看板 Wrestle 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最新的Wrestlig Observer Radio裡面 Dave Meltzer提到 他認為Ronda vs. Becky vs. Charlotte會是壓軸賽的計劃 雖不是敲定的方案 但是機率算是很大的 這是個非常可能執行的方向 可以從他們改安排為Ronda vs. Sasha at Royal Rumble 2019 看出一些他們有想往這塊走的端倪 另外一個可能壓軸的比賽則是Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins "I think that three way women's match if that is going to be the main event, is solid. But it's not a done deal." "It is the working idea, that is why the Royal Rumble match was changed to Banks vs Rousey. Vince can change his mind, it's not etched in stone." "It will be decided three days out what match goes on last, Vince will read the room and decide the main event. I think they would be making a big mistake if they don't make it the main event." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wrestle/M.1547134798.A.FF5.html
Merucho: 壓軸排大布不好吧 01/10 23:44
※ 編輯: ksc042495 (, 01/10/2019 23:46:36
guardian128: 支持Becky打壓軸賽!!! 01/11 03:32
a2413530: 如果大布認真打 跟我大SR我是挺期待的 01/11 05:03
CenaWang: 大布:在WWE認真打?這笑話不錯wwwwwwwww 01/11 19:54
noei: 大布還在WWE的原因就是因為可以用打工的態度換取正職的薪水 01/11 20:34
noei: 才會留下來的吧,你叫他認真打?他馬上翻臉 01/11 20:34
superRKO: 可是他SS那場中後段很敬業ㄝ 不知道RR打黑羊會怎樣 01/11 21:38