看板 Wrestle 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《adam7148 (Adam)》之銘言: : The hottest topic in the world of professional wrestling currently revolves : around the future of Kenny Omega. We exclusively reported prior to Wrestle : Kingdom 13 that a well place source had confirmed to us that Omega was indeed : finished with New Japan, which Omega himself confirmed in an interview with : Tokyo Sport yesterday. : Since the news of his departure from NJPW, and the reports of a huge : multi-million dollar offer from WWE, there has been a lot of speculation and : discussion as to whether Kenny Omega will sign with WWE or opt to sign with : his friends in The Elite and go with AEW. I spoke to my source close to : situation earlier today, and it was told to me that Omega will not be going : to WWE, and will indeed sign with All Elite Wrestling. : When asked about Omega potentially signing with either WWE or AEW, my source : told me: : “Well Kenny is going AEW.. Yea. He literally just told me.” : Omega’s potential signing with AEW was also teased at the end of the latest : episode of Being The Elite, where Omega’s cell phone was seen outside the : Tokyo Dome with a countdown timer ticking down, similar to what we saw from : the other members of The Elite on New Year’s Eve prior to their announcement : of All Elite Wrestling. : Despite reports that WWE is doing everything that they can to potentially : sign Omega, it looks like he has decided to turn down their reported very : lucrative offer after all. : We will keep you updated as we here more information regarding Kenny Omega : and All Elite Wrestling. : https://goo.gl/mErmwU : Bodyslam.net獨家爆料Kenny拒絕WWE的合約並會去AEW : 當然Kenny的合約到期後的第二天2月1號才會宣布要去哪 : 這個消息可以當作乳摸來看 下面只是個人的一點看法: 目前似乎不少人認為Kenny會加入AEW了,包括原文的消息源,但這種事情始終是Never sa y never.(畢竟WWE這次開了超大手筆的七位數合約,對於幾乎從未在自家登場過的新選 手而言,已是相當罕見。) 蠻多人認為Kenny如果選擇WWE,會直接上主秀, 雖然說我也很愛Kenny,也希望他能有盡可能好的發展,但關於他能不能直登主秀這點, 我蠻遲疑的; 大家都拿AJ Styles做例子, 但AJ之所以初登場就上RR我認為是 天時(合約剛好在WK後結束,還剛跟中邑打了場4.75星的厲害比賽) 地利(TNA老本營也在奧蘭多,當年RR的舉辦地,所以不擔心現場粉絲不買帳) 人和(正好是他跟Bullet Club捧到最頂點的時期,早年在TNA的經歷也象徵他至少有基本 能力在電視上Cut Promo) 而且他是近年的第一人有這種經歷的,連帶Good Brothers倒像是沾了他的光(轉反?) 可以直接上主秀。 我也很期待Kenny如果簽WWE可以直接上重要賽事,那當然是最好的;站在公司的立場來說 ,如果我花了那麼多錢投資一名選手,希望他能儘快回收成本也是合情合理,但他能不能 直接登台主秀我還是挺好奇。 (當然最理想的情況就是他進AEW了,想看Kenny Omega vs Pac 哈哈哈哈哈) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wrestle/M.1547206221.A.947.html
superRKO: 老實說我比較想看AEW跟NJPW談合作 結果KENNY跑去WWE 01/11 19:57
laybear: 真那樣我會馬上退訂WWE... 01/11 20:17
cpuii: Kenny是不太需要再去NXT磨練,直接上主秀也OK。 01/11 21:06
superRKO: KENNY那種跑去NXT應該會被罵死 01/11 21:30
tiesto06202: 也不一定,有些大咖也都是先到NXT 01/11 22:21
tiesto06202: NXT不一定是磨技巧,而是磨風格,WWE要把這些外來者 01/11 22:22
tiesto06202: 轉換成適合自家文化的選手(明星) 01/11 22:23
grizz233: Kenny去NXT會被罵? 我倒不覺得 01/11 22:48
grizz233: 搞不好去NXT反而比較好 去NXT會有很多好比賽 直接上主秀 01/11 22:48
grizz233: 可能會被惡搞 01/11 22:48
labelabe: 去nxt好像會比較精彩 可是感覺會少了初登場的震撼 01/11 23:16
sober168: 我也支持Kenny先去NXT報到比較好,比賽品質好,直接上主 01/11 23:21
sober168: 秀,怕被編劇亂搞阿 01/11 23:21
jsefk0819: 這都純粹要看WWE怎麼排吧 中邑也能直接主秀還不是... 01/12 11:04
superRKO: Wrestling Observer Newsletter 說KENNY拒絕了WWE的合約 01/12 14:54
grizz233: 拒絕WWE的話,那Kenny應該會去AEW了 01/12 15:34
snow5566: SZ和KO:... 01/12 18:19
zxzxcv86520: 現在都說不準 不過我還是希望去WWE 有太多dream mat 01/12 20:50
zxzxcv86520: ch 到NXT有adam cole 到SD有AJ 到RAW有SR 01/12 20:50
pttbechia: AEW機率高達90% 01/14 00:00
Catcher9: 私心想看Kenny上RR 但是就僅此就好不要被WWE玩 01/26 17:38