exhaustion of fuel. 放水上偵察機阿 調整和維持陣型 準備部署大概如此 後面也在一次提了前衛艦隊的職責 12106. Under normal conditions, the usual tasks of a detached wing of large or heavy cruisers are: To engage the heavy cruisers of the enemy or the bulk of the cruiser strength of the enemy. To support our light forces. To attack a designated objective. To defend a designated group. 12107. If sufficient numbers of large or heavy cruisers are available, so that the volume of fire is adequate, they are under some circumstances employed against battle cruisers or battleships that are engaged at the same time with our battleships. 所以除了參與決戰對抗敵人戰艦外的 大致都屬於前衛戰的範圍 對抗敵人巡洋力量 支援輕型部隊 攻擊/防禦指定目標 如果敵人有前衛艦隊 我方沒有的後果? 12223. If the enemy is employing a detached wing of fast battleships or battle cruisers in his van, it is desirable for us to employ a detached wing of fast battleships to counter the operations of the enemy's detached wing by denying its positions from which it can concentrate advantageously on the van of our battle line. A detached wing can also prevent an enemy detached wing from driving our van light forces back upon our battle line from the positions they normally seek to attain before launching their attacks. If unopposed, an enemy detached wing could do this easily. 敵人可以輕易的搶佔優勢位置 並且驅敢我方輕型艦隊 怎麼對付前衛艦隊? 反正肯定不是用低速BB去對付 12224. If we do not employ a detached wing of fast battleships as a counter to an enemy detached wing of battleships or battle cruisers, an alternate counter measure is to concentrate our air attack on the detached wing and possibly to isolate it by smoke screens laid by aircraft. 如果我們沒有前衛艦隊去打前衛戰 那我們就得依靠飛機 原文還有很多內容 歡迎好好一看 反正免費.. 英國守則請看下一篇 另外值得一談的是 巡洋艦的職責 我會在下一篇文分享美國於戰間期時美國巡洋的職責... 就知道為啥教條把CA跟BC放一起在前衛中 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Warfare/M.1514994028.A.819.html ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 01/03/2018 23:41:15 ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 01/03/2018 23:42:42
leptoneta: 不同國家有不同的用法 要不要比較各國差異? 01/03 23:43
※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 01/03/2018 23:47:34 ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 01/04/2018 10:07:46