看板 Windows 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《dreambiker (出發)》之銘言: : 各位大大請問一下, : 我的Win XP在灌一些軟體時出現這樣的訊息: : C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt.系統檔案不適合用來執行 : MS-DOS及Microsoft Windows應用程式.請選擇[關閉]來終止應用程式. : 然後就只能關閉了. : 這是說我想灌的軟體跟我的XP是不同系統的嗎? : 請問要怎麼解決這個問題呢? 我從GOOGLE查到的文章 網址: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;324767&Product=winxp 原文如下: Q:問題跟你們一樣,不贅述. A: This is a recent problem that is caused by upgrading to Windows XP SP2 (Service Pack 2). Apparently, in some Systems, during the SP2 installation important System files such as: AUTOEXEC.NT or CONFIG.NT get deleted, causing various Applications to fail and yielding the above errors. (1.這有可能是因升級SP2所造成,在某些系統有可能會在升級的過程中,將 AUTOEXEC.NT or CONFIG.NT刪除,而造成許多程式有這樣的錯誤產生) The same issue has been reported to also happen after a virus attack that is messing up people's System files and it is just running rampant. In order to protect your System, please make sure that you have the latest virus Definitions installed for your anti-virus software program. (2.同樣的情形也有可能是因為系統檔案遭到病毒的攻擊,為了保護系統,應注意 病毒檔的更新..) *** 解決方法可參考MS 技術支援服務: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324767/zh-tw *** ( 若不行,作者提出的另一個方法) You may also try this: Sometimes Windows may back up the file AUTOEXEC.NT in the Windows/repair folder from its original folder of Windows/System32. See if you have it there and if so, you may just copy it back to the System32 folder and all should be good. ( Windows亦有可能將AUTOEXEC.NT檔備份在C:\WINDOWS\repair中,如果你在此 資料夾中有找到,只要將他拷貝一份至C:\WINDOWS\system32中即可順利執行了. ) 我從網路上找到的文章,我僅是用破破的翻譯功力幫忙,希望能幫忙大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
turncoat:萬歲~~成功了 02/11
allenpn:恭喜啊,擺脫了~~ 02/11
turncoat:^^ 02/11
dreambiker:我也成功解決問題了...謝謝^^ 02/12