看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://tinyurl.com/ycqnxjp2 https://i.imgur.com/yUdZUYs.jpg
請注意 凡購票需完成註冊驗證拓元售票網站會員。新舊會員都需於購票前25小 時進行驗證,驗證通過後方可購票。(例:第一階段Fan Club售票,需於10/2 10AM前完成 驗證) 註冊驗證去 www.tixcraft.com 【Maroon 5 RED PILL BLUES TOUR LIVE IN KAOHSIUNG 魔力紅2019高雄演唱會】 演出日期: 2019/3/1 (五) 演出時間:7: 00 PM (實際演出時間請以現場公告為主) 演出地點:高雄國家體育場(世運主場館) 演出票價: - 座位區 NT$5,800/ NT$4,800/ NT$4,300/ NT$3,800/ NT$2,800/ NT$1,800/NT$800 - 搖滾站區 NT$3,800 公開發售:10月6日(六) 11AM 全台拓元售票系統 真的是高雄開賣 活動詳情: www.livenation.com.tw 購票詳情: Maroon 5 魔力紅官方Fan Club 預購:10月3日(三) 11AM-10月4日(四)5PM *此為藝人官方Fan Club活動,相關細節與疑問,請與官方Fan Club聯繫 Live Nation Taiwan會員預購 : 10月5日(五) 11AM-5PM (凡是在2018/10/2 22:59前成為Live Nation Taiwan網站會員並成功訂閱者,即可於10/4 1PM收到會員預購密碼。有關會員優先購票詳情,請瀏覽:https://goo.gl/F6YvJp。每 組認證密碼限購四張,同一個拓元帳號亦限購四張。每種票價皆開放限量張數。) Mercedes-Benz車主獨享購票專區 : 10月6日(六) 11AM (每種票價皆規劃部分票券供Mercedes-Benz車主購票,僅限Mercedes-Benz信用卡於網路 購買,需輸入卡號前8碼做為身分驗證,每卡限購四張,數量有限,售完為止。) 注意事項: 本場門票使用專屬之紀念票券,歌迷再2018/10/6前(含)購買,即可輸入姓名作為 紀念。票券上姓名僅供紀念用途,不作為核對身份使用,資料經填寫或留白送出後即不可 更改。 - 僅限繁體中文與英文,中文請小於7個字,英文請小於25個字母。英文大小寫混合或中 英文混合,系統將自動判定長度。 - 1個空格等於英文小寫1個字母,請避免使用特殊符號與字元。 每階段預購票券數量有限,售完為止,預購僅提供特有或優先購買之服務,不保證 座位排號一定優於其他開賣的部分,還請了解。 搖滾區站席不設序號,請依現場與工作人員指示排隊依序入場。 搖滾區站席為人身安全起見,七歲以下與身高未滿110公分及孕婦請勿購票入場。 搖滾區遺失票券者,恕無法入場。經文化部來函解釋,搖滾區因無指定席位,又因 票券屬無記名有價證券,故遺失可拒絕入場,請大家妥善保管您的票券。 入場須配合嚴格安檢,且現場無置物櫃。詳細辦法請關注LIVE NATION TAIWAN FACE BOOK 或 LIVE NATION TAIWAN 官網。 Register tixCraft Member and complete verification Now to purchase the ti ckets!!! Previous members also need to verify your account, verification would need 25 hours to complete.(Ex. if you want to attend Official Fan Club Presa le on October. 3rd 11 AM, you should complete TixCraft Member Verification be fore October. 2nd 10AM)Go register for TixCraft www.tixcraft.com 【MAROON 5 RED PILL BLUES TOUR LIVE IN KAOHSIUNG】 Date: 2019/ 3/ 1 (Fri) Time:7:00 PM(Please see show announcement on site for actual show time ) Venue:Kaohsiung National Stadium (World Games Stadium) Ticket Price: - Seat: NT$5,800/ NT$4,800/ NT$4,300/ NT$3,800/ NT$2,800/ NT$1,800/NT$800 - GA Area: NT$3,800 Public on-sale:2018/10/6(Sat)11AM on TixCraft Ticketing More Event Info: www.livenation.com.tw Ticket On-sale Date: Maroon 5 Official Fan Club Presale: 2018/10/3(Wed) 11AM- 2018/10/4(Thu) 5 PM (This is the Official Fan Club event for artists. For details and questions, p lease contact the Official Fan Club) Live Nation Member Presale: 2018/10/5 (Fri) 11AM-5PM (Register Live Nation Member and Subscribe to our newsletter before 2018/10/2 (Tue) 10:59 PM Taiwan local time and you will receive the unique presale code before 2018/10/4 (Thu) 1 PM, for more info please see: https://goo.gl/F6YvJp. Up to 4 tickets are allowed per person.) Mercedes-Benz Credit-card Exclusive Purchase: 10/6 (Sat) 11AM (Please insert first eight digits of your card for verification. Up to 4 ticke ts are allowed per card per person. You can choose to print a special name for memory on the special paper ti cket when you make a purchase online. This service is available no later than Oct. 6th 2018. - Please note the name is not editable after submission. - You can only enter names in Traditional Chinese or English. Chinese name sho uld be shorter than 7 characters, and English name also should be shorter than 25 lower cases letters. The length of names in mixed characters will automati cally be determined by System. - Please note one space is counted as one lower case letter and please DO NOT use any special characters in the name. Tickets are limited for each presale session. Please note there is no gua rantee that presale may have better seats. There will not be any serial number for GA area, please follow the instru ction from the staff at the venue to queue up and enter. For safety, pregnant women, children under 7 years’ old and 110cm are no t allowed to enter to standing area. Lost tickets cannot be re-issued, please keep your tickets properly. There will be Security Check upon entry. There is no locker at the venue. For more entry regulations please see our website before the show. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/M.1538133132.A.E62.html
vlee66: 超早賣......有人是一個人的嗎 朋友還不確定 09/28 19:15
goi78125: 怎麼把好多區都封起來 09/28 19:19
davemomo: 蓋起來的區域是不是要給上面那個fan club? 09/28 19:33
k90209: 5800有人想去? 09/28 19:36
kxha: 贊助商 公關票之類的吧 09/28 19:46
GBrAdF: 空區也太多了吧 09/28 20:26
ianwu777: 其實有點貴不過灰色應該都是音響 世運後面都放四根 09/28 20:28
ianwu777: 223區 https://i.imgur.com/tuzyb2O.jpg 09/28 20:31
lv5912: 有點讓人扶心臟的價格 09/28 20:40
gagabrit: 哈,場地感覺很棒 09/28 20:45
RachelMcAdam: 高雄? 09/28 21:01
Matchaport: 空區好多喔 09/28 21:28
rockman1118: 請問一下哪裡是搖滾站區?看之前的訊息寫3800的,但38 09/28 23:15
rockman1118: 00是在2F很不搖滾阿? 09/28 23:15
san122: 空區是視線阻礙區,體育場有巨大的照明燈柱會檔到後方視野 09/28 23:30
san122: 參加過五月天高雄場就知道,五月天是把那些座位超便宜賣 09/28 23:30
san122: fan club和公關票是不可能會在那麼後面的座位 09/28 23:31
san122: 搖滾區是球場中間的平面區,比較後面的特C區是3800 09/28 23:33
Costco5566: 唱完super bowl接巡演 ㄅ累ㄇ 09/29 08:20
yoling07: 搖滾站區是特C區 09/29 11:35
weipon1023: Katy 之前也是超級盃表演完馬上唱葛萊美接著亞巡 09/29 17:59
mdean: 請問開賣前25小時才能認證?還是25小時前都可以? 09/30 17:01
ianwu777: 25小時前都可以 09/30 18:32
leslilianne: 想問這邊音場好嗎?好的話想隨便買一區有進場就好XD 09/30 22:21
yuan15: 買5800! 10/01 16:44