看板 aespa 關於我們 聯絡資訊
220420(in LA) Twitter Spaces 中字 aespa on the way to Coachella https://i.imgur.com/pwjPLBf.jpg
音檔 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqxopavyZNKv 中字 https://bit.ly/3k3u64Y (aespa曠野通訊塔) https://bit.ly/3Op2YLT https://bit.ly/3uZAYa4 https://bit.ly/398gBz1 -- 相關Twitter更新整理 @aespa_official https://bit.ly/3EyYQV6 https://bit.ly/3K3Dgt5 https://i.imgur.com/Mmju667.jpg
HEAD IN THE CLOUDS FOREVER. Coachella Main Stage. Saturday 4/23 evening. Tune into global livestream: http://youtube.com/Coachella @88rising @aespa_official @SMTOWNGLOBAL #HITCForever #aespa #aespaCoachella https://bit.ly/3jZJWOk @coachella https://bit.ly/3jYu8LD https://i.imgur.com/BB3BFzt.jpg
.@aespa_official will make their Coachella debut this Saturday 4/23, joining another momentous lineup for @88rising's Head In The Clouds Forever. For their livestream performance and schedule updates, head to http://youtube.com/coachella @billboard https://bit.ly/3k16OwG Exclusive: @aespa_official share details on their #Coachella debut and "new music that will wow the world" @NME https://bit.ly/3vy5ozl -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/aespa/M.1650528136.A.68F.html
shakuhachi: 因時差超想睡的四人亂聊超有趣的XD特別是不受控制的 04/21 22:14
shakuhachi: 兩個妹妹XD 04/21 22:14
TT0916: 雖然只有15分鐘 而且沒畫面 但真的好有趣 希望以後可以有 04/22 00:10
TT0916: 更多這種讓她們自己聊的直播 04/22 00:10
tyxyht: 妹妹們真的累翻 剛下飛機又彩排又直播的 直接胡言亂語亂叫 04/22 00:17
tyxyht: XD 04/22 00:17
※ 編輯: tyxyht ( 臺灣), 04/23/2022 17:23:28