看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
06.09.2015 Q&A Nothing really new or interesting today. Starting tomorrow, new tanks should start appearing on supertest. 今天沒啥有趣的新玩意,從明天開始新戰車會在超測裡粉墨登場。 Wargaming made a decision from now on to simplify new tier 1 and 2 tanks by not adding so many modules. As such, the Czech tier 1 will have no unlockable modules save for second gun and tier 2 will have two modules (including stock) of everything or something like that. WG決定簡化新捷克線T1&T2戰車的模塊數量,T1不會有需要解鎖的模塊,而T2包含白板在 內僅會有2個。 What do you think of this decision? 你們覺得這決定如何? 07.09.2015 Q&A Storm is collecting info from RU players about the performance in 9.10 - apparently many players reported FPS drops in 9.10. Storm正在收集RU玩家有關9.10狀況的數據 - 許多玩家回報在9.10時FPS表現很明顯地不 及以往。 - there is a lot of outrage on RU forums regarding the Type 59/Patton hybrid because it is underpowered and overpriced, players are expecting it to appear as a marathon prize soon anyway RU論壇上有許多有關59/巴頓的不滿之聲,指其戰力低下卻價格高昂。 玩家期待不久以後就能在馬拉松任務獎勵看到它。 - in new motion physics, artillery and TD's won't be able to make a quick U-turn ("handbrake police turn"), this is intentional for fast TD's not to do that quickly 在新物理系統裡,砲車跟TD沒辦法作出急速迴旋的甩尾動作,是因為某些高機動TD而蓄意 如此。 (譯注,打得又痛跑得又快,那都給你TD玩就好啦!) - apparently there is a bug in 9.10 - camouflage doesn't display properly on HD models, it will be investigated 9.10有個很明顯的BUG -- 迷彩塗裝在HD模型上顯示得並不正確 ,會再研究。 - Storm states that the bug where in some cases the silhouettes do not appear properly could not be reproduced by Wargaming Storm表示WG無法重現車身剪影顯示不正確的BUG。 (譯注: 無法重現,也就無法檢證,也就無從修復...) - Storm states that the current level of WoT is "satisfactory" - there will be serious optimizations in the future however Storm對目前的WoT感到滿意,但以後也還會有相當的調整。 - current WoT performance is better than it was before 9.0 目前WoT的總體表現優於9.0以前的版本 - for now there is no hotfix patch ready yet for 9.10 目前還尚未有9.10版本的Hotfix 08.09.2015 Q&A - Q: "With the changed map distribution system in 9.10, do you expect the situations where players get the same map over and over again to be less common?" A: "I can't say exactly" Q:地圖分配機制於9.10的改動是否可讓玩家免於一直分配到相同地圖的狀況? A: 無法保證。 - it's possible that the triple buffer button in WoT is not working correctly (unclear details) WoT裡的三重緩衝選項有可能並未正常運作(細節尚不明朗) - IS-6 will not be rebalanced IS-6不會被重新平衡 - E-25 marathon feedback? "No comment" E-25馬拉松任務玩家回饋? "不予置評" - there is a bug in 9.10 with the traces after tank either disappearing right away or "following" a tank at some distance, it will be fixed 9.10有個車後履帶痕會突然消失或是顯示不正常的BUG,將會修復。 - the effects of coated optics and binoculars are not cumulative - the vehicle with 100 meters viewrange (example) either uses 100+10 (optics) or 100+25 (binoculars) 鍍膜跟V鏡的效果不會累積,舉例來說一輛有100M視野的車輛只會同時有100+10(鍍膜)或 是100+25(V鏡)的視野。 (譯注: 我還以為這件事很多人都知道了,難道官方以前沒說明過嗎?) --------- 決定採用文義譯法 貼近原文的譯法不但耗費腦力, 有時候譯出來的句子也不符中文邏輯(語言癌) 開始回想起以前翻譯課上老師教的東西了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1441819196.A.747.html
colin1120 : 是否可讓玩家免於一直分配到相同地圖的狀況? NO 09/10 01:39
colin1120 : 不然我就不會7場進史達林格勒5場了 09/10 01:40
a9220072002 : 原來鍍膜跟V鏡的效果不會累積 09/10 08:58
s30431 : 到底是誰認為鍍膜跟V鏡會效果累積....思考停止? 09/10 10:11
deluxe : 跟思考無關,就只是知不知道而已 09/10 10:41
s30431 : 我是感覺跟思考還是有關聯,物品說明簡單明瞭 09/10 10:47
s30431 : 基本可視範圍+ ? %,可能是有人看到兩樣東西 09/10 10:48
s30431 : 都有加成,然後心想好開心歐有2個加視野裝備 09/10 10:48
s30431 : 這讓我想起網路曾瘋傳一個"85%的人都會做錯的算術" 09/10 10:51
colin1120 : 喔 在說那個15%對的人答案是錯的那個好笑題嗎w 09/10 11:39
tai33ru : 推翻譯!又多了位生力軍了~ 09/10 23:36