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外國影視作品對於鄭成功的鐵人兵介紹 https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Troop The Iron Troops were the brainchild of Koxinga, the Ming military leader and man responsible for ousting the Dutch from Formosa, now Taiwan, in 1662. Recalling memories of heavily armored Japanese soldiers from his youth, Koxinga brought the idea of iron-armored infantry units to his generals. They balked at the suggestion, claiming that with its weight of 50 pounds or more, iron armor was incredibly restricting. But one general, Gam Hui, had the brilliant idea of having their soldiers train specifically to carry such a weight and learn to fight while bearing it. He suggested that men train with sand bags attached to each foot, and those who wanted to be selected for the elite guard, known as iron man, would have to move a 400-pound stone around the training field three times in a single day. Only the toughest warriors would earn the right to fight as iron troops. With this training regimen in place, Koxinga began to build his army of iron troops, which reached a size of 10,000 men. At first sight, the iron troops sowed confusion in their enemies. Other armies feared them and often hesitated to attack. The iron troops wore metal masks, armor, and often painted their faces to frighten and discombobulate the opposing soldiers. Members of the Chinese Qin army even wondered if the iron troops were gods, and if they should attack them at all. During Koxinga’ s battles for Formosa, the Dutch soldiers quickly developed a deep fear of the iron troops. Diaries of Dutch soldiers include sketches, as well as passages such as this one: “All of his troops, besides their arms and feet, were covered in iron scaled armor. Even though many of them died, the others wouldn’t even look and charged on like crazy dogs.” 翻譯 鐵人兵是鄭成功創設的軍隊,他曾任明朝將領,並於西元 1662 年將荷蘭人逐出台灣。鄭 成功依照他幼時對日本軍人厚重戎裝的記憶,向將領們提出鐵甲步兵的構想。將領們多面 有難色,認為穿戴 23 公斤以上的鐵甲,行動力將大受限製。但甘輝將軍卻靈光乍現,讓 他的士兵接受特別訓練,學習在配戴如此重的配備時如何戰鬥。他還建議在雙腳上綁上沙 袋,如果想要進入精銳部隊成為鐵人的話,必須每天在訓練場搬運 180 公斤的石塊三趟。 隻有最強壯的戰士才能成為鐵人兵一員。鄭成功使用這種訓練方式,建立了他的鐵人兵 ,人數後來達到 1 萬人之多。敵軍在戰場上乍見鐵軍時都十分錯愕,有些軍隊則是心生 畏懼,遲遲不敢攻擊。鐵人兵戴著金屬面罩,身穿金屬盔甲,並且塗臉來恐嚇、困惑敵軍 。清軍甚至以為他們是神明而不敢攻擊。鄭成功的台灣之役中,荷蘭軍對於軍有著非常深 的恐懼。荷蘭士兵曾在日記上畫下鐵人兵的模樣,並這樣寫著:"這支軍隊除了手腳之外, 全身覆蓋著鐵甲。有同袍死亡時,他們一眼也不多看,像瘋狗一樣,繼續向前衝。 外國畫家對於鄭成功的鐵人兵描述的畫像 https://i.imgur.com/jxnJZ5D.jpg
世界戰史上有類似像鄭成功的鐵人兵一般 如同眾神一般的兵種嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Warfare/M.1630045393.A.6DC.html
gary76: 鐵人軍穿拖鞋的,放地刺可破 08/27 14:49
stuj9019: 這樣算鐵人那不知道清軍看到西歐鐵罐頭時會怎麼想… 08/27 15:06
pedro0930: 一天到晚寫這種農場結論不累? 08/27 15:07
mikamikan: 你該不會是玩了某遊戲才想問的吧,問這個很難不聯想跟 08/27 15:24
mikamikan: 最近buff 的東西有關 08/27 15:24
M4Tank: 金國:我的鐵浮屠比較猛 08/27 15:41
iamhm: 上次是AOE4代 這次是3代 08/27 15:43
JosephChen: 外國影視作品?這是AOE的單位介紹吧... 08/27 15:57
goodgodgd: 不就重甲步兵而已嗎?看不出有什麼特別的 08/27 15:58
jimmy5680: 鐵人是仿效八旗,清軍很熟悉好嗎 08/27 16:26
SGshinji: 阿不就外國的全套騎士甲冑東方版 08/27 16:35
bcs: 八旗是棉甲,比較像朝鮮鱗甲 08/27 16:38
mikamikan: 後金跟明軍的都是棉包鐵啦 不過這東西其實跟步人甲差不 08/27 17:50
mikamikan: 不多 大概就是brigandine和札甲間的差別 差在甲片大小 08/27 17:52
BUMAS: 板甲標示: 08/27 18:00
purue: 第壹張圖九頭身是誰 08/27 19:22
zeumax: 就模仿滿清的重步兵,如果互相比拼應該不分上下,說當世最 08/27 19:43
zeumax: 強有點誇張,不過確實都是精銳,只是在火砲開始發展,最後 08/27 19:43
zeumax: 被火砲滅殺 08/27 19:43
zeumax: 說真的應該是夕陽無限好 08/27 19:44
zeumax: 連金女真也算進來,女真的特殊兵就是鐵甲重步了,滿清鐵甲 08/27 19:46
zeumax: 起家轉棉甲也是因應時代改變而為 08/27 19:46
kuma660224: 就模仿後金精銳披甲重步兵的山寨版 08/27 19:54
kuma660224: 不過當時西方已發展到正普及重型火繩槍 08/27 19:55
kuma660224: 足以擊破重甲 導致防禦改變 08/27 19:55
kuma660224: 東亞大陸因為還在輕型鳥銃較無此壓力 08/27 19:56
kuma660224: 歐洲叉架重型火槍破甲能力正淘汰3/4板甲 08/27 19:58
kuma660224: 變成”重點防禦”夠厚的胸甲 08/27 19:59
ja23072008: 鄭軍鐵人起初是撿清軍裝備來用,只是除去面甲等不利 08/27 20:07
ja23072008: 華南氣候和密林的部分。 08/27 20:07
ja23072008: 甘輝在護國嶺之役引誘八旗精銳深入山林追擊。因為按 08/27 20:19
ja23072008: 照慣例,八旗重裝步騎出擊,敵軍都是崩潰的份。結果 08/27 20:19
ja23072008: 輕敵被鄭軍弄成山地負重馬拉松,然後狹路被擊全軍覆沒 08/27 20:19
ja23072008: 。 08/27 20:19
overno: 在台南(赤崁樓?忘了)有鄭成功鐵人的鎧甲實物,個人感覺 08/28 12:49
overno: 防護力還好,但肯定比棉甲棉襖通風 08/28 12:49
overno: 看泰國的古裝片,當地人好像打赤膊穿鐵甲 08/28 12:50
sdd5426: 居然還有人這麼跟這ID這麼認真zzz 08/28 12:54
overno: 北方明軍也有披甲 08/28 12:57
※ 編輯: googolplex ( 日本), 12/01/2021 16:30:40