看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=149154685769498&id=112065026145131 【大方娛樂公告】 KESHA 3-4月巡迴演唱會 因ACL(前十字韌帶)膝關節損傷宣布延期 KESHA於2月9日在杜拜進行演出時,不慎於舞台上跌落,導致ACL(前十字韌帶)膝關節損傷,原訂於今年三月和四月在澳洲、紐西蘭、台灣、以及日本的巡迴演唱會將會進行延期。 她會在今天進行手術並盡快開始後續的復健治療,以便可以在今年夏季如期舉行與Macklemore合作的北美巡迴演唱會 'The Adventures of Kesha and Macklemore'. KESHA說到“與我世界各地的粉絲分享我的音樂是我人生中最大的樂趣,但是我必須遵照醫師們的要求並接受手術,這樣我才能準備好在夏季以及後續的巡迴演出中全力以赴。” ”對於演出日期的異動,我感到相當的悲傷,我曾試圖避免受傷的情況,但不幸的是還是發生了。” “我愛所有支持我的你們,在接下來的每一天我會竭盡所能地努力,以便可以盡快恢復並回到舞台上。我真的非常抱歉也會持續致上對你們的愛。 Kesha與Macklemore合作的30場北美巡迴演唱會(以及多場個人演出)將會如期於6月6日在亞利桑那州鳳凰城舉行首場演出。 原定於3月25日-4月20日間於澳洲Brendale至日本大阪期間的11場演唱會將會延期。我們鼓勵所有國家的票券持有人先保留手上的票券,並持續關注演唱會改期的進一步消息。這些資訊將會盡快公布。不幸的是,拜倫灣Bluesfest的表演將無法重新安排。 KESHA TO POSTPONE MARCH AND APRIL TOUR DATES DUE TO ACL KNEE INJURY Kesha will postpone her Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Japan tour dates this spring as a result of an ACL tear in her knee after a fall during a concert in Dubai on February 9. She is going into surgery today with rehabilitation to commence as soon as possible so she can hit the road this summer on her co-headlining North American tour with Macklemore, 'The Adventures of Kesha and Macklemore'. "It's my biggest joy in life to share my music with my fans all over the world, but I have to follow my doctors orders and undergo surgery so I can get ready to give it my all on my summer tour and beyond," said Kesha. "Moving these dates is making me sick with sadness, but I tried to will this injury away and unfortunately it didn't work. I love you all and I'll work every single day, as hard as I can, to recover and get back on stage as soon as possible. I'm so sorry and sending love always." Kesha's 30-market co-headlining North American tour with Macklemore (along with several solo shows) will begin as planned on June 6 in Phoenix, AZ. The postponed 11 dates were set to begin March 25 in Brendale, Australia and end April 20 in Osaka, Japan. Ticket-holders for all countries are encouraged to hold onto their tickets and stay tuned for further information about rescheduled dates, which will be announced in the near future. Unfortunately, the Byron Bay Bluesfest performance will not be able to be rescheduled. ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-J730GM. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/M.1519203183.A.546.html
weichlai: 既然都延期那就順便換個室內場地吧! 02/21 17:01
shiz: 解套! 02/21 17:17
dogjoker: 希望換場地~~ 02/21 17:17
aa8351489: qq 不過希望能換場地 02/21 18:39
aoisaiky: 買票了希望換場加價也沒關係 02/21 18:54
Bastille: 我覺得他現在這個風格唱室內比較適合 02/21 19:08
k90209: 跟本沒人買吧 乾脆取消好了 02/21 19:35
san122: 那順便改室內小場地,並增加後排座位區! 02/21 19:45
san122: 只希望別因賣超爛主辦乾脆直接取消 02/21 19:45
mika198372: 替票房鬆一口氣 02/21 20:16
mons0330: 延期我就有機會去看她了> < 早日康復 02/21 20:38
san122: Rainbow tour在國外多是一千多到三千多人的小場地,在台灣 02/21 21:01
san122: 其實開ATT就好,最多到TICC,偏偏選個萬人停車場 02/21 21:03
san122: 就算還紅時的Warrior tour,也很少選那麼大場子 02/21 21:05
POPunk: 買票時就做好心裡準備了 02/21 21:08
AnExotic: 祝福早日康復,但真的場地選小點比較吃香! 02/21 22:16
currant: 還好沒買 02/21 22:17
jnigh: 看到有人服完水桶刑期嘍!!繼續垃圾話準備再進去吧 02/21 23:03
lautomne: 希望代理商可以多宣傳,這樣票房就不用太擔心了 02/22 01:45
anggunuggna: 原來某k回來了,歡迎XD 02/22 08:46
yzkeroro: 票房是真的頗慘 02/22 18:48
jnl8854: 趁機換個小場地吧QQ 02/22 23:18
earthrise: 去看跌倒影片 傷到ACL的可能性很低 我想是票房因素吧 02/23 08:35
ashin1069: 話說Sam Smith的新巡演敲定了 可惜亞洲只有新加坡 02/23 12:00
FalconKnight: 另一個因傷取消或延期的藝人~我覺得小場真的比較好 02/26 02:02