看板 X-Japan 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yoshiki Says X Japan LP Due By Fall With Marilyn Manson Track https://bit.ly/2rutydH After wowing Coachella, X Japan's next album is due in just months and will include a Manson collaboration track 新專輯竟然就有和瑪麗蓮‧曼森合作的曲子 Flush with new fans from X Japan wowing Coachella festivalgoers and performing "Sweet Dreams" at the fest with Marilyn Manson during the second weekend, Yoshiki has promised his band's next album by "late summer or early fall." 新專輯竟然晚夏或是早秋會出?! The band's previous studio album was Dahlia in 1996. The current album has been in the works for 10 years already. While the band previously announced a new album would be coming in 2016, X Japan guitarist Pata had a serious medical issue that led to the project being shelved. "I know it's a long time," said Yoshiki, "but when you listen to the sound you'll understand why it took that long." 老闆自己也知道拖很久啦、但你聽了就知道 "Recording's done pretty much, we just have to mix it," Yoshiki told Consequence Of Sound. "It's pretty edgy. It's eclectic. Even though people want to say X Japan is heavy-metal or hard rock, the album is very eclectic and a wide range is covered." 完成度99.9%就卡在那個MIX!? 新專輯是不侷限風格的 Yoshiki also revealed that "99 percent of the songs are in English and it's our first record targeting a worldwide audience." In addition, fans can look forward to a Manson collaboration on the new record, which seems to be a perfect fit given their amazing performance at Coachella. 99%的英文...是會有1%其他文嗎XD 而且是第一次以全球歌迷為對象 和瑪麗蓮‧曼森的合作掛保證的、你們就期待吧 "This is the evolved version of X Japan," Yoshiki said. "Regardless of what happened in our past, it's a new album." 這是X的進化,不管過去發生了什麼新專輯來啦 新專輯承諾再度降臨!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/X-Japan/M.1525966978.A.839.html
gogoto990: 99%啦 XD 05/11 00:39
Qua3small: XD &謝謝很妙的重點翻譯XD 05/11 01:22
Alixwaltz: 錢給你快點出! 05/11 06:51
dahlia7357: 想看yoshiki打the beautiful people 05/11 06:55
yahooyamgoog: 再等5年 05/11 11:54
lulu0408: 哈哈,年底前出我就很驚喜了XD 05/11 13:14
gary886: 題外話,we are x的中文藍光呢...等很久 05/11 14:49
vm4m06: 翻面說之前找的通路商不作了,所以他們會另外找廠商發行, 05/11 15:44
vm4m06: 或是他們自己壓片發售 05/11 15:44
bloodpiece: 板橋場的藍光呢 05/11 15:54
wylscott: X的99%跟P2P軟體一樣 會停住不動 05/12 00:47
fox0731: 沒必要找人抬轎吧,再說一般人哪知到瑪利是誰,歌的曲風 05/12 03:24
fox0731: 就更四不像 05/12 03:24
cpujerry: 我大曼森早就不行了...哎 05/12 04:26
hide0325: 99% 然後接下來每年的進度是0.1% 05/12 13:44
batis: 我不信 05/12 16:37
jjjlily41906: 沒有期待沒有傷害 05/12 20:57
vm4m06: 身為X fan和hunter fan,我習慣等待(茶) 05/12 20:59
hd0485: 瑪麗蓮曼森對我沒什麼意義,我又不迷他,永恆的99% 05/13 00:24
dahlia7357: 我希望永遠在99% 這樣yoshiki就沒有退的一天 05/13 09:48
fddk: 覺得他傷受成這樣都沒退了怎麼會因為專輯做完退XD 05/13 14:02
Qua3small: 專輯多一點 說不定能往完全作曲家發展 05/13 17:17
Qua3small: 樂團人比起藝人 應該更接近音樂人,覺得yo的個性應該 05/13 18:14
Qua3small: 很難以音樂藝術家以外的身份活下去←某方面他超浪漫的 05/13 18:16
hisashiaska: YO的承諾我都沒記在心上 反正出就買 沒出就算了 05/13 21:11
fddk: 佛系歌迷無誤 05/13 21:14
barkleyc: 我想是2025的fall吧 05/15 02:30
Ning01: 佛系歌迷無誤 緣分到了專輯自然會出 05/16 02:12
planethell: 已經變肥森了QQ 雖然我覺得很不搭嘖嘖 05/21 23:56
fddk: YOSHIKI放話最終段階!! 05/24 14:59
killer2k: 絕對不相信秋天會上=_= 06/04 01:17
kria5304: 阿每次都這麼說還不是拖了好幾年zzz 06/15 08:37