看板 WindowsPhone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《aa384756 (yst)》之銘言: 先說,那個 Surface Note 只是非官方概念圖,你只要會繪圖都可以做。 另外中文翻譯有點奇妙,原文如下: Mashable “So there is a Surface Pro, Surface Book, Surface Studio, Surface Hub, Surface laptop and the Surface Phone, too, right?” Panos “My dearest is here, good work! The first five are correct. I can not quite remember the last one, though. ” Mashable “My goal at a podcast is to make someone cry, so we’ll try to keep it going.” Panos “Find something quiet, but please do not ask me about Phone.” Mashable 有 Podcast 可聽,文字稿來自 https://www.windowslatest.com/2017/06/19/microsofts-panos-panay- just-dont-ask-surface-phone/ 中文翻譯應該是來自 Mashable 這句評論 Panos 說的話 Also, will we ever see a Surface phone? Panay's answer is ... unsurprising 「我們有機會看到 Surface Phone 嗎?Panay 的回應令人不意外」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WindowsPhone/M.1497949661.A.99A.html
DendiQ: LOL 06/20 18:00
breadf: 幹,臉好腫XDDDDDDDD06/20 18:08
※ 編輯: alljerry04 (, 06/20/2017 19:40:14
DendiQ: 如果原句是那句話,那 IT之家的翻譯也太歪了吧 06/20 20:48
DendiQ: 媒體製造業 06/20 20:50
yuhui530: 微軟果然還是我們所認識的微軟!!!!(崩潰) 06/20 21:29
attis: 差那麼多…… 06/20 21:52
white123123: 之家不意外 06/20 22:41
noddio: 結果搞個半天 都是自己在自high 哀 06/21 02:05