看板 Zombie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
This documentary follows a father and son as they visit the real-life locations of the show they love -- The Walking Dead. Plus, diehard fans of TWD express the deep connections they feel for the characters and the difficulty in saying "goodbye" 這部紀錄片講述了一對父子參觀他們喜愛的電視劇《陰屍路》的拍攝地。 此外,陰屍路的鐵粉們也表達了他們對角色的深厚聯繫 還有對陰屍路說“再見”是多麼困難的事情 影片最後有達達,頭媽,瑪姬,以西結,公主,默瑟,尼根的自白 = 達達: it's been a real honor playing this part for 11 seasons,getting a lot of you thanks and for being with us on this crazy ride 很榮幸能在這11季裡扮演達達這個角色,感謝各位跟我們一起度過了這個瘋狂的旅程 頭媽: thank you for watching, thank you for talking about it thank you for making videos, I have to remember this really isn't true it's not a goodbye,it is a heartfelt thank you because without the fellings it's never would have happend it it never would have happend it. 感謝各位觀看陰屍路,感謝各位談論陰屍路,感謝各位製作相關的影片 我需要記住這不是真的,這不是道別,這是真心的感謝各位 因為沒有這些感覺它將永遠不會發生 如果沒有這些感覺它將永遠不會發生 瑪姬: I'm just so greatful that we've gotten the chance to make it, and that it's meant as much to you,I guess it has if you're watching this video, then I hope that it has, and we couldn't have done this without eachother, and I feel really lucky and really greatful and I love you guys and here's to a great final final few of the walking dead 我只是很感激我們有這個機會參與陰屍路 這對各位來說意義重大,我認為它是(意義重大的)如果你正在看這部影片的話 我希望它可以是(意義重大的),如果我們沒有彼此我們就沒辦法做到這些 而我感覺非常幸運也非常感激,我愛你們大家 而這是最後最後精彩的一些有關於陰屍路的內容 以西結: Thanks everybody for sticking with us all these years, it's been an amazhing ride, we're gonna finish it up with a big. 謝謝大家這些年來的陪伴,這是一個很棒的旅程 我們需要用一種盛大(big)的方式來完成它. 公主: I wanted to thank you the fans for all your continued love and support for our show, it is precisely because of you that we're able to do this show, and it is precisely because of you that we work so hard to make a great show, so thank you, gracias. 我想感謝各位粉絲們一直以來對我們的愛與支持,正是因為有你們我們才能做這個節目 也正是因為有你們所以我們才如此努力的做出這個精彩的節目 所以,謝謝你們,gracias(西班牙語的謝謝) 默瑟: I just want to take a moment and thank you all, for your love and support throughout this final season, and thank you for welcoming me into the TWD family 我只是想花點時間來感謝各位,感謝你們在最後一季的愛與支持 也感謝你們歡迎我加入陰屍路這個大家庭 尼根: Thank you,thank you for every second of those 11 years,thank you for passion, the reason we do this and I'm sure I won't be the first one to say it, because of you, that's why we do it,and I've never been a part of anything quite like The Walking Dead campus and I never will, and it's been an honor to take that ride with y'all, but we'll see you on the next one, thank you. 謝謝各位,謝謝你們這十一年來每一秒的熱情 我們做這個的原因我想我很確定我不會是第一個這樣說的人(呼應前面粉絲十一年的支持) 因為這就是我們這樣做的原因 而且我從來沒有參加過像陰屍路這樣的campus,而我也從來不會(不知道怎麼翻這個字QQ) 能跟你們各位一起完成這趟旅程是我的榮幸 但我們會跟你們在下一個節目見面(尼根有衍生劇) 謝謝你們 = 以上翻譯+渣翻,有錯請指正 來源:https://tinyurl.com/2gjgjyqd -- https://youtu.be/21irID9o2G4
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Zombie/M.1664144481.A.840.html ※ 編輯: jokerming847 ( 臺灣), 09/26/2022 06:22:06