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原文標題: Belgium's Romelu Lukaku unlikely to recover from injury in time to face England 台灣時間AM 3:08 發文 原文連結: http://www.espn.co.uk/football/belgium/story/3548028 小弟不是英文系,看國外新聞也邊看邊翻譯,前幾天有新聞說受傷,今天可能 真的無法上場,有誤請糾正 Belgium's Romelu Lukaku could miss his team's final Group G clash with England, after coach Roberto Martinez said on Wednesday that the match in Kaliningrad was "probably one day too early" for the striker. Lukaku has missed training this week after picking up an ankle injury in Belgium's 5-2 victory over Tunisia last Saturday, and he has since had scans to discover the extent of the injury. Speaking in his prematch news conference on Wednesday, Martinez said the results from the scans had been positive for the long term, but he fears Belgium's all-time top goal scorer might have to sit out the England encounter. "From the scan, there was no further damage, but it is still uncomfortable," Martinez said. "I don't think he will be training today, and we will make a final assessment tonight. "At the moment, he is still in the recovery phase and had a difficult knock against Tunisia, but probably tomorrow is one day too early. I don't think it is going to take any longer than that." Martinez also said that his team would be looking to perform well against Gareth Southgate's squad in their group-stage finale, but that winning the match was not the goal on Thursday. 不負責任翻譯 重點大概是Lukaku沒能及時傷勢趕上今天這場比英大戰,因在上一場對上突尼西亞 的比賽中傷了腳踝,傷勢的問題也錯過了訓練(應該是這個意思吧??) 這場他可能要坐在場邊看球了 主帥提到:從掃描看來,並沒有很嚴重的傷,但還是會不舒服,但我認為他沒辦法 參與賽前訓練,但我們今晚會做最後的決定 "The priority is not to win," Martinez said. "The reality is we put ourselves in this situation we wanted to qualify, and we have done that. "There are players with yellow cards, and I don't think it would be professional for us to put those players in a risk to miss the knockout phase. "It is very important for us to protect and give every player the best possible programme to be in the best condition in the knockout game." Martinez had earlier suggested he was prepared to make wholesale changes to his side and at the very least was expected to rest defender Jan Vertonghen, winger Thomas Meunier and midfielder Kevin De Bruyne, who have all picked up a yellow card. A second yellow would mean they would be suspended for the round-of-16 game. Martinez did reveal that goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois would play against England. The rest would be decided three hours before the whistle. "I don't think changing the goalkeeper is an option," Martinez explained. "Thibaut Courtois has been at a very good level, and I think it is positive for him to carry on playing, so I can guarantee you he will start tomorrow." While Martinez preferred to keep his cards close to his chest, the Belgium coach maintained his full confidence in every player on his bench, adding that each deserved an opportunity. "I believe in every player on this squad, so it would be quite stupid for me not to believe in these players for tomorrow," Martinez declared. "They have earned the right to start in a World Cup, and I believe we are going to be as good as the contribution of the 23 players, so tomorrow is a good opportunity for us as a team." Both Belgium and England have already qualified for the last 16, with the winner to top the group. A draw would mean the order of their finish would be decided by the fair play table -- and if still level, a drawing of lots. 不負責任翻譯 主帥認為這場比賽不會以勝利為導向,而是要在16強之前保護好每位球員 而且現在有球員黃牌在身,如果拿到紅牌將會影響後續的比賽 另外也透漏賽前名單只有守門員Thibaut Courtois不會跟動 其他人將會在賽前三小時公布 主帥認為守門員目前處於極佳的狀態,所以不做更動 後面大概就是在講對自己的球員很有信心的話 大概是這樣 註: 主帥的決定蠻好的,畢竟也晉級了,有傷兵還是以休養為主 我是很期待看這場啦,因為比利時很多人踢英超,英格蘭又全都是本土聯賽的球員 想說可以看到很精彩的攻防戰 恩...有可能開和 大家握握手 一起晉級 各位認為呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WorldCup/M.1530159122.A.951.html
CyrilHuang: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 丹法戰 06/28 12:12
s7133jeremy: 勿忘法丹老人球 球迷眼神死 06/28 12:13
qwer32323: 養生球 06/28 12:13
brockqq: 今天會不會兩邊都不想贏呢XD 06/28 12:13
moy5566: 就英超明星賽打身體健康的 06/28 12:13
fasterbook: 這場蠻尷尬我覺得兩邊都很想輸 06/28 12:13
murray: 今天贏的那隊 八強有可能會遇到巴西 應該會很不想贏 06/28 12:14
mixmaster: The 藏? 06/28 12:14
fasterbook: 贏的進死亡之組 06/28 12:14
shadow0326: 不追金靴囉 06/28 12:14
paleomort: 那就烏龍球大賽如何? 06/28 12:14
mhkt: 英比戰各有盤算XDD 06/28 12:15
O10lOl01O: 卡庫不拼進球王? 06/28 12:15
joulin: 沒人想進左半邊~~~ 06/28 12:15
momomiyaha: 烏龍球大賽好像比較好看XDD 06/28 12:16
l5i9hbba: 虎撲說要快樂大戰了 06/28 12:16
murray: 改成英格蘭進攻英格蘭球門 比利時進攻比利時球門 06/28 12:16
London2006: 英超一軍中的二軍對抗英超真二軍,懂? 06/28 12:16
l5i9hbba: 兩邊互相踢自己球門 06/28 12:16
Irenicus: 沒人想贏的一場球哈哈哈哈 06/28 12:17
liboligo: 樓上XD 好像也不錯 06/28 12:17
mhkt: 英比都想拿二 不爭一 06/28 12:18
liboligo: 來個烏龍球大戰 06/28 12:18
ppp2026034: 請問一下2隊現在淨勝球一樣 踢平怎麼決定名次? 06/28 12:18
mhkt: 比紅黃牌 06/28 12:19
lovelylion2: 太麻煩啦,兩邊直接對著自家球門踢五球12碼省事算啦 06/28 12:19
eaious: 想抓放囉 XD 06/28 12:19
l5i9hbba: 好像是看黃紅牌?公平競賽原則?不確定 06/28 12:19
xhunter1374: 意圖明顯XD 06/28 12:19
mhkt: 紅黃牌之後才是抽籤 06/28 12:19
這邊補充個賽制晉級方法(維基百科查的) 1.全部分組賽獲得積分 (贏3分;和1分;輸0分) 2.全部分組賽球差 (進球-失球) 3.全部分組賽進球 (純進球數) 4.比較相關球隊之間賽事獲得的積分 (好像是比較兩隊打了另外兩隊做比較) 5.比較相關球隊之間賽事的球差 6.比較相關球隊之間賽事的進球 7.紅黃牌得分:黃牌-1,2黃1紅-3,直接紅牌-4,1黃1直接紅-5。 8.由FIFA抽籤決定 (應該是不會到這一步啦,有就太巧了)
ts1993: www我不踢囉 06/28 12:20
AkiRyou: 一起養生 06/28 12:20
elic2577: the 讓? the 藏? 06/28 12:21
iverson88: 贏不得的壓力 06/28 12:21
yoshro: 踢自己家球門會不會被紅牌? 06/28 12:22
mhkt: 因為G2跟G1後續的面對 截然不同…… 06/28 12:22
powerworld21: 兩隊練跑90分鐘 06/28 12:22
※ 編輯: et054987 (, 06/28/2018 12:27:02
Roy34: 希望比到拿第一去左邊廝殺 06/28 12:23
magicqw: 要故意輸有點難 但用板凳球員操作黃牌數量有可能 06/28 12:23
leamaSTC: 太假了啦 06/28 12:23
ronray7799: 大家都想拚小組第二XDDDDDDDDDDD 06/28 12:24
gn2903503: 兩隊牌數有人知道嗎 06/28 12:25
finzaghi: 打和諧球 06/28 12:25
magicqw: 搞不好最後要抽籤 這樣很公平XD 06/28 12:26
samsong318: 這場的門將應該要去守對面的球門 06/28 12:26
O10lOl01O: 輸還真的比較有利 賽制有趣的地方 哈哈 06/28 12:26
amida959: 這麼不想贏.... 06/28 12:27
ponypuffy: 可能跟丹法一樣ZZZZ 06/28 12:27
ppnow: 第三輪歐洲球隊不想踢就回家睡覺啦 06/28 12:27
d06: 好拉 既然都不想贏 開場直接換邊防守 06/28 12:28
childgod929: 有沒有眼神死的截圖阿? 06/28 12:28
lask2g: 淨勝球比完比進球數 現在兩隊都一樣 就比相互對戰 06/28 12:29
lask2g: 對戰當然也是平手 就比紅黃牌了 06/28 12:30
magicqw: 英2黃 比1黃 比只要找個板凳(不小心)領黃 就能抽籤了 06/28 12:30
unexpect: 都不想贏 左邊巴西法國 06/28 12:30
crossworld: 這樣我賭盤是要怎麼下 06/28 12:31
pk0943: 英格蘭要想辦法再拿一張黃牌,這樣黃紅牌數相同就抽籤。 06/28 12:31
fashionvino: 因為德國出局,所以大家是在搶小組第二,好進前四強 06/28 12:31
magicqw: 抱歉打錯 是英2比3 06/28 12:32
momomiyaha: 紅黃牌之戰 06/28 12:33
pk0943: https://i.imgur.com/FeT2ydk.jpg 06/28 12:34
seemoon2000: 今天有機會挑戰本屆最擺爛比賽 06/28 12:35
mhkt: 我不知道英比的盤算如何 所以要看看XDD 06/28 12:35
kybay: 養生足球正夯 06/28 12:36
hankQuQ: For fun 06/28 12:36
s9321312: 今天Delph、阿諾德、黑貝該先發了 各有兩張的扣打XD 06/28 12:36
iwinlottery: 不想贏就不要贏 06/28 12:36
pk0943: 英找一個故意禁區手球紅牌讓對方踢點球。 06/28 12:37
lask2g: 如果抽籤的話會直播嗎? 06/28 12:37
hazel0093: 黑貝 臨嘎 屁孩 大英三叉戟上場,建議比利時不帶守門員 06/28 12:37
pk0943: 紅牌罰下場,除了穩第二,也可省體力。 06/28 12:37
ohya111326: 又要0:0了嗎 06/28 12:38
et054987: 0:0有機會XDDDDD 06/28 12:38
pk0943: 當然比利時也可這樣玩 06/28 12:38
aowen: 不要想著輸 要想著不能贏 06/28 12:38
magicqw: 故意領紅黃牌 自家媒體不會放過吧 06/28 12:39
magicqw: 反到是用抽籤 都能接受 06/28 12:39
mhkt: 搞不好OG哩 06/28 12:39
surahinagiku: 踢12碼可以故意踢不進啊 06/28 12:39
pk0943: 故意手球不會讓對方受傷還好。 06/28 12:40
mhkt: 烏龍球 拿牌 招式樣樣來 G組好歡樂 XD 06/28 12:40
vince4687: 俗辣 06/28 12:40
O10lOl01O: 這場可以看到演戲的最高境界! 06/28 12:42
s9321312: G組第二真的太有吸引力了 小日本如果繼續強運 說不定會 06/28 12:44
seemoon2000: 開場就開始打排球 06/28 12:44
s9321312: H組第一 雖然強運小日本有點難打 不過哥倫比亞或塞內加 06/28 12:45
s9321312: 爾整體實力還是比較強 06/28 12:45
chris590: 好屌 只留門將 其他全換 06/28 12:48
powerworld21: [新聞]怎麼不跟法國對攻? 丹麥主帥:你當我是傻瓜嗎 06/28 12:50
mingxian: 什麼!40:40! 06/28 12:50
a58461351: 兩邊都不想得分的話,會是一場想辦法拿牌大戰嗎? 06/28 12:52
Mulsanne: 都是英超 別分那麼細 06/28 12:53
kotetsu: 各種不舒服欸 06/28 12:55
Rex1009: 什麼 都是OG 06/28 12:57
MASAMIFANS: 倫休就大方一點,克羅埃西亞都明說了 06/28 12:57
Rex1009: 等下0:0只好出大招 拿黃牌輸球 06/28 12:58
slugger: 幹這場很有可能快樂足球 還是要看十點那場結果 06/28 12:59
hahaha0204: 搞輪換啦,盧卡庫大將就休息阿 06/28 13:00
AISpurs56: 笑死XDDDD 06/28 13:04
RockBottom: 想看抽籤 06/28 13:04
isaa: 英格蘭快樂足球,要貼貝克漢被隊友踢中那張梗圖了 06/28 13:05
AISpurs56: 烏拉圭:所以只有我是87嗎...... 俄羅斯:計畫通 06/28 13:08
raistL: 這應該不是快樂而已了是禮讓足球XDD 06/28 13:10
aids893001: 都晉級了踢個鳥蛋 先休息才是對的 幹嘛冒著受傷的風險 06/28 13:23
skygray2: 兩隊都想拿第2,我看這場可以PASS了 06/28 13:24
az41023: 牙醫也是滿歡樂 06/28 13:31
Acer: 如果H組第一不是哥倫比亞 真的有可能兩邊都不想贏 06/28 13:35
ThreeNG: OG有很大機會累積進球數 XDDD 06/28 13:36
PigBlood: 希望不要影響到後面的淘汰賽 06/28 13:39
Strasburg: 烏拉圭是22點A組 他無法預知02點B組西班牙葡萄牙伊朗 06/28 13:40
Strasburg: 的順位 當然就是不受傷好好踢 06/28 13:41
mathrew: 放屁 根本擺爛 06/28 13:45
Doralice: 買到這場票的球迷表示:............ 06/28 13:49
ilanjoy: The 讓 06/28 13:52
mathrew: 這場就 買票之前:乾 超級大戲,買票之後:......... 06/28 13:54
Crazyfire: 兩隊要拼烏龍球的演技誰較逼真了 06/28 14:25
louic: 朱望,我才剛買他 進球王耶 06/28 14:37
tom8756: 兩邊都想輸啊,輸的基本上就4強穩了 06/28 14:46
nakinight: 不小心進球會不會球員跟教練臉都超臭? 06/28 15:06
zg6782a: 想看牛奶王 06/28 15:10
cress0128: 這場養身 先發輪休 06/28 15:55
winorlose: The 藏 06/28 17:19