看板 Warfare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Blue Versus Purple: The U.S. Naval War College, the Soviet Union, and the New Enemy in the Pacific一書紀錄了1946年末在美國海軍學院進行的War-Game活動 可以藉此一窺此時美國海軍的戰術與策略 該書在網路上有正版免費管道 https://bit.ly/2CpeJyr 這邊主要摘錄其中一場-Problem 1J 出現了一場Major Action 透過這場比賽來看到美國海軍一窺對於戰巡的部分運用狀況 因為在Problem 1J中藍隊擁有兩艘阿拉斯加作為戰巡角色。 大體上可以看到雙方學員都遵照1944 War Instruction的訓示為基本原則進行 藍隊 https://imgur.com/QhvwmuL 紫隊 https://imgur.com/3QQMUhZ 藍隊是由2航母4艘BB+2艘戰巡(實際上是阿拉斯加,在1936年的海軍演習中美國是交由重 巡充當戰巡職位,有阿拉斯加後看來主要是交由阿拉負責,除此之外高速戰列艦也能在需 要時承擔戰巡職位。)配合上4輕巡 紫隊則是2航母+5艘BB+4CA的組合搭配4輕巡 過程的引導進決戰(Decisive)的過程阿、情報之類的我就跳過 直接來看雙方的各階段船艦部署 藍隊: 航空作戰 https://imgur.com/ay4tRm7 巡航(Crusing) https://imgur.com/qDmNJ0r 可以看到巡航階段是採用輪型陣 並由戰巡與戰列組成最內圈的航母護航艦隊 接近階段 https://imgur.com/zdRsbQK 戰巡前出 https://imgur.com/CYxXzMb 戰列線階段 航母躲戰列線後方 戰巡帶領輕型艦艇艦隊負責Detached Wing 簡單從圖片看完大致的部署,接著看到藍隊戰巡在BA的規畫中會要做的事和如何引導藍隊 的勝利 注:Admiral BA(藍隊的領導) BA認為紫隊會用重巡於接近階段來對抗自己的戰巡 Admiral BA surmised that the Purple heavy cruisers would probably be used as a counter to the Blue battle cruisers and would lead the Purple light forces during the approach BA認為他的戰巡會在這場會戰中起到決定性的作用 透過驅趕紫方的輕型艦隊迫使紫方提前部署 BA considered that his own battle cruisers would prove decisive in the surface engagement. He therefore thought about exploiting their capabilities— to outrange and outlast any Purple ships except the battleships—to the maximum by designating them as a Detached Wing to operate with the Center, help drive back the Purple light forces, and force Purple to deploy prematurely. If Purple tried to forestall this move by putting one or more of his battleships in his Center Force, Blue could seize this opportunity to press home an early destroyer torpedo attack and damage one or more of the Purple battleships that Admiral BA considered so important. BA的戰巡將擊敗紫隊在Van的重型單位 並幫助驅逐艦攻擊敵人戰艦 BA’s battle cruisers would destroy enemy heavy units in Purple’s Van and support the Blue destroyer attack on the battleships. 紫方要阻止他的戰巡的行動,只能將戰艦也投入Van中來對抗藍隊的戰巡。而這會削弱紫 方在戰列線上戰列艦數量的優勢 He saw this use of the battle cruisers as “feasible” unless Purple placed a Detached Wing of one or more battleships in his Van, in which case, as already noted, the Purple Force would at the same time be negating its numerical superiority in the battle line 當擊敗敵人在Van的艦艇後,Detached Wing就會集中火力在紫方的戰列線上 When the Detached Wing of two battle cruisers deployed, it was to support the Blue Van forces by engaging the heavy units in the Purple Van. Upon the destruction of these heavy units, the Detached Wing was to concentrate its main-battery fire on the Purple battle line 如果他的戰巡能摧毀紫方的輕型部隊 就能攻擊紫方的戰列線 甚至在航空攻擊沒能成功減速(斷腿)紫方戰艦的狀況下去搶T If his battle cruisers could destroy the Purple light forces, they would be able to bring their main batteries to bear on the Purple battle line. Moreover, even if the Purple battleships were not damaged by air or light-force torpedo attack, he thought, his battle cruisers could be maneuvered ahead of the Purple battle line in order to “cap the T.” 紫隊的部分稍微提一下 部署狀況 巡航 https://imgur.com/s3BACIX 接近 https://imgur.com/jf4hSyd 可以看到紫隊這邊 選擇將BB-56前出去做戰巡的任務 這在40年之前的美國海軍是不可能的任務,老標準鐵烏龜可不能跟上重巡,所以重巡就都 自己扛敵人戰巡XDD 戰鬥階段 https://imgur.com/Z5MQZnf 可以看到BB-56做著Detached Wing的工作 因為紫隊的重巡無法匹敵藍隊的戰巡,所以藍隊分配一艘戰艦去Detached Wing 而如果藍隊沒有用Detached Wing 那麼紫隊的戰艦將回到戰列線上 重巡則加入Van的行列 Since his own heavy cruisers were no match for the Blue battle cruisers, two of the heavy cruisers would be accompanied by the battleship in the Purple Detached Wing. His Detached Wing would also be in his Center on the approach and would maneuver thereafter as necessary to counter the operations of the Blue Detached Wing. If Blue did not deploy a Detached Wing, the Purple battleship would join the Purple battle line upon deployment, while the heavy cruisers would join the Van. 在對付戰巡這件事上紫隊最很重要的寄託看來是航空力量 Another twenty-one fighters and seventy attack planes would inflict maximum damage on the Blue surface force, slowing its battle line with torpedo attacks and destroying its battle cruisers -- My Photo Amplframe https://www.amplframe.com/JerryShao -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Warfare/M.1552795585.A.9CA.html ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 03/17/2019 12:09:47 ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 03/17/2019 12:12:22
shield739: 推 所以其實美國這邊對CB的運用還是類似一戰的偵查群 03/17 12:17
偵查 反敵人輕型艦艇 攻擊敵人戰列線 搶奪戰術位置 大巡基本上就是弱化版戰巡 做戰巡的工作 卻沒有戰巡的大口徑 價格又貴得要死 還是IOWA好 想幹啥就幹啥
leptoneta: 然後要IOWA重蹈QE的覆轍嗎? 還是別吧 03/17 13:35
peterlee97: 1946是美軍最成熟的時候吧 那時候能夠跟他挑的只有英 03/17 15:57
peterlee97: 國吧 03/17 15:57
peterlee97: 另一個能夠跟他打的日本已經被肢解了 03/17 15:57
1946英國雖然是強 可是美國已經太強了 要說挑 難 且關係友好 1946美國展望的是蘇聯 I want to look at how the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War impacted the Naval War College in terms of changing its focus from Japan to the Soviet Union as the primary enemy in the Pacific basin. ※ 編輯: wl00669773 (, 03/17/2019 17:05:23
kira925: 1946的時候美國海軍其實反而有點是在尋找自己的定位 03/17 17:21
kira925: 相對於已經半條命的英國還有被肢解的日本 美國海軍對 03/17 17:21
kira925: 蘇聯反而有點不知道該怎麼下手 03/17 17:22
gundamwind: 蘇聯海軍相對較弱,但美帝海軍又不願意變成配角....大 03/17 19:22
gundamwind: 概是這樣? 03/17 19:22
Swallow43: 基本上二戰後一段時間,英美海軍相當友好,尤其是KING 03/17 19:30
Swallow43: 閃人之後,兩邊科技樹各種分享 03/17 19:31
kira925: 蘇聯是大陸軍國 海軍自己又丟不了原子彈 03/17 19:39
kira925: 被邊緣化也是沒辦法啊 03/17 19:39
kira925: 後來還是韓戰爆發 CV展現介入傳統戰爭的效應才大逆轉 03/17 19:39
kuma660224: 當時在吵重轟與大型CV要留誰, 03/17 20:07
kuma660224: 戰爭開始以後,都留.... 03/17 20:08
swatteam: 艦隊無法有效運用航空資產(數量不夠 空母互毆) 03/17 20:41
swatteam: 當然還是要挑手中跑夠快夠遠的艦艇去當前衛 03/17 20:43
peterlee97: 我的意思是指當時實力勉強能跟美國鬼畜海軍打一下的 03/17 20:55
peterlee97: 只剩英國 蘇聯的海軍根本悲歌 可能殘破的日本海軍都 03/17 20:55
peterlee97: 能打贏他 03/17 20:55
peterlee97: (我指肢解前) 03/17 20:55
QuentinHu: 推 03/18 01:44
PAULDAVID: 所以上面有回 穩贏蘇聯海軍也沒意義 性質相斥 最大大陸 03/18 08:36
PAULDAVID: 國不是海軍能強挑的 03/18 08:36
swatteam: 所以米海軍後來就吹只有空母才能(勉強)做的事 03/18 16:29
swatteam: 像是巴倫支海放飛機對蘇聯境內目標核子轟炸 03/18 16:30