看板 Yanzi 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.facebook.com/416040595195047/posts/1321801331285631/ Dear 大家, 久等了! Nadim and I 在25/7/2018迎接我們在最忙碌的時候發現她的存在的新女成員,她出生2.79 公斤。 女兒狀態: 東張西望 父母狀態: 欣喜萬分 媽媽狀態: 餓 報告總結:母女平安 我們想借此機會謝謝Thomson Medical Centre護士,醫生與工作人員無微的照顧。特別感謝D r Joycelyn Wong,楊琳琦醫生與Dr Yvonne Lim。 Dear All, Nadim and I welcome our newest and youngest female family member (yes, the one w hose existence was discovered at our busiest!) on the 25th of July 2018. She cam e out weighing 2.79kg. - Baby girl’s current status: checking out a whole new world - Parents’ current status: checking out a whole new girl - Mama’s current status: hungry - Overall summary: mother and baby are fine and in good health We’d also like to say a big thank you to all the doctors, nurses and staff at T homson Medical Centre for taking such great care of us. And special thanks and h eartfelt appreciation to Dr Joycelyn Wong, Dr Yang Linqi and Dr Yvonne Lim. https://i.imgur.com/PL7epLf.jpg
原來生日那天就已經快要生了, 完全看不出來, 女兒跟媽媽的生日只差兩天 恭喜燕姿! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Yanzi/M.1532916850.A.5D4.html ※ 編輯: MPSS (, 07/30/2018 10:15:40
ch25: 恭喜 07/30 10:16
cabessa: 有兒有女了~ 恭喜燕姿!!! 時間過好快....QQ 07/30 10:18
cuzo: 恭喜恭喜! 07/30 10:34
starW: 恭喜~~~~ 07/30 10:44
tuomi: 太棒了!是納美人~ 07/30 11:11
yzkeroro: 恭喜<3 07/30 11:28
kowei526: 全家福很有意思~孩子把自己畫得跟爸爸一樣大XD 07/30 11:42
piccfluteolo: 也太美的產婦~~~~恭喜燕姿 07/30 12:05
cutetad: 太美麗 : ) 07/30 12:36
savin0725: 哇!跟我同一天生日耶!恭喜恭喜 07/30 12:57
akiehls: 恭喜~ 07/30 13:13
canandmap: 恭喜老大! 07/30 13:16
YZVINO50: 恭喜恭喜 07/30 13:46
asd15935786: 恭喜燕姿~ 07/30 14:59
shuttlecocks: 一女一子湊成“好”,太棒了! 07/30 18:29
balloonfishs: 恭喜啊~ 07/30 19:01
oppfeng: 恭喜燕姿 07/30 19:20
dinosqoo: 5樓納美人我笑了XD 恭喜燕姿老大,辛苦了 07/30 22:58
amei30321: 恭喜 07/30 23:03
gipo776: 恭喜~ 07/31 10:07
opsky17: 恭喜納小子有妹妹了~ 08/01 18:51
nayaciou: 恭喜燕姿!! 08/05 12:06
qzectbkp: 孫小姿!!!!哀呀~~時間真的過好快~~ 08/06 00:51
chi1016: 恭喜燕姿! 09/06 20:36