看板 Wargaming 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.特定船隻機率更高 本來就是長年的慣例 2.不爽聖誕箱的12/13前可全額退款 https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/230805-santa-crates/ Commanders, We've received a lot of questions and comments regarding 2020 Santa Containers, and we would like to clarify the situation. As some of you noticed, certain ships in the containers have much higher drop rates than others. Santa Containers have worked like this since the very beginning, and until 2018 we even mentioned that peculiarity in the items description. After 2018 it was not present in the description anymore, as it was deemed excessive to the already detailed description. We're sorry that some of you are left disappointed by the Santa Containers this year. We know this is something that a lot of our players look forward to and the last thing we want is to see you upset approaching holiday season. Thus, we will do the following: We will work on improving the next Santa event with the feedback and concerns you voiced. Until Sunday, Dec 13, any player is eligible for a one-time refund request for the Santa Crates they purchased. Please refer to Customer Support if you would like to have a refund, and please note, in order to prevent longer queue times, all purchases you want to refund should be in one request. The refunds will be handled according to the normal procedure – the goods from the containers should still be on your account, otherwise, Customer Support will have to do a roll-back to restore them and process the refund. Regardless of whether you were considering Santa Containers at all, we hope you will enjoy all of the holiday activities and gifts this year – stay tuned for more news on the upcoming celebration. Thank you, good luck, and fair seas. World of Warships team -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1607360012.A.D4F.html
sk050607 : 我就爛 12/08 01:21
bunmomo : 這次不改,下次還敢 12/08 01:54
※ 編輯: JellyKing ( 臺灣), 12/08/2020 02:33:40
KKLLOO : my card點數卡的怎麼退? 12/08 05:07
chyou2003 : 退了可以再買? 12/08 10:03
huangfly : 退錢然後把抽到的東西收回? 12/08 10:14
totenkopf001: 退錢還是退達布隆 12/08 11:20
wea567 : 買八個中箱中奧坎不知道該不該退QQ 12/08 11:24
jtsu5223 : 想要特定船直接買不就好了… 12/08 12:37
jtsu5223 : 花少錢中不想要的幹嘛 12/08 12:38
gemboy : 就是想抽絕版船阿 膝蓋想也知道絕版哪那麼好抽 12/08 12:51
totenkopf001: 但是WG的操作就像是你先買完船齊霸業包才有可能 12/08 13:13
vicyong : 我今年抽18k船抽完了,花少錢想中大船的真不知道腦 12/08 13:14
vicyong : 袋裝什麼 12/08 13:14
chyou2003 : 霸氣包牌,其實比女生的名牌包便宜,哈哈 12/08 14:15
A6 : 我猜是有人抽重複太多了吧 12/08 16:28
A6 : 如果用過的東西 回檔是回到12.3號中午 12/08 18:11
gemboy : 全部都有才有重覆問題吧 正常不是不會抽到同一艘? 12/08 20:17
A6 : 我目前看 好像沒有說不抽重複的說法 12/08 20:21
A6 : 而且他早早就把抽到重複的補償方案給貼出來了 12/08 20:21
acidrain : 反正聖誕箱在2017後就信用破產了 傻子才買 12/08 21:12
chyou2003 : 只能退款一次 12/08 22:44
KKLLOO : 重複的超櫃都是5階金船起,模型收集完整的才有機會 12/09 11:39
KKLLOO : 中絕版船,不是大課長就別抽了.... 12/09 11:41
chyou2003 : 抽越多次出好船機率越高啊,如果只想小賭就別抱希望 12/09 16:29
totenkopf001: 課長專用 12/09 18:09
ray1478953 : 聖誕箱只有前兩年佛而已 後面就越來越爛 12/10 10:18
grayoasis : 這樣不就一堆非洲人去退再買? 12/15 21:56
sk050607 : 樓上只能退一次 12/15 22:53
sk050607 : 所以你最多也只能試一次 12/15 22:54
CGtheGREAT : 40箱中了4條八階不想退了顆顆 12/28 10:55