看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇是發在9/24,也就是Dev Q&A with Storm以前的文章 因為磁磚大跟Willie大的效率實在太好了(稱讚意味), 所以我就見縫插針式的挑出這篇來翻譯囉 ------- Storm Q&A Source: http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/09/storm-q.html - it's very likely according to Storm that the new sounds (previously previewed in a Youtuber video) will not appear in 9.11 (10.0) because there are issues with their performance on single-core (!) PC's 之前在Youtube影片上揭露的新錄音效八成不會在9.11(10.0)實裝,因為這些音效會影響 單核PC的效能。 (新錄音效影片請見此: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3FMKPsGFQM)
- new sounds will come once WG figures out how to deal with the performance issues 等WG搞定這些新音效的效能問題就能實裝了 - one of the variants for sound introduction is to have new sounds only in HD client 導入新錄音校的其中一種變通辦法就是只在HD客戶端實裝。 - the "9.11 leaked screens" contain features that will likely not appear in 9.11 之前的9.11版搶先流出截圖裡包含了不大可能會在9.11版實裝的項目 (詳細: http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/09/update-911100-details.html) - the most important part about 9.11 according to Storm is not to introduce many nasty bugs 根據Storm表示9.11的一個重點就是不會有那麼多令人心煩的BUG。 (放心吧,我想玩家都很習慣了....) - the fix for the issue where the tanks are ending up on the same maps over and over again during one session will not be fixed anytime soon according to Storm Storm表示近期不會修正一直分配到同張地圖的問題。 - Storm really likes the Czech branch Storm相當喜歡捷克科技樹。 - Storm reacting on the question whether 9.11 deals that will add bonus to crew skill are pay to win: "Everything that's available for gold you can get for credits." 有玩家質疑9.11時組員技能會有額外加成是鼓勵Pay to Win的做法, Storm表示"也會開放銀幣購買"。 - Storm states that FV215b will be replaced. However, it is not certain that it will be replaced by Chieftain: "We will switch it. But for what and how - that we will have to think about" (RG: There is a chance that instead of Chieftain there will be Listy's "Super Conqueror", it's possible that the switch will not happen in 9.11 after all) Storm表示FV215b會被換下,但並不一定是被酋長式取代。 "我們會把它(FV215b)換下,但要用什麼取代跟怎麼取代,還需要好好想想" (有可能不會用酋長式取代FV215b,而是用Listy檔案裡找到的"超級征服者”,不管如何 FV215b在9.11似乎還不會被換下) 超級征服者: 在9/9Q&A提到的有強化後的砲塔跟車體裝甲的征服者。 - VK4502B will also likely be raplaced VK4502B也有可能會被換下。 - according to some players, Yuri Pasholok found out that FV4202 and Action X turrets were identical armor-wise. According to Storm, actual measurements with ultrasound probe produced different results. 根據某些玩家提供的消息,Yuri Pasholok發現FV4202跟Action X的砲塔厚度似乎是相同 的。 而根據Storm表示,實際上使用超音波探測得到的結果是各自不同的數值。 Wargaming is considering the following thicknesses as real: WG正在考慮以下裝甲厚度數值是否真實: FV4202: http://imgur.com/a/Qyv10 Action X: http://imgur.com/a/HA2lU - the loss of camo factor when shooting does depend on whether your gun has a muzzle brake or not 開炮時是否會掉隱蔽取決於使用的砲管是否有砲口制退器。 (有炮口制退器的砲管開炮時會產生很大的火光跟大量白煙) - there are no plans to massively model canvas on vehicle mantlets on many tanks 目前沒有把許多戰車的砲盾上都有的帆布建模做出來的計畫。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1443163294.A.3EE.html
lsslss : 砲口制退器 括弧有錯 火光跟白煙產生的量是一樣的 09/25 14:54
lsslss : 砲口制退器是因為將廢氣集中特定方向排出達到反制力 09/25 14:57
lsslss : 因為集中特定方向的關係 會導致噪音跟"亮度"提高 09/25 14:58