看板 XBOX 關於我們 聯絡資訊
《Energy Cycle》賣場連結:https://goo.gl/Yr5toQ 2016/12/7剛上架不久的成就片,售價僅NT$95元/USD$2.99 只要將光球轉變成相同顏色就能解鎖新關卡,一共有28關 依照影片攻略,1就是按一下 2就是按兩下,沒有先後順序 大約25分鐘內就能拿完1000G成就,成就控別錯過囉! https://youtu.be/HOdIVC3vNzc
(好友回報,如果用登入分身的方式遊玩,有可能主帳號解不到成就 最好是自己買或分身綁定主機後,用單一帳號玩比較保險) 《成就說明》(根本不需要...) 01.Level 3 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成3關 02.Level 6 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成6關 03.Level 9 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成9關 04.Level 12 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成12關 05.Level 15 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成15關 06.Level 18 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成18關 07.Level 21 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成21關 08.Level 24 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成24關 09.Level 27 Completed (100G) Part of the cycle to be completed 完成27關 10.Game Completed (100G) Energy Cycle to be completed 完成全部關卡 ───────────────────────── 2015成就片排行前20名 http://imgur.com/MrmPFOO.jpg
2016成就片排行前20名 http://imgur.com/A31ntxI.jpg
-- Achievement http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Taiwan+TETUO.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/XBOX/M.1482559023.A.81B.html ※ 編輯: TETUO (, 12/24/2016 14:15:21
iceranger: 推成就爽片排行 12/24 16:25
cougarzee: 推,先買再說 12/24 17:28
ichhuang: 幫分身解成就的苦主路過~~ 12/24 18:18
TETUO: 還好有樓上的親身試驗 12/24 18:44