看板 ask-why 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《souldragon (依法不依人)》之銘言: : → ghjkl5566: 看吧 又在從頭空口白話到尾 我沒說你不能提出質疑 科學 06/16 11:49 : → ghjkl5566: 本來就容許質疑的 但!要質疑請提出相關佐證、文獻 06/16 11:49 : → ghjkl5566: 且人家回答了你 又反問你時 請提出相關事證 而不是像你 06/16 11:50 Westermarck (1921) hypothesized that proximity to others during development serves as a cue to biological relatedness and hence is critical for sibling sexual aversion (the “Westermarck effect”). The most commonly cited example of the Westermarck effect in humans comes from data acquired from Israeli kibbutzim, in which participants were found to be unlikely to marry, or to feel sexual desire for, individuals from the communal peer group in which they were raised (Shepher 1971, 1983). These findings, however, have recently been questioned by Shor and Simchai (2009) who report in-depth interviews with adults who grew up in the kibbutzim communal education system revealing virtually no sexual aversion toward peers (reviewed in Rantala and Marcinkowska 2011). 如果你是覺得我說話都像在放屁 那就算了 佐證? 當我沒說過,反正我都在放屁嘛 : → ghjkl5566: 這種從頭空口問問問 問就算了 人家答你後的反詰 你只會 06/16 11:50 : → ghjkl5566: 用更多問題去塞 這種不叫討論 根本 浪~費~時~間 06/16 11:51 : → ghjkl5566: 至於什麼你看不出來 八拉巴拉的 那是你的問題 怪我囉? 06/16 11:51 : → xiaoa: "要質疑請提出相關佐證"那就不叫質疑了,那叫反駁。質疑本 06/16 14:14 : → xiaoa: 身就只是提出邏輯推論上可能有矛盾的地方,所以才會質"疑" 06/16 14:15 -- Nothing is true, everything is permitted -- the Assassin's Creed -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ask-why/M.1497594244.A.252.html
a001ou: 就醬?這種吵架文不會私信膩 06/16 16:08
xiaoa: 因為節錄的部分太長,不然我也不想發文 06/17 01:25
Ebergies: 討論的時候若可心平氣和較能達到要的效果喔。共勉之 06/17 11:06
ghjkl5566: 對麻~這樣把佐證文獻拿出來不是很好嗎? 為何一定要 06/18 05:53
ghjkl5566: 別人說了你才肯做? 但還是謝謝你提供文獻 研究後若有 06/18 05:53
ghjkl5566: 心得定當上來分享 06/18 05:54
xiaoa: 這不是我提供的文獻,是別人貼了,你沒有看,謝謝。 06/18 14:38
KanoLoa: 56是不是習慣性覺得別人抱有惡意啊?討論好好的都會忽然 08/24 08:53
KanoLoa: 暴走 08/24 08:53