看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Why is there so much difference between Moskva’s and Hindenburg’s medium range AA damage? 6×4 45mm give 123 dps and 8 single 55m give almost double dps, 224. And the range difference is huge as well (3.5km against 5km). 為什麼莫斯科的中距離AA和興登堡差這麼多? A. The Russian 45mm values are correctly calculated. The problem comes from the German guns. We will probably decrease their performance, the difference will thus be reduced. 莫斯科的是正常的,興登堡的有問題,我們可能會降低他的AA讓差距變小。 2. Do you plan to release additional Soviet and German cruisers? I think that several World War I or even earlier cruisers are missing (Yorck, Scharnhorst, Askold). 你們還有打算新增額外的蘇聯和德國巡洋嗎? (Yorck, Scharnhorst,Askold) A. We may add more. However, we’re not planning to add parallel branches in the near future. 可能會,然而我們暫時不打算新增平行的科技樹。 3. Similarly to Torpedo Acceleration, do you plan to add a skill that would decrease torpedo speed in favour of range? 有魚雷加速扣射程,有沒有魚雷減速加射程來著? A. No. 沒有。 4. It seems that the report system is useless, do you even look at them? When will you remove Tirpitz from sale, all the noobs are playing with her? 回報系統一點用都沒有啊,你們在幹什麼? 什麼時候要移掉北宅,一堆怒伯都在玩這貨。 A. Reports aren’t useless. They’re very useful for us to fight bots. However, according to our experience, a lot of “bots” are just very bad players. 回報系統並不是沒用,他們非常有用,對於我們抓Bot,然而依照我們的經驗。 大部分被回報bot的只是玩的非常爛的玩家而已。 編按 : 誰叫你們的plays poor選項沒用,當然選有用的臭嘴和bot。 We won’t remove Tirpitz, Warspite and Blyskawica from sale anymore. (RU Premium Shop do have those ships on sale permanently.) 我們不會移除北宅、厭戰和波波。 4. Does the matchmaker take into account players win rate before splitting them in teams? MM在分隊之前有沒有看一下玩家勝率啊? A. No. 沒有。 5. With Gremyashchy being too powerful, would you consider adding another premium destroyer of the same class (Grom) with slightly weaker characteristics? 小王八蛋這麼強,你們有沒有打算新增小小王八蛋來著? A. We’re not against adding several ships from a single class, but there’s already Anshan as a premium and Gnevny as standard. Adding another one would be too much. Moreover, we don’t (and didn’t) promise Gremyashchy wouldn’t be sold anymore (we said it will be exclusive to pre-orders for a year). We just don’t consider it a wise move. 我們不會一直作這麼多同級別的船,不過已經有鞍山、Gnevny了,在多一台也太多。 我們不會和你們說小王八蛋不賣了,所以不用再想小小王八蛋了。 6. Do you plan to add cruiser Irian as a premium Panasian ship? 有打算把Irian作成金船嗎? Do you plan to add more Polish ships? 有打算新增更多的波波嗎? A. Not at the moment. Not at the moment. 現在沒有*2。 7. When do you plan to fix the matchmaking system? 你們啥時才要修MM? A. I cannot give you a specific date but it’s one of our priorities. 我沒辦法告訴你確切的時間,不過我們會優先處理的。 8. Why Izumo’s middle turret doesn’t rotate all the way (360°)? 一直摸的二號砲塔為什麼不能轉360度? A. It’s a structural constraint. 結構性問題。 9. Would you consider changing BB’s accuracy. At the moment, it seems that doing damage is mostly random. 你們有打算改變BB的命中率嗎?傷害也太過隨機了吧? A. I understand your concerns. BB’s guns are devastating (as they were in reality) and giving them higher accuracy will be catastrophic for the game (in terms of balance and dynamics). Moreover, even when taking into consideration the high dispersion on BB’s guns, the aforementioned situation is already happening in some cases (that BB guns are devastating). That doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement. However, we currently have other critical issues we need to fix first. 我知道你關心的點,BB的砲非常致命,給他們太高的命中率會破壞遊戲平衡。 此外,就算把散佈考慮進去,BB的砲還是很致命。 但這不代表沒有改進的空間,不過我們還有其他更重要的東西要修。 10. Do you consider invis firing (with full stealth build) a problem since it gives the attacker a considerable advantage? (How is a Montana supposed to fight an invisible Gearing?) 你們覺得黑槍這個給攻擊者非常有優勢的行為是個問題嗎? Montana要怎麼打黑槍的Gearing啊? A. We don’t think it’s a problem. It’s simply an option for certain ships and it’s hard to be put in practice. 我們不覺得這是個問題,這招只有某些船能用,而且也很難讓他實用。 編按 : 又什麼平行世界了 XDD (And how are BB’s supposed to fight IJN DD’s 1 on 1? It’s an unpleasant situation. But if, as a BB, you ended up 1 on 1 with a DD, something went wrong somewhere else.) 還有,BB要怎麼和日驅一打一?這雖然很令人不快。 不過如果BB能一個人幹掉一台DD,這應該就有很大的問題了。 -- 一、 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈永遠不會。 二、 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈如果了,那一定是你看錯。 神機 翔翼最高! 三、如果你沒有看錯,那一定是因為你手殘,才會害 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈。 四、如果你發現 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈,只要你不認,那它就沒。 五、如果 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈了,你還認為 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈,那就是你的錯。 六、 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈永遠不會打,這句話絕對不會錯。 神機 翔翼型攻擊鋼彈!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1460582477.A.A90.html
USSMontana : 黑砲很難實用XDDDDDD 04/14 06:21
USSMontana : WG的人有下來正式服玩過嗎? 04/14 06:22
yheb88 : 黑雷也是某些船能用阿 還不是一直修 04/14 08:29
iamnotgm : 最後一句我看來像是說"如果你打到變成1BB對1DD 應 04/14 11:31
iamnotgm : 該是有其他問題" 04/14 11:31
Uhlan : 超譯:淪落到1BB打1DD 不是隊友賣你就是你賣隊友 04/14 11:44
kingaden : 最後那段BB跟DD單挑的回答就是:遊戲打到這兩個單挑 04/14 12:30
kingaden : 有問題的是玩家而不是設計 04/14 12:31
tabris0122 : 黑雷還要看緣份 黑砲不用啊 04/14 15:30
Dcpp2015 : 最後一個問題,那個根本不用回答,通常都是BB賣隊友 04/15 02:11
Dcpp2015 : 賣過頭,賣到該他魚雷吃到飽。 04/15 02:11