看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
25.9.2015 Q&A Source :http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/09/2592015-q.html First, a little about the Chieftain. According to Russian leakers, the situation is as follows - it's possible the Chieftain will not replace the FV215b at all, it will be replaced by "Super Conqueror" (which is a combination of the new Conqueror turret Listy found in archives and additional spaced armor plating). 首先,有關於酋長式,根據俄方情報提供者所言,目前情況如下: FV215b有可能不會由酋 長式取代,而是由"超級征服者"取代。 Chieftain might come as an alternative tier 10 (something like Object 140/430/T-62A) and might an entire alternative branch pulled towards it (according to Listy, such a minibranch is buildable from Chieftain prototypes so this is not impossible), but the plans for 2016 are already finalized so the Chieftain branch would only come in 2017. 酋長式有可能會成為另一條支線的10階車(如同Obj. 140/430/T-62A),並且有可能會有一 條衍生支線(根據Listy的資料,可以從酋長式原型車開始組建一條科技樹支線),但是到 2016年的行程表都已經訂好了,所以酋長式科技樹只有可能在2017年推出。 (幹咧....2017) The problem with this approach is that without ANOTHER new tier 10, the 2017 Chieftain minibranch would not do well (as in, if a branch doesn't have a new tier 10 with it, noone grinds it). In any case this will be decided within days. 問題是若沒有另一台10階車的話,2017年的酋長式支線會沒有足夠吸引力且會乏人問津。 不管怎樣,近期就會有結論。 - it's not possible to introduce the new sounds in 10.0: they will be running on an entirely new sound engine 新版音效不會出現在10.0,會使用全新的音效引擎。 - WG is strongly considering hiding the names of enemy team players to stop people from using noobmeters WG嚴正考慮要隱藏敵隊玩家ID,以防有人用Noobmeter引仇恨。 - there is enough single core PC users on RU market to justify removing a feature that makes the game not work on such PC'sm former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe has many players with single core processors who are playing and paying regularily and making the new sound engine for HD client only is not an option as maintaining two sound systems at the same time is too costly. It will be implemented - just later. 毛子國糞電腦爛大街的程度嚴重到必須忍痛捨棄在這些電腦上跑不動的遊戲要素, 且前蘇聯跟東歐國家有很多長期且會固定消費的玩家都還在使用單核心電腦, 只在HD客戶端導入新的音效引擎,並讓新舊兩種音效併存的做法不符效益,故不予考慮。 新的音效終究會實裝的,但以後再說。 - VK 100.01, VK4503 and tier 7 VK4502B are premiums/event vehicles, not regular tanks VK 100.01, VK4503跟7階VK4502B會是加值/活動車輛,而不是常規車輛。 - Havok was shelved (delayed) due to the fact it causes too much client performance loss Havok因為客戶端效能問題故推遲。 As you noticed, dear players, WG EU finally after years managed to translate some materials from Storm. The translation was good (some of the "juicy" parts where Storm calls old players "oldfags" are of course censored) - here's a couple of Storm's reaction to that session. WG EU終於開始著手翻譯一些有關Storm的東西,翻譯品質還不錯(雖然理所當然地"和諧" 了一些東西,例如Storm叫那些老玩家"老混蛋"的部份),以下是Storm在那場訪談裡提到 的: - Storm is not personally responsible for the artillery balance Storm個人無法為砲車再平衡負全責。 - the "3 caliber rule" cancellation for heavies won't come in 10.0, it's not read HT取消三倍口徑壓制不會在10.0實裝。 - Object 430 will be buffed, soon Obj. 430不久後會Buff。 - crew will be reworked, the new crew system will resemble the WoWs system 乘組員系統會仿造WoWs的系統重製。 - new camouflages will be added in the future, it is possible the Hungarian tanks will get Hungarian colors 未來會再加入新的迷彩塗裝,匈牙利戰車可能會有國家專屬色。 - 10.0 will not bring new camouflages, but it will bring crew skill bonuses to existing ones 10.0不會有新的迷彩塗裝,現有的乘組員技能會有額外能力加成。 - the reasons for the crew rework plan are the following: it's inconvenient to move the crews around, there are always "leftover" crewmen stuck in barracks, there is no variability in crew skill grind (everyone is grinding the same skills), some crewmembers are also much less important than others skill-wise) 重製組員系統的原因如下: 移動組員太不方便,且一直會有多餘的組員卡在兵營裡;組員 技能缺乏變化(固定點法就那幾種),有些組員技能甚至沒什麼屁用。 - the main topic of 2016 development will be "fixing the painful WoT issues" - the crew system is one of them and will definitely be changed but there is no finalized list of what issues will be fixed in 2016 2016的開發主題會著眼在"改進WoT裡令人頭痛的問題",乘組員系統是其一,會全面改進 ,但2016到底會改進哪些問題的細節還尚未定案。 - it's possible that the crewmembers (ladies, the Rudy crew etc.) will stay visually, only they perks will be removed and rebalanced 特殊乘組員(女性組員,Rudy組員..等等)在外觀上會保留,但現有技能會移除並重平衡。 (題外話: 像Rudy跟Fury這種特殊車輛如果能讓演員原班人馬來配音爽感應該會三級跳. ...) - all these changes are still in the state of ideas, even the initial concept was not made yet 所有這些改進點仍停留在想法雛形,連初始概念企劃都還沒生出來。 (一言以蔽之: 嘴砲無罪lol) - Merkava prototypes would be suitable for WoT, but Mk.1 has too much armor - there are no concrete plans for an Israeli branch, it's simply "possible" 梅卡瓦原型車有可能在WoT出現,但Mk.I的裝甲太厚,目前沒有具體的以色列科技樹計畫 ,就只是"有可能"罷了。 - according to Storm it's now possible (allowed) to implement composite armor to WoT (as layers of regular armor without the increased effectiveness against HEAT shells) Storm表示現在已經有辦法在WoT裡把複合裝甲做出來。 (做成層層堆疊的裝甲,但不會增加抗HEAT彈頭的效果) - 10.0 will NOT bring new sounds or motion physics 10.0不會引進新版音效跟物理系統。 - two branches will come in 2016: Swedish branch and French heavies 2016會新增兩條科技樹: 瑞典跟法國重坦。 - Quality Assurance has nothing to do with whether imbalanced tanks end up in the game 遊戲品質管控作業與遊戲內戰車強度無關。 - the last major arty nerf not only didn't improve the artillery situation, it brought some negative effects with it to boot. The future major arty overhaul will be "elegant" and will come all at once to solve the arty issues in the long run. 在之前版本裡削弱炮車的作法不僅沒有改善炮車的處境,反而衍生更多負面效應。 之後的炮車翻新會很精巧,且會一步到位以求一勞永逸的解決炮車問題。 - the video where the developers have shown the new sounds and told that the sounds would come in 10.0 - according to Storm the devs were overeager and didn't say it correctly, for now the new sound engine engine is eating too much processor power 關於開發者展示新錄音效並且說會在10.0版引進的那影片,Storm表示該名開發者過於心 急且說法有誤,目前看來新的音效引擎耗費太多處理器資源了。 --------- 26.9.2015 Q&A Source: http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/09/2692015-q.html Not much today. Check this picture out: 今日內容甚少,請各位看官瞧瞧下圖 http://i.imgur.com/sNr1ix2.jpg
This is the comparison of the 10.0 render range - on the left you can see the old render range which was a 1000 meter side square - on the right, the circle and what will the players see from now on (green) instead of previous (red). 這是10.0版前後渲染範圍對比,如各位所見左方的舊版範圍是單邊1000M長度的正方形, 而在右方的圓形便是玩家以後會看到的範圍,增加了綠色部分但減少紅色部份。 - Waffenträger E-100 will be replaced in 2016 Waffenträger E-100會在2016被替換下場。 - in 10.0, the creation of dynamic platoon will be announced by a voice (much to the annoyance of some players) 在10.0版,動態組排結成時會有音效提醒。 (對某些玩家來說會顯得更煩人) ----- 日期相近的Q&A談到的東西多半都是老調重彈,Storm還真有耐心一直回答這些跳針似的玩 家問題.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1443300077.A.C62.html
amurosheu : 酋長式要等到2017嗎Q<>Q 09/27 05:53
fransice7 : 我電腦都已經lag到快玩不下去,比我爛無法想像... 09/27 06:47
Yijhen0525 : 看來是要避免怕人先集火藍紫人 09/27 07:26
Yijhen0525 : 只是以後怕WOWS出了類似東西也會有集火的狀況 09/27 07:26
titantang : 感謝翻譯,最近有越來越長的趨勢XD 09/27 09:52
colapola : 430馬的終於要buff了 09/27 11:51
googleandapp: 2017????? 不要啊!!!!!!!!! 09/27 12:53
mcbain : 430又要BUFF?! 09/27 13:26
tai33ru : 2017 法國中坦也是從2014喊到2016才要放 中間還一 09/27 13:48
tai33ru : 度說不做…不期不待不受傷害辣 09/27 13:48
gloryc : 430那管爛砲.讓人根本不想買那台車 09/27 13:53
Alessjt : 430有次300 縮到最小打老鼠三砲全歪… 連跳彈都沒 09/27 14:24
Alessjt : 有… 09/27 14:24
LWK : 法國中坦不是有嗎? 09/27 18:02
tai33ru : 打錯囉 是法國重 09/27 18:10
deluxe : 現在的法國是三條中坦線(? 09/27 22:10