看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
好久不見了Q&A ========================================================================== - There are many more fixes planned for WoT anti aliasing than those in 10.0 未來已計畫有比10.0更新中更多的反鋸齒修正。 - 10.0 introduces a large number of game crashes on certain PC configurations, it will be fixed 10.0推出後造成了大量當機的情形,會進行修正。 - The sound alerts for dynamic platoons are only triggered by events related to that respective player, the rest of players only get text announcement 只有觸發事件的當事人能接收到動態組排發出的警示聲,其他玩家只會收到文字提示 資訊。 - Developers are still wondering what to do with Chieftain 開發組仍在思考怎麼樣處理酋長。 - Q: "What happened with T34 turret, is it bigger?" A: "Yeah, three times bigger." Q:「T34砲塔怎麼搞得,變大了嗎?」,A:「是阿,三倍大呢!」 - Q: "And will you compensate T34 nerf changes?" A: "Yea, we'll cut off the gun." Q:「那麼T34被砍你們怎麼補償?」,A:「我們會鋸掉他的炮。」 - Free FV4202? "More info later." 會有免費的FV4202嗎?「詳細資訊稍後公布。」 - Type 59 gun to be buffed? "Not sure" Type 59的炮會增強嗎?「不確定。」 - KV-220 turret armor will not be buffed to 90mm KV-220的砲塔裝甲不會被加厚到90mm。 - Although the current test server session is called "Technical test", the content in 10.0 test will be identical to the "technical one" 略。 - The new Caernarvon turret is two times better armored than the old one, that's why it was made this way 新卡納封的砲塔裝甲比舊的厚兩倍,這就是這麼做的原因。 (譯:對應下一條Q&A) - Storm confirms that the Action X turret on Caernarvon hull is a WG fake, but there was no other way how to increase the armor of the turret Storm確認卡納封搭載百夫長ActiveX砲塔的計畫是個WG製造局產物,但沒有其他加厚 卡納封砲塔裝甲的方式了。 (譯:原來是10.0要把百夫長ActiveX的砲塔當作卡納封的升級砲塔...連同征服者的 白板砲塔一同適用。) - According to Storm it's fine to just add randomly armor to fake or unhistorical vehicles but historical vehicles have to have historical armor 根據Storm表示,隨便加一個非史實甚至是WG製造的砲塔到非史實車輛上沒什麼問題, 但史實車輛就應該要有史實的裝甲配置。 - Stock Caernarvon is historical 白板卡納封符合史實。 - HD Centurion turret has much worse armor than the SD one, that's why it had to be replaced on Caernarvon, it wasn't also an option to just leave the stock turret, this would still make its armor too poor HD百夫長砲塔的裝甲比SD版本的還差,這是為什麼要把他從卡納封上摘下來的原因, 保留他並不是個選項,因為他的裝甲真心差! - There is a certain balancing threshold for vehicles (HT's) beyond which poor armor cannot be compensated by buffing other parameters WG對於車輛的平衡有個基本門檻,那就是並不會因為車輛裝甲較差就為他進行其他參 數的補償。 - The solution for the Caernarvon (fake top turret) is not good but for now WG sees no other solution 卡納封砲塔的解決方案蘇然不好,但WG目前找不到其他解決方法。 - In 10.0 KV-220 is exactly as mobile as it was before (according to some players it's slower) 10.0中KV-220的機動性就像之前一樣。(有玩家表示她變慢了) - RU players are complaining about KV-220, Storm answers he doesn't know where does so much upset comes from, the tank was buffed in armor RU服玩家們抱怨KV-220變差了,Storm表示不解為何這麼多不滿,裝甲變厚了不是嗎? - Storm reacting on criticism that Action X turret is paper because the area above the gun is a massive weakspot: "Try shooting under it around the gun, you'll be surprised" Storm對評論「ActiveX砲管上半部的裝甲有著大片弱點,裝甲肯定很紙」回應:你射 射看炮管周圍,你肯定會大吃一驚。 - Q: "What will happen to tanks that cannot have decals pasted on them?" A: "They will remain without decals." Q:「如果車輛不能上標記的話會是怎樣的情況?」A:「就是不能貼囉。」 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/10/09102015-q.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1444443666.A.416.html
GilGalad : 第104行錯字 雖然打成蘇然了 翻譯辛苦啦 10/10 10:37
dkprotecter : 推 感謝翻譯 10/10 11:48
mengjertsai : T34表示: 10/10 12:01
titantang : 感謝翻譯~ 10/10 12:46
s30431 : T34要被砍成智障了? 10/10 12:52
AxelSergei : 好蘇喔 10/10 13:04
austin0353 : buff59,T-34-2:...(T-34-3至少有保護) 10/10 13:52
googleandapp: T34是要砍那些? 第一次聽說這件事 10/10 13:52
austin0353 : 百AX的砲塔感覺不算很硬,或許是都被HEAT打關係 10/10 13:56
austin0353 : 有次我用俯角製造斜度還是被打穿,但也許打到車長塔 10/10 13:57
austin0353 : 裝甲較弱不會用其他補償,那S-51為啥比SU-14-1差些 10/10 14:02
austin0353 : 就是因為刺刀存活率較高吧(例子不是很好),也許是說 10/10 14:05
austin0353 : "HD"後較弱不會特別補償,還是要看大數據 10/10 14:05
m9fghost : T34被砍!? 10/10 14:24
ccc101419 : 嗯?砍T34 buff59 不愧是WG(雖然我有59很開心 10/10 14:27
titantang : buff 59... WG你好樣的= = 10/10 14:54
Baumgartner : 一直都開軟皮車 59buff也沒差啦 不要加強裝甲就好 10/10 15:00
lidon00968 : T34要砍啥 10.0的消息超少... 10/10 16:05
s30431 : 最幹的是現在測服開了也沒用,同步失敗,能測什麼? 10/10 16:07
lidon00968 : 這麼誇張... 官方在幹嘛 10/10 16:10
s30431 : 誰知道在幹嘛,上次是爆車中途回車庫被官方警告惡意 10/10 16:29
s30431 : 中離遊戲造成收入全歸0,再上一次是RP壞掉畫面亂跑 10/10 16:30
s30431 : 再上一次是被強制關閉遊戲頻繁 10/10 16:30
s30431 : 這次只開放48小時,結果也不能進去,測服開心酸的 10/10 16:31
hitlerx : T34跟59我覺得都像troll.... 10/10 17:54
JLintopPG : 同步失敗+1 有人進的去的嗎? 10/10 19:16
hemisofia : T34那明顯是在troll為何有這麼多人認真.... 10/10 19:31
hitlerx : T34被砍你們怎麼補償? 我們會把砲塔加角漆成紅色 10/10 21:44
hitlerx : p.s 那個角算是弱點 (大誤 10/10 21:45