看板 WesternMusic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dear Y&Y fans There’s been some changes that we want to fill you in on. This upcoming new al bum has been an Olly endeavour and we’ve decided that Years & Years will contin ue as an Olly solo project. The three of us are still good friends. Mikey will b e part of the Y&Y family and play with us live and Emre will focus on being a wr iter/producer. These past twelve months have been crazy for us all and we want to thank you fo r the love and support you’ve given us over the years (& years). New Y&Y music will be coming this spring. 簡單來說就是新專輯開始只會剩下主唱Olly 而其他兩位團員依然跟Olly是好朋友 成員Mikey依然會在Live上協力演出 而成員Emre則是會專注於作詞跟製作人 新專即將在春季到來 好難過QQ 他們的歌都很好聽的說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/M.1616086546.A.2F1.html
HuSi87: QQ 03/19 02:01
pekikiki: 從Real 追到現在 沒有太意外但又有點傷心QQ 03/19 02:30
evic710: 怎麼這麼突然?其實也可以講單飛不解散就好啦… 03/19 04:28
pekikiki: Mikey的限時動態 03/19 04:51
pekikiki: https://i.imgur.com/EzacfhI.jpg 03/19 04:51
komubrina: 還好也不太算解散,比較像改組成只有Olly,原文畢竟意 03/19 09:03
komubrina: 思是會沿用Y&Y名義? 03/19 09:03
komubrina: 從Real追到現在真的也不意外,Emre可能也想專心帶小孩 03/19 09:04
komubrina: 吧 03/19 09:04
Irplcab: 簡單來說就是少露臉吧 03/19 10:02
Eeli2008: 希望音樂不會走鐘 像清潔盜賊一樣 03/19 17:05
lucia0402: 難過 03/20 00:16
kruglyy: QQ 03/21 02:24
evelyn0320: 超喜歡他們的 QQQQ 03/27 10:07