看板 Wikipedia 關於我們 聯絡資訊
從toytoy提起這事以來 我感覺跟維基相對的"主權維基"可能是不可避免的 I personally believe a successful wiki shall be rooted in its own culture. It is a bad idea to rely on a foreign wiki established by a foreign owner with foreign money if you are proud of your own culture. Wikipedia is good. But how many of your people would regularly visit a foreign website? Personalli, I take it as a reason why so many wikis are not growing as quickly as it should be. What if Mr. 張大砲, an imaginary Chinese businessman, setup the world's first wiki knowledgebase in Beijing? Would people in the U.S. jump on his bandwagon? Then how about en.wikipedia.co.jp? Sometimes it is more than just a domain name. You can register wikipedia anywhere in the world and point it to your own wiki. The point is no one will advertise it if it's not your own business. 台灣有台灣大百科 中國有百度 這兩個百科的成就我覺得都是不可否認的 對於傳播知識來說 並不是壞事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wikipedia/M.1416089651.A.000.html ※ 編輯: AirBa (, 11/16/2014 06:17:52
reke: 台灣大百科收掉了啦 XD 11/16 11:47
darksnow: 台灣WIKI還抄百度抄到沒人管,這是哪門子成就 11/17 12:12
Kazamatsuri: wiki抄百度? 不是百度抄wiki? 11/17 15:58
Albito: 台灣wiki不等於維基百科吧 11/17 18:31
ffaarr: 台灣wiki = 互動百科繁體中文版。 11/19 07:51
ffaarr: 是互動用來賺繁體中文流量的,互動和百度兩個就是常常互抄 11/19 07:52